gdjs.TextRuntimeObjectPixiRenderer = function(runtimeObject, runtimeScene) { this._object = runtimeObject; this._fontManager = runtimeScene.getGame().getFontManager(); if ( this._text === undefined ) this._text = new PIXI.Text(" ", {align:"left"}); this._text.anchor.x = 0.5; this._text.anchor.y = 0.5; runtimeScene.getLayer("").getRenderer().addRendererObject(this._text, runtimeObject.getZOrder()); this._text.text = runtimeObject._str.length === 0 ? " " : runtimeObject._str; this._justCreated = true; //Work around a PIXI.js bug. See updateTime method. this.updateStyle(); this.updatePosition(); }; gdjs.TextRuntimeObjectRenderer = gdjs.TextRuntimeObjectPixiRenderer; //Register the class to let the engine use it. gdjs.TextRuntimeObjectPixiRenderer.prototype.getRendererObject = function() { return this._text; }; gdjs.TextRuntimeObjectPixiRenderer.prototype.ensureUpToDate = function() { if (this._justCreated) { //Work around a PIXI.js bug: this._text.updateText(); this.updatePosition(); //Width seems not to be correct when text is not rendered yet. this._justCreated = false; } }; gdjs.TextRuntimeObjectPixiRenderer.prototype.updateStyle = function() { var fontName = "\"" + this._fontManager.getFontFamily(this._object._fontName) + "\""; var style =; style.fontStyle = this._object._italic ? 'italic' : 'normal'; style.fontWeight = this._object._bold ? 'bold' : 'normal'; style.fontSize = this._object._characterSize; style.fontFamily = fontName; if (this._object._useGradient){ style.fill = this._getGradientHex(); } else { style.fill = this._getColorHex(); } if (this._object._gradientType === 'LINEAR_VERTICAL'){ style.fillGradientType = PIXI.TEXT_GRADIENT.LINEAR_VERTICAL; } else { style.fillGradientType = PIXI.TEXT_GRADIENT.LINEAR_HORIZONTAL; } style.align = this._object._textAlign; style.wordWrap = this._object._wrapping; style.wordWrapWidth = this._object._wrappingWidth; style.breakWords = true; style.stroke = gdjs.rgbToHexNumber( this._object._outlineColor[0], this._object._outlineColor[1], this._object._outlineColor[2] ); style.strokeThickness = this._object._outlineThickness; style.dropShadow = this._object._shadow; style.dropShadowColor = gdjs.rgbToHexNumber( this._object._shadowColor[0], this._object._shadowColor[1], this._object._shadowColor[2] ); style.dropShadowBlur = this._object._shadowBlur; style.dropShadowAngle = this._object._shadowAngle; style.dropShadowDistance = this._object._shadowDistance; style.padding = this._object._padding; // Prevent spikey outlines by adding a miter limit style.miterLimit = 3; this.updatePosition(); // Manually ask the PIXI object to re-render as we changed a style property // see this._text.dirty = true; }; gdjs.TextRuntimeObjectPixiRenderer.prototype.updatePosition = function() { this._text.position.x = this._object.x+this._text.width/2; this._text.position.y = this._object.y+this._text.height/2; }; gdjs.TextRuntimeObjectPixiRenderer.prototype.updateAngle = function() { this._text.rotation = gdjs.toRad(this._object.angle); }; gdjs.TextRuntimeObjectPixiRenderer.prototype.updateOpacity = function() { this._text.alpha = this._object.opacity / 255; }; gdjs.TextRuntimeObjectPixiRenderer.prototype.updateString = function() { this._text.text = this._object._str.length === 0 ? " " : this._object._str; this._text.updateText(); //Work around a PIXI.js bug. }; gdjs.TextRuntimeObjectPixiRenderer.prototype.getWidth = function() { return this._text.width; }; gdjs.TextRuntimeObjectPixiRenderer.prototype.getHeight = function() { return this._text.height; }; gdjs.TextRuntimeObjectPixiRenderer.prototype._getColorHex = function() { return gdjs.rgbToHexNumber( this._object._color[0], this._object._color[1], this._object._color[2] ); } gdjs.TextRuntimeObjectPixiRenderer.prototype._getGradientHex = function() { var gradient = []; for (var colorIndex = 0; colorIndex < this._object._gradient.length; colorIndex++){ gradient.push( '#' + gdjs.rgbToHex( this._object._gradient[colorIndex][0], this._object._gradient[colorIndex][1], this._object._gradient[colorIndex][2] ) ); } return gradient; } /** * Get y-scale of the text. */ gdjs.TextRuntimeObjectPixiRenderer.prototype.getScaleX = function() { return this._text.scale.x; }; /** * Get x-scale of the text. */ gdjs.TextRuntimeObjectPixiRenderer.prototype.getScaleY = function() { return this._text.scale.y; }; /** * Set the text object scale. * @param {number} newScale The new scale for the text object. */ gdjs.TextRuntimeObjectPixiRenderer.prototype.setScale = function(newScale) { this._text.scale.x = newScale; this._text.scale.y = newScale; }; /** * Set the text object x-scale. * @param {number} newScale The new x-scale for the text object. */ gdjs.TextRuntimeObjectPixiRenderer.prototype.setScaleX = function(newScale) { this._text.scale.x = newScale; }; /** * Set the text object y-scale. * @param {number} newScale The new y-scale for the text object. */ gdjs.TextRuntimeObjectPixiRenderer.prototype.setScaleY = function(newScale) { this._text.scale.y = newScale; };