gdjs.LoadingScreenPixiRenderer = function(runtimeGamePixiRenderer, loadingScreenSetup) { this._pixiRenderer = runtimeGamePixiRenderer.getPIXIRenderer(); if (!this._pixiRenderer) { // A PIXI Renderer can be missing during tests, when creating a runtime game // without a canvas. return; } this._loadingScreen = new PIXI.Container(); this._progressText = new PIXI.Text(' ', { fontSize: '30px', fontFamily: 'Arial', fill: '#FFFFFF', align: 'center', }); this._loadingScreen.addChild(this._progressText); if (loadingScreenSetup && loadingScreenSetup.showGDevelopSplash) { this._madeWithText = new PIXI.Text('Made with', { fontSize: '30px', fontFamily: 'Arial', fill: '#FFFFFF', align: 'center', }); this._madeWithText.position.y = this._pixiRenderer.height / 2 - 130; this._websiteText = new PIXI.Text('', { fontSize: '30px', fontFamily: 'Arial', fill: '#FFFFFF', align: 'center', }); this._websiteText.position.y = this._pixiRenderer.height / 2 + 100; this._splashImage = new PIXI.Sprite.fromImage(gdjs.splashImage); this._splashImage.position.x = this._pixiRenderer.width / 2; this._splashImage.position.y = this._pixiRenderer.height / 2; this._splashImage.anchor.x = 0.5; this._splashImage.anchor.y = 0.5; this._splashImage.scale.x = this._pixiRenderer.width / 800; this._splashImage.scale.y = this._pixiRenderer.width / 800; this._loadingScreen.addChild(this._splashImage); this._loadingScreen.addChild(this._madeWithText); this._loadingScreen.addChild(this._websiteText); } }; gdjs.LoadingScreenRenderer = gdjs.LoadingScreenPixiRenderer; //Register the class to let the engine use it. gdjs.LoadingScreenPixiRenderer.prototype.render = function(percent) { if (!this._pixiRenderer) { return; } var screenBorder = 10; if (this._madeWithText) { this._madeWithText.position.x = this._pixiRenderer.width / 2 - this._madeWithText.width / 2; this._madeWithText.position.y = this._pixiRenderer.height / 2 - this._splashImage.height / 2 - this._madeWithText.height - 20; } if (this._websiteText) { this._websiteText.position.x = this._pixiRenderer.width - this._websiteText.width - screenBorder; this._websiteText.position.y = this._pixiRenderer.height - this._websiteText.height - screenBorder; } this._progressText.text = percent + '%'; this._progressText.position.x = screenBorder; this._progressText.position.y = this._pixiRenderer.height - this._progressText.height - screenBorder; this._pixiRenderer.render(this._loadingScreen); }; gdjs.LoadingScreenPixiRenderer.prototype.unload = function() { // Nothing to do };