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// @ts-check
* GDevelop JS Platform
* Copyright 2013-2016 Florian Rival ( All rights reserved.
* This project is released under the MIT License.
* @typedef {Object} ObjectData Object containing initial properties for all objects extending {@link gdjs.RuntimeObject}.
* @property {string} name The name of the object. During the game, objects can be queried by their name (see {@link gdjs.RuntimeScene.prototype.getObjects} for example).
* @property {string} type The object type.
* @property {Array<VariableData>} variables The list of default variables.
* @property {Array<BehaviorData>} behaviors The list of default behaviors.
* @typedef {Object} AABB An axis-aligned bounding box. Used to represents a box around an object for example.
* @property {Array<number>} min The [x,y] coordinates of the top left point
* @property {Array<number>} max The [x,y] coordinates of the bottom right point
* RuntimeObject represents an object being used on a RuntimeScene.
* The constructor can be called on an already existing RuntimeObject:
* In this case, the constructor will try to reuse as much already existing members
* as possible (recycling).
* However, you should not be calling the constructor on an already existing object
* which is not a RuntimeObject.
* A `gdjs.RuntimeObject` should not be instantiated directly, always a child class
* (because gdjs.RuntimeObject don't call onCreated at the end of its constructor).
* @memberOf gdjs
* @name RuntimeObject
* @class
* @param {gdjs.RuntimeScene} runtimeScene The {@link gdjs.RuntimeScene} the object belongs to.
* @param {ObjectData} objectData The initial properties of the object.
gdjs.RuntimeObject = function(runtimeScene, objectData) {
* @protected
* @type {string}
*/ = || "";
* @protected
* @type {string}
this.type = objectData.type || "";
* @protected
* @type {number}
this.x = 0;
* @protected
* @type {number}
this.y = 0;
* @protected
* @type {number}
this.angle = 0;
* @protected
* @type {number}
this.zOrder = 0;
* @protected
* @type {boolean}
this.hidden = false;
* @protected
* @type {string}
this.layer = "";
* @type {number}
* @protected
this._nameId = gdjs.RuntimeObject.getNameIdentifier(;
* @type {boolean}
* @protected
this._livingOnScene = true;
* @type {number}
* @protected
*/ = runtimeScene.createNewUniqueId();
* @type {gdjs.RuntimeScene}
this._runtimeScene = runtimeScene;
//Hit boxes:
if ( this._defaultHitBoxes === undefined ) {
* @type {Array<gdjs.Polygon>}
* @protected
this._defaultHitBoxes = [];
* @type {Array<gdjs.Polygon>}
* @protected
this.hitBoxes = this._defaultHitBoxes;
* @type {boolean}
* @protected
this.hitBoxesDirty = true;
if ( this.aabb === undefined )
* @type {AABB}
* @protected
this.aabb = { min:[0,0], max:[0,0] };
else {
this.aabb.min[0] = 0; this.aabb.min[1] = 0;
this.aabb.max[0] = 0; this.aabb.max[1] = 0;
if ( !this._variables )
* @type {gdjs.VariablesContainer}
* @protected
this._variables = new gdjs.VariablesContainer(objectData ? objectData.variables : undefined);
else, objectData ? objectData.variables : undefined);
if ( this._forces === undefined )
* @type {Array<gdjs.Force>}
* @protected
this._forces = [];
if (this._averageForce === undefined) this._averageForce = new gdjs.Force(0,0,0);
if (this._behaviors === undefined)
* Contains the behaviors of the object.
* @type {Array<gdjs.RuntimeBehavior>}
* @protected
this._behaviors = [];
if (this._behaviorsTable === undefined)
//TODO: add <string, gdjs.RuntimeBehavior> typing to Hashtable.
* @type {Hashtable}
* @protected
this._behaviorsTable = new Hashtable(); //Also contains the behaviors: Used when a behavior is accessed by its name ( see getBehavior ).
for(var i = 0, len = objectData.behaviors.length;i<len;++i) {
var autoData = objectData.behaviors[i];
var Ctor = gdjs.getBehaviorConstructor(autoData.type);
//Try to reuse already existing behaviors.
if ( i < this._behaviors.length ) {
if ( this._behaviors[i] instanceof Ctor )[i], runtimeScene, autoData, this);
this._behaviors[i] = new Ctor(runtimeScene, autoData, this);
else this._behaviors.push(new Ctor(runtimeScene, autoData, this));
this._behaviorsTable.put(, this._behaviors[i]);
this._behaviors.length = i;//Make sure to delete already existing behaviors which are not used anymore.
if (this._timers === undefined)
//TODO: add <string, gdjs.Timer> typing to Hashtable.
* @type {Hashtable}
* @protected
this._timers = new Hashtable();
* Table containing the id corresponding to an object name. Do not use directly or modify.
* @static
* @private
gdjs.RuntimeObject._identifiers = gdjs.RuntimeObject._identifiers || new Hashtable();
* The next available unique identifier for an object. Do not use directly or modify.
* @static
* @private
gdjs.RuntimeObject._newId = (gdjs.RuntimeObject._newId || 0);
* Global container for unused forces, avoiding recreating forces each tick.
* @static
* @private
gdjs.RuntimeObject.forcesGarbage = [];
//Common members functions related to the object and its runtimeScene :
* To be called by the child classes in their constructor, at the very end.
* Notify the behaviors that they have been constructed (this must be done when
* the object is ready, otherwise behaviors can do operations on the object which
* could be not initialized yet).
* If you redefine this function, **make sure to call the original method**
* (`;`).
gdjs.RuntimeObject.prototype.onCreated = function() {
for(var i =0;i<this._behaviors.length;++i) {
* Return the time elapsed since the last frame,
* in milliseconds, for the object.
* Objects can have different elapsed time if they are on layers with different time scales.
* @param {gdjs.RuntimeScene} runtimeScene The RuntimeScene the object belongs to.
gdjs.RuntimeObject.prototype.getElapsedTime = function(runtimeScene) {
//TODO: Memoize?
var theLayer = runtimeScene.getLayer(this.layer);
return theLayer.getElapsedTime();
* Called once during the game loop, before events and rendering.
* @param {gdjs.RuntimeScene} runtimeScene The gdjs.RuntimeScene the object belongs to.
gdjs.RuntimeObject.prototype.update = function(runtimeScene) {
//Nothing to do.
* Called when the object is created from an initial instance at the startup of the scene.<br>
* Note that common properties (position, angle, z order...) have already been setup.
* @param initialInstanceData The data of the initial instance.
gdjs.RuntimeObject.prototype.extraInitializationFromInitialInstance = function(initialInstanceData) {
//Nothing to do.
* Remove an object from a scene.
* Do not change/redefine this method. Instead, redefine the onDestroyFromScene method.
* @param {gdjs.RuntimeScene} runtimeScene The RuntimeScene owning the object.
gdjs.RuntimeObject.prototype.deleteFromScene = function(runtimeScene) {
if ( this._livingOnScene ) {
this._livingOnScene = false;
* Called when the object is destroyed (because it is removed from a scene or the scene
* is being unloaded). If you redefine this function, **make sure to call the original method**
* (`, runtimeScene);`).
* @param {gdjs.RuntimeScene} runtimeScene The scene owning the object.
gdjs.RuntimeObject.prototype.onDestroyFromScene = function(runtimeScene) {
var theLayer = runtimeScene.getLayer(this.layer);
for(var j = 0, lenj = this._behaviors.length;j<lenj;++j) {
* Called with a callback function that should be called with the internal
* object used for rendering by the object (PIXI.DisplayObject...)
* @return {Object} The internal rendered object (PIXI.DisplayObject...)
gdjs.RuntimeObject.prototype.getRendererObject = function() {
return undefined;
//Common properties:
* Get the name of the object.
* @return {string} The object's name.
gdjs.RuntimeObject.prototype.getName = function() {
* Get the name identifier of the object.
* @return {number} The object's name identifier.
gdjs.RuntimeObject.prototype.getNameId = function() {
return this._nameId;
* Get the unique identifier of the object.<br>
* The identifier is set by the runtimeScene owning the object.<br>
* You can also use the id property ( for increased efficiency instead of
* calling this method.
* @return {number} The object identifier
gdjs.RuntimeObject.prototype.getUniqueId = function() {
* Set the position of the object.
* @param {number} x The new X position
* @param {number} y The new Y position
gdjs.RuntimeObject.prototype.setPosition = function(x,y) {
* Set the X position of the object.
* @param {number} x The new X position
gdjs.RuntimeObject.prototype.setX = function(x) {
if ( x === this.x ) return;
this.x = x;
this.hitBoxesDirty = true;
* Get the X position of the object.
* @return {number} The X position of the object
gdjs.RuntimeObject.prototype.getX = function() {
return this.x;
* Set the Y position of the object.
* @param {number} y The new Y position
gdjs.RuntimeObject.prototype.setY = function(y) {
if ( y === this.y ) return;
this.y = y;
this.hitBoxesDirty = true;
* Get the Y position of the object.
* @return {number} The Y position of the object
gdjs.RuntimeObject.prototype.getY = function() {
return this.y;
* Get the X position of the rendered object.
* For most objects, this will returns the same value as getX(). But if the object
* has an origin that is not the same as the point (0,0) of the object displayed,
* getDrawableX will differ.
* @return {number} The X position of the rendered object.
gdjs.RuntimeObject.prototype.getDrawableX = function() {
return this.getX();
* Get the Y position of the rendered object.
* For most objects, this will returns the same value as getY(). But if the object
* has an origin that is not the same as the point (0,0) of the object displayed,
* getDrawableY will differ.
* @return {number} The Y position of the rendered object.
gdjs.RuntimeObject.prototype.getDrawableY = function() {
return this.getY();
gdjs.RuntimeObject.prototype.rotateTowardPosition = function(x, y, speed, scene) {
this.rotateTowardAngle(Math.atan2(y - (this.getDrawableY() + this.getCenterY()),
x - (this.getDrawableX() + this.getCenterX()))*180/Math.PI, speed, scene);
gdjs.RuntimeObject.prototype.rotateTowardAngle = function(angle, speed, runtimeScene) {
if (speed === 0) {
var angularDiff = gdjs.evtTools.common.angleDifference(this.getAngle(), angle);
var diffWasPositive = angularDiff >= 0;
var newAngle = this.getAngle() + (diffWasPositive ? -1.0 : 1.0)
* speed * this.getElapsedTime(runtimeScene) / 1000;
// @ts-ignore
if (gdjs.evtTools.common.angleDifference(newAngle, angle) > 0 ^ diffWasPositive)
newAngle = angle;
if (this.getAngle() !== newAngle) //Objects like sprite in 8 directions does not handle small increments...
this.setAngle(angle); // force them to be in the path angle anyway.
* Rotate the object at the given speed
* @param {number} speed The speed, in degrees per second.
* @param {gdjs.RuntimeScene} runtimeScene The scene where the object is displayed.
gdjs.RuntimeObject.prototype.rotate = function(speed, runtimeScene) {
this.setAngle(this.getAngle() + speed * this.getElapsedTime(runtimeScene) / 1000);
* Set the angle of the object.
* @param {number} angle The new angle of the object
gdjs.RuntimeObject.prototype.setAngle = function(angle) {
if ( this.angle === angle ) return;
this.angle = angle;
this.hitBoxesDirty = true;
* Get the rotation of the object.
* @return {number} The rotation of the object, in degrees.
gdjs.RuntimeObject.prototype.getAngle = function() {
return this.angle;
* Set the layer of the object.
* @param {string} layer The new layer of the object
gdjs.RuntimeObject.prototype.setLayer = function(layer) {
if (layer === this.layer) return;
var oldLayer = this._runtimeScene.getLayer(this.layer);
this.layer = layer;
var newLayer = this._runtimeScene.getLayer(this.layer);
var rendererObject = this.getRendererObject();
newLayer.getRenderer().addRendererObject(rendererObject, this.zOrder);
* Get the layer of the object.
* @return {string} The layer of the object
gdjs.RuntimeObject.prototype.getLayer = function() {
return this.layer;
* Return true if the object is on the specified layer
* @param {string} layer The layer to be tested.
* @return {boolean} true if the object is on the specified layer
gdjs.RuntimeObject.prototype.isOnLayer = function(layer) {
return this.layer === layer;
* Set the Z order of the object.
* @param {number} z The new Z order position of the object
gdjs.RuntimeObject.prototype.setZOrder = function(z) {
if ( z === this.zOrder ) return;
this.zOrder = z;
if ( this.getRendererObject() ) {
var theLayer = this._runtimeScene.getLayer(this.layer);
theLayer.getRenderer().changeRendererObjectZOrder(this.getRendererObject(), z);
* Get the Z order of the object.
* @return {number} The Z order of the object
gdjs.RuntimeObject.prototype.getZOrder = function() {
return this.zOrder;
* Get the container of the object variables
* @return {gdjs.VariablesContainer} The variables of the object
gdjs.RuntimeObject.prototype.getVariables = function() {
return this._variables;
* Get the value of a variable considered as a number. Equivalent of variable.getAsNumber()
* @param {gdjs.Variable} variable The variable to be accessed
* @return {number} The value of the specified variable
* @static
gdjs.RuntimeObject.getVariableNumber = function(variable) {
return variable.getAsNumber();
gdjs.RuntimeObject.prototype.getVariableNumber = gdjs.RuntimeObject.getVariableNumber;
* Return the variable passed as argument without any change.
* Only for usage by events.
* @param {gdjs.Variable} variable The variable to be accessed
* @return The specified variable
* @static
gdjs.RuntimeObject.returnVariable = function(variable) {
return variable;
gdjs.RuntimeObject.prototype.returnVariable = gdjs.RuntimeObject.returnVariable;
* Get the value of a variable considered as a string. Equivalent of variable.getAsString()
* @param variable The variable to be accessed
* @return The string of the specified variable
* @static
gdjs.RuntimeObject.getVariableString = function(variable) {
return variable.getAsString();
gdjs.RuntimeObject.prototype.getVariableString = gdjs.RuntimeObject.getVariableString;
* Get the number of children from a variable
* @param variable The variable to be accessed
* @return The number of children
* @static
gdjs.RuntimeObject.getVariableChildCount = function(variable) {
if (variable.isStructure() == false) return 0;
return Object.keys(variable.getAllChildren()).length;
* Shortcut to set the value of a variable considered as a number
* @param variable The variable to be changed
* @param {number} newValue The value to be set
gdjs.RuntimeObject.setVariableNumber = function(variable, newValue) {
gdjs.RuntimeObject.prototype.setVariableNumber = gdjs.RuntimeObject.setVariableNumber;
* Shortcut to set the value of a variable considered as a string
* @param variable The variable to be changed
* @param newValue {String} The value to be set
gdjs.RuntimeObject.setVariableString = function(variable, newValue) {
gdjs.RuntimeObject.prototype.setVariableString = gdjs.RuntimeObject.setVariableString;
* @static
* @private
* @param {gdjs.Variable} variable The variable to be tested
* @param {string} childName The name of the child
gdjs.RuntimeObject.variableChildExists = function(variable, childName) {
return variable.hasChild(childName);
gdjs.RuntimeObject.prototype.variableChildExists = gdjs.RuntimeObject.variableChildExists;
* @static
* @private
* @param {gdjs.Variable} variable The variable to be changed
* @param {string} childName The name of the child
gdjs.RuntimeObject.variableRemoveChild = function(variable, childName) {
return variable.removeChild(childName);
gdjs.RuntimeObject.prototype.variableRemoveChild = gdjs.RuntimeObject.variableRemoveChild;
* @static
* @private
* @param {gdjs.Variable} variable The variable to be cleared
gdjs.RuntimeObject.variableClearChildren = function(variable) {
gdjs.RuntimeObject.prototype.variableClearChildren = gdjs.RuntimeObject.variableClearChildren;
* Shortcut to test if a variable exists for the object.
* @param {string} name The variable to be tested
* @return {boolean} true if the variable exists.
gdjs.RuntimeObject.prototype.hasVariable = function(name) {
return this._variables.has(name);
* Hide (or show) the object.
* @param {boolean} enable Set it to true to hide the object, false to show it.
gdjs.RuntimeObject.prototype.hide = function(enable) {
if (enable === undefined) enable = true;
this.hidden = enable;
* Return true if the object is not hidden.
* Note: This is unrelated to the actual visibility of the objec on the screen.
* For this, see `getVisibilityAABB` to get the bounding boxes of the object as displayed
* on the scene.
* @return {boolean} true if the object is not hidden.
gdjs.RuntimeObject.prototype.isVisible = function() {
return !this.hidden;
* Return true if the object is hidden.
* @return {boolean} true if the object is hidden.
gdjs.RuntimeObject.prototype.isHidden = function() {
return this.hidden;
* Return the width of the object.
* @return {number} The width of the object
gdjs.RuntimeObject.prototype.getWidth = function() {
return 0;
* Return the width of the object.
* @return {number} The height of the object
gdjs.RuntimeObject.prototype.getHeight = function() {
return 0;
* Return the X position of the object center, **relative to the object X position** (`getDrawableX`).
* @return {number} the X position of the object center, relative to `getDrawableX()`.
gdjs.RuntimeObject.prototype.getCenterX = function() {
return this.getWidth() / 2;
* Return the Y position of the object center, **relative to the object position** (`getDrawableY`).
* @return {number} the Y position of the object center, relative to `getDrawableY()`.
gdjs.RuntimeObject.prototype.getCenterY = function() {
return this.getHeight() / 2;
//Forces :
* Get a force from the garbage, or create a new force is garbage is empty.<br>
* To be used each time a force is created so as to avoid temporaries objects.
* @private
* @param {number} x The x coordinates of the force
* @param {number} y The y coordinates of the force
* @param {number} multiplier Set the force multiplier
gdjs.RuntimeObject.prototype._getRecycledForce = function(x, y, multiplier) {
if ( gdjs.RuntimeObject.forcesGarbage.length === 0 )
return new gdjs.Force(x, y, multiplier);
else {
var recycledForce = gdjs.RuntimeObject.forcesGarbage.pop();
return recycledForce;
* Add a force to the object to move it.
* @param {number} x The x coordinates of the force
* @param {number} y The y coordinates of the force
* @param {number} multiplier Set the force multiplier
gdjs.RuntimeObject.prototype.addForce = function(x,y, multiplier) {
this._forces.push(this._getRecycledForce(x, y, multiplier));
* Add a force using polar coordinates.
* @param {number} angle The angle of the force, in degrees.
* @param {number} len The length of the force, in pixels.
* @param {number} multiplier Set the force multiplier
gdjs.RuntimeObject.prototype.addPolarForce = function(angle, len, multiplier) {
var angleInRadians = angle/180*3.14159; //TODO: Benchmark with Math.PI
var forceX = Math.cos(angleInRadians)*len;
var forceY = Math.sin(angleInRadians)*len;
this._forces.push(this._getRecycledForce(forceX, forceY, multiplier));
* Add a force oriented toward a position
* @param {number} x The target x position
* @param {number} y The target y position
* @param {number} len The force length, in pixels.
* @param {number} multiplier Set the force multiplier
gdjs.RuntimeObject.prototype.addForceTowardPosition = function(x,y, len, multiplier) {
var angle = Math.atan2(y - (this.getDrawableY()+this.getCenterY()),
x - (this.getDrawableX()+this.getCenterX()));
var forceX = Math.cos(angle)*len;
var forceY = Math.sin(angle)*len;
this._forces.push(this._getRecycledForce(forceX, forceY, multiplier));
* Add a force oriented toward another object.<br>
* (Shortcut for addForceTowardPosition)
* @param {gdjs.RuntimeObject} object The target object
* @param {number} len The force length, in pixels.
* @param {number} multiplier Set the force multiplier
gdjs.RuntimeObject.prototype.addForceTowardObject = function(object, len, multiplier) {
if ( object == null ) return;
this.addForceTowardPosition(object.getDrawableX() + object.getCenterX(),
object.getDrawableY() + object.getCenterY(),
len, multiplier);
* Deletes all forces applied on the object
gdjs.RuntimeObject.prototype.clearForces = function() {
gdjs.RuntimeObject.forcesGarbage.push.apply(gdjs.RuntimeObject.forcesGarbage, this._forces);
this._forces.length = 0;
* Return true if no forces are applied on the object.
* @return {boolean} true if no forces are applied on the object.
gdjs.RuntimeObject.prototype.hasNoForces = function() {
return this._forces.length === 0;
* Called once a step by runtimeScene to update forces magnitudes and
* remove null ones.
gdjs.RuntimeObject.prototype.updateForces = function(elapsedTime) {
for(var i = 0;i<this._forces.length;) {
var force = this._forces[i];
var multiplier = force.getMultiplier();
if (multiplier === 1) { // Permanent force
} else if (multiplier === 0 || force.getLength() <= 0.001) { // Instant or force disappearing
this._forces.splice(i, 1);
} else { // Deprecated way of updating forces progressively.
force.setLength(force.getLength() - force.getLength() * ( 1 - multiplier ) * elapsedTime);
* Return a force which is the sum of all forces applied on the object.
* @return {gdjs.Force} A force object.
gdjs.RuntimeObject.prototype.getAverageForce = function() {
var averageX = 0;
var averageY = 0;
for(var i = 0, len = this._forces.length;i<len;++i) {
averageX += this._forces[i].getX();
averageY += this._forces[i].getY();
return this._averageForce;
* Return true if the average angle of the forces applied on the object
* is in a given range.
* @param {number} angle The angle to be tested.
* @param {number} toleranceInDegrees The length of the range :
* @return {boolean} true if the difference between the average angle of the forces
* and the angle parameter is inferior to toleranceInDegrees parameter.
gdjs.RuntimeObject.prototype.averageForceAngleIs = function(angle, toleranceInDegrees) {
var averageAngle = this.getAverageForce().getAngle();
if ( averageAngle < 0 ) averageAngle += 360;
return Math.abs(angle-averageAngle) < toleranceInDegrees/2;
//Hit boxes and collision :
* Get the hit boxes for the object.<br>
* The default implementation returns a basic bouding box based the size (getWidth and
* getHeight) and the center point of the object (getCenterX and getCenterY).
* You should probably redefine updateHitBoxes instead of this function.
* @return {Array<gdjs.Polygon>} An array composed of polygon.
gdjs.RuntimeObject.prototype.getHitBoxes = function() {
//Avoid a naive implementation requiring to recreate temporaries each time
//the function is called:
//(var rectangle = gdjs.Polygon.createRectangle(this.getWidth(), this.getHeight());
if ( this.hitBoxesDirty ) {
this.hitBoxesDirty = false;
return this.hitBoxes;
* Update the hit boxes for the object.
* The default implementation set a basic bounding box based on the size (getWidth and
* getHeight) and the center point of the object (getCenterX and getCenterY).
* Result is cached until invalidated (by a position change, angle change...).
* You should not call this function by yourself, it is called when necessary by getHitBoxes method.
* However, you can redefine it if your object need custom hit boxes.
gdjs.RuntimeObject.prototype.updateHitBoxes = function() {
this.hitBoxes = this._defaultHitBoxes;
var width = this.getWidth();
var height = this.getHeight();
var centerX = this.getCenterX();
var centerY = this.getCenterY();
if (centerX === width / 2 && centerY === height / 2) {
this.hitBoxes[0].vertices[0][0] = - centerX;
this.hitBoxes[0].vertices[0][1] = - centerY;
this.hitBoxes[0].vertices[1][0] = + centerX;
this.hitBoxes[0].vertices[1][1] = - centerY;
this.hitBoxes[0].vertices[2][0] = + centerX;
this.hitBoxes[0].vertices[2][1] = + centerY;
this.hitBoxes[0].vertices[3][0] = - centerX;
this.hitBoxes[0].vertices[3][1] = + centerY;
} else {
this.hitBoxes[0].vertices[0][0] = 0 - centerX;
this.hitBoxes[0].vertices[0][1] = 0 - centerY;
this.hitBoxes[0].vertices[1][0] = width - centerX;
this.hitBoxes[0].vertices[1][1] = 0 - centerY;
this.hitBoxes[0].vertices[2][0] = width - centerX;
this.hitBoxes[0].vertices[2][1] = height - centerY;
this.hitBoxes[0].vertices[3][0] = 0 - centerX;
this.hitBoxes[0].vertices[3][1] = height - centerY;
this.hitBoxes[0].move(this.getDrawableX()+centerX, this.getDrawableY()+centerY);
* Get the AABB (axis aligned bounding box) for the object.
* The default implementation uses either the position/size of the object (when angle is 0) or
* hitboxes (when angle is not 0) to compute the bounding box.
* Result is cached until invalidated (by a position change, angle change...).
* You should probably redefine updateAABB instead of this function.
* @return {AABB} The bounding box (example: `{min: [10,5], max:[20,10]}`)
gdjs.RuntimeObject.prototype.getAABB = function() {
if ( this.hitBoxesDirty ) {
this.hitBoxesDirty = false;
return this.aabb;
* Get the AABB (axis aligned bounding box) to be used to determine if the object
* is visible on screen. The gdjs.RuntimeScene will hide the renderer object if
* the object is not visible on screen ("culling").
* The default implementation uses the AABB returned by getAABB.
* If `null` is returned, the object is assumed to be always visible.
* @return {?AABB} The bounding box (example: `{min: [10,5], max:[20,10]}`) or `null`.
gdjs.RuntimeObject.prototype.getVisibilityAABB = function() {
return this.getAABB();
* Update the AABB (axis aligned bounding box) for the object.
* Default implementation uses either the position/size of the object (when angle is 0) or
* hitboxes (when angle is not 0) to compute the bounding box.
* You should not call this function by yourself, it is called when necessary by getAABB method.
* However, you can redefine it if your object can have a faster implementation.
gdjs.RuntimeObject.prototype.updateAABB = function() {
if (this.getAngle() === 0) {
// Fast/simple computation of AABB for non rotated object
// (works even for object with non default center/origin
// because we're using getDrawableX/Y)
this.aabb.min[0] = this.getDrawableX();
this.aabb.min[1] = this.getDrawableY();
this.aabb.max[0] = this.aabb.min[0] + this.getWidth();
this.aabb.max[1] = this.aabb.min[1] + this.getHeight();
} else {
// Use hitboxes if object is rotated to ensure that the AABB
// is properly bounding the whole object.
// Slower (10-15% slower).
var first = true;
for(var i = 0;i<this.hitBoxes.length;i++) {
for(var j = 0;j<this.hitBoxes[i].vertices.length;j++) {
var vertex = this.hitBoxes[i].vertices[j];
if (first) {
this.aabb.min[0] = vertex[0];
this.aabb.max[0] = vertex[0];
this.aabb.min[1] = vertex[1];
this.aabb.max[1] = vertex[1];
first = false;
} else {
this.aabb.min[0] = Math.min(this.aabb.min[0], vertex[0]);
this.aabb.max[0] = Math.max(this.aabb.max[0], vertex[0]);
this.aabb.min[1] = Math.min(this.aabb.min[1], vertex[1]);
this.aabb.max[1] = Math.max(this.aabb.max[1], vertex[1]);
* Call each behavior stepPreEvents method.
gdjs.RuntimeObject.prototype.stepBehaviorsPreEvents = function(runtimeScene) {
for(var i = 0, len = this._behaviors.length;i<len;++i) {
* Call each behavior stepPostEvents method.
gdjs.RuntimeObject.prototype.stepBehaviorsPostEvents = function(runtimeScene) {
for(var i = 0, len = this._behaviors.length;i<len;++i) {
* Get a behavior from its name.
* Be careful, the behavior must exists, no check is made on the name.
* @param name {String} The behavior name.
* @return {gdjs.RuntimeBehavior} The behavior with the given name, or undefined.
gdjs.RuntimeObject.prototype.getBehavior = function(name) {
return this._behaviorsTable.get(name);
* Check if a behavior is used by the object.
* @param name {String} The behavior name.
gdjs.RuntimeObject.prototype.hasBehavior = function(name) {
return this._behaviorsTable.containsKey(name);
* De/activate a behavior of the object.
* @param name {String} The behavior name.
* @param enable {boolean} true to activate the behavior
gdjs.RuntimeObject.prototype.activateBehavior = function(name, enable) {
if ( this._behaviorsTable.containsKey(name) ) {
* Check if a behavior is activated
* @param name {String} The behavior name.
* @return true if the behavior is activated.
gdjs.RuntimeObject.prototype.behaviorActivated = function(name) {
if ( this._behaviorsTable.containsKey(name) ) {
return this._behaviorsTable.get(name).activated();
return false;
* Updates the object timers. Called once during the game loop, before events and rendering.
* @param {number} elapsedTime The elapsed time since the previous frame in milliseconds.
gdjs.RuntimeObject.prototype.updateTimers = function(elapsedTime) {
for (var name in this._timers.items) {
if (this._timers.items.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
* Test a timer elapsed time, if the timer doesn't exist it is created
* @param {String} timerName The timer name
* @param {number} timeInSeconds The time value to check in seconds
* @return {boolean} True if the timer exists and its value is greater than or equal than the given time, false otherwise
gdjs.RuntimeObject.prototype.timerElapsedTime = function(timerName, timeInSeconds) {
if ( !this._timers.containsKey(timerName) ) {
this._timers.put(timerName, new gdjs.Timer(timerName));
return false;
return this.getTimerElapsedTimeInSeconds(timerName) >= timeInSeconds;
* Test a if a timer is paused
* @param {String} timerName The timer name
* @return {boolean} True if the timer exists and is paused, false otherwise
gdjs.RuntimeObject.prototype.timerPaused = function(timerName) {
if ( !this._timers.containsKey(timerName) ) {
return false;
return this._timers.get(timerName).isPaused();
* Reset a timer, if the timer doesn't exist it is created
* @param {String} timerName The timer name
gdjs.RuntimeObject.prototype.resetTimer = function(timerName) {
if ( !this._timers.containsKey(timerName) ) {
this._timers.put(timerName, new gdjs.Timer(timerName));
* Pause a timer, if the timer doesn't exist it is created
* @param {String} timerName The timer name
gdjs.RuntimeObject.prototype.pauseTimer = function(timerName) {
if ( !this._timers.containsKey(timerName) ) {
this._timers.put(timerName, new gdjs.Timer(timerName));
* Unpause a timer, if the timer doesn't exist it is created
* @param {String} timerName The timer name
gdjs.RuntimeObject.prototype.unpauseTimer = function(timerName) {
if ( !this._timers.containsKey(timerName) ) {
this._timers.put(timerName, new gdjs.Timer(timerName));
* Remove a timer
* @param {String} timerName The timer name
gdjs.RuntimeObject.prototype.removeTimer = function(timerName) {
if ( this._timers.containsKey(timerName) ) {
* Get a timer elapsed time.
* @param {String} timerName The timer name
* @return {number} The timer elapsed time in seconds, 0 if the timer doesn't exist
gdjs.RuntimeObject.prototype.getTimerElapsedTimeInSeconds = function(timerName) {
if ( !this._timers.containsKey(timerName) ) {
return 0;
return this._timers.get(timerName).getTime() / 1000.0;
//Other :
* Separate the object from others objects, using their hitboxes.
* @param objects Objects
* @param {boolean | undefined} ignoreTouchingEdges If true, then edges that are touching each other, without the hitbox polygons actually overlapping, won't be considered in collision.
* @return true if the object was moved
gdjs.RuntimeObject.prototype.separateFromObjects = function(objects, ignoreTouchingEdges) {
var moved = false;
var xMove = 0; var yMove = 0;
var hitBoxes = this.getHitBoxes();
//Check if their is a collision with each object
for(var i = 0, len = objects.length;i<len;++i) {
if ( objects[i].id != ) {
var otherHitBoxes = objects[i].getHitBoxes();
for(var k = 0, lenk = hitBoxes.length;k<lenk;++k) {
for(var l = 0, lenl = otherHitBoxes.length;l<lenl;++l) {
var result = gdjs.Polygon.collisionTest(hitBoxes[k], otherHitBoxes[l], ignoreTouchingEdges);
if ( result.collision ) {
xMove += result.move_axis[0];
yMove += result.move_axis[1];
moved = true;
//Move according to the results returned by the collision algorithm.
this.setPosition(this.getX()+xMove, this.getY()+yMove);
return moved;
* Separate the object from others objects, using their hitboxes.
* @param objectsLists Tables of objects
* @param {boolean | undefined} ignoreTouchingEdges If true, then edges that are touching each other, without the hitbox polygons actually overlapping, won't be considered in collision.
* @return true if the object was moved
gdjs.RuntimeObject.prototype.separateFromObjectsList = function(objectsLists, ignoreTouchingEdges) {
var moved = false;
var xMove = 0; var yMove = 0;
var hitBoxes = this.getHitBoxes();
for(var name in objectsLists.items) {
if (objectsLists.items.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
var objects = objectsLists.items[name];
//Check if their is a collision with each object
for(var i = 0, len = objects.length;i<len;++i) {
if ( objects[i].id != ) {
var otherHitBoxes = objects[i].getHitBoxes();
for(var k = 0, lenk = hitBoxes.length;k<lenk;++k) {
for(var l = 0, lenl = otherHitBoxes.length;l<lenl;++l) {
var result = gdjs.Polygon.collisionTest(hitBoxes[k], otherHitBoxes[l], ignoreTouchingEdges);
if ( result.collision ) {
xMove += result.move_axis[0];
yMove += result.move_axis[1];
moved = true;
//Move according to the results returned by the collision algorithm.
this.setPosition(this.getX()+xMove, this.getY()+yMove);
return moved;
* Get the distance, in pixels, between *the center* of this object and another object.
* @param {gdjs.RuntimeObject} otherObject The other object
gdjs.RuntimeObject.prototype.getDistanceToObject = function(otherObject) {
return Math.sqrt(this.getSqDistanceToObject(otherObject));
* Get the squared distance, in pixels, between *the center* of this object and another object.
* @param {gdjs.RuntimeObject} otherObject The other object
gdjs.RuntimeObject.prototype.getSqDistanceToObject = function(otherObject) {
if ( otherObject === null ) return 0;
var x = this.getDrawableX()+this.getCenterX() - (otherObject.getDrawableX()+otherObject.getCenterX());
var y = this.getDrawableY()+this.getCenterY() - (otherObject.getDrawableY()+otherObject.getCenterY());
return x*x+y*y;
* Get the squared distance, in pixels, from the *object center* to a position.
* @param {number} pointX X position
* @param {number} pointY Y position
gdjs.RuntimeObject.prototype.getSqDistanceTo = function(pointX, pointY) {
var x = this.getDrawableX()+this.getCenterX() - pointX;
var y = this.getDrawableY()+this.getCenterY() - pointY;
return x*x+y*y;
* Put the object around a position, with a specific distance and angle.
* The distance and angle are computed between the position and *the center of the object*.
* @param {number} x The x position of the target
* @param {number} y The y position of the target
* @param {number} distance The distance between the object and the target, in pixels.
* @param {number} angleInDegrees The angle between the object and the target, in degrees.
gdjs.RuntimeObject.prototype.putAround = function(x,y,distance,angleInDegrees) {
var angle = angleInDegrees/180*3.14159;
// Offset the position by the center, as PutAround* methods should position the center
// of the object (just like GetSqDistanceTo, RaycastTest uses center too).
this.setX(x + Math.cos(angle)*distance + this.getX() - (this.getDrawableX() + this.getCenterX()));
this.setY(y + Math.sin(angle)*distance + this.getY() - (this.getDrawableY() + this.getCenterY()));
* Put the object around another object, with a specific distance and angle.
* The distance and angle are computed between *the centers of the objects*.
* @param obj The target object
* @param {number} distance The distance between the object and the target
* @param {number} angleInDegrees The angle between the object and the target, in degrees.
gdjs.RuntimeObject.prototype.putAroundObject = function(obj,distance,angleInDegrees) {
this.putAround(obj.getDrawableX()+obj.getCenterX(), obj.getDrawableY()+obj.getCenterY(),
distance, angleInDegrees);
* @deprecated
* @param objectsLists Tables of objects
gdjs.RuntimeObject.prototype.separateObjectsWithoutForces = function(objectsLists) {
//Prepare the list of objects to iterate over.
var objects = gdjs.staticArray(gdjs.RuntimeObject.prototype.separateObjectsWithoutForces);
objects.length = 0;
var lists = gdjs.staticArray2(gdjs.RuntimeObject.prototype.separateObjectsWithoutForces);
for(var i = 0, len = lists.length;i<len;++i) {
objects.push.apply(objects, lists[i]);
for(var i = 0, len = objects.length;i<len;++i) {
if ( objects[i].id != ) {
if ( this.getDrawableX() < objects[i].getDrawableX() ){
this.setX( objects[i].getDrawableX() - this.getWidth() );
else if ( this.getDrawableX()+this.getWidth() > objects[i].getDrawableX()+objects[i].getWidth() ){
this.setX( objects[i].getDrawableX()+objects[i].getWidth() );
if ( this.getDrawableY() < objects[i].getDrawableY() ){
this.setY( objects[i].getDrawableY() - this.getHeight() );
else if ( this.getDrawableY()+this.getHeight() > objects[i].getDrawableY()+objects[i].getHeight() ){
this.setY( objects[i].getDrawableY()+objects[i].getHeight() );
* @deprecated
* @param objectsLists Tables of objects
gdjs.RuntimeObject.prototype.separateObjectsWithForces = function(objectsLists) {
//Prepare the list of objects to iterate over.
var objects = gdjs.staticArray(gdjs.RuntimeObject.prototype.separateObjectsWithForces);
objects.length = 0;
var lists = gdjs.staticArray2(gdjs.RuntimeObject.prototype.separateObjectsWithForces);
for(var i = 0, len = lists.length;i<len;++i) {
objects.push.apply(objects, lists[i]);
for(var i = 0, len = objects.length;i<len;++i) {
if ( objects[i].id != ) {
if ( this.getDrawableX()+this.getCenterX() < objects[i].getDrawableX()+objects[i].getCenterX() )
var av = this.hasNoForces() ? 0 : this.getAverageForce().getX();
this.addForce( -av - 10, 0, 0 );
var av = this.hasNoForces() ? 0 : this.getAverageForce().getX();
this.addForce( -av + 10, 0, 0 );
if ( this.getDrawableY()+this.getCenterY() < objects[i].getDrawableY()+objects[i].getCenterY() )
var av = this.hasNoForces() ? 0 : this.getAverageForce().getY();
this.addForce( 0, -av - 10, 0 );
var av = this.hasNoForces() ? 0 : this.getAverageForce().getY();
this.addForce( 0, -av + 10, 0 );
* Return true if the hitboxes of two objects are overlapping
* @static
* @param {gdjs.RuntimeObject} obj1 The first runtimeObject
* @param {gdjs.RuntimeObject} obj2 The second runtimeObject
* @param {boolean | undefined} ignoreTouchingEdges If true, then edges that are touching each other, without the hitbox polygons actually overlapping, won't be considered in collision.
* @return {boolean} true if obj1 and obj2 are in collision
gdjs.RuntimeObject.collisionTest = function(obj1, obj2, ignoreTouchingEdges) {
// TODO: This would better be done using the object AABB (getAABB), as (`getCenterX`;`getCenterY`) point
// is not necessarily in the middle of the object (for sprites for example).
//First check if bounding circle are too far.
var o1w = obj1.getWidth();
var o1h = obj1.getHeight();
var o2w = obj2.getWidth();
var o2h = obj2.getHeight();
var x = obj1.getDrawableX()+obj1.getCenterX()-(obj2.getDrawableX()+obj2.getCenterX());
var y = obj1.getDrawableY()+obj1.getCenterY()-(obj2.getDrawableY()+obj2.getCenterY());
var obj1BoundingRadius = Math.sqrt(o1w*o1w+o1h*o1h)/2.0;
var obj2BoundingRadius = Math.sqrt(o2w*o2w+o2h*o2h)/2.0;
if ( Math.sqrt(x*x+y*y) > obj1BoundingRadius + obj2BoundingRadius )
return false;
//Do a real check if necessary.
var hitBoxes1 = obj1.getHitBoxes();
var hitBoxes2 = obj2.getHitBoxes();
for(var k = 0, lenBoxes1 = hitBoxes1.length;k<lenBoxes1;++k) {
for(var l = 0, lenBoxes2 = hitBoxes2.length;l<lenBoxes2;++l) {
if ( gdjs.Polygon.collisionTest(hitBoxes1[k], hitBoxes2[l], ignoreTouchingEdges).collision) {
return true;
return false;
* @param {number} x The raycast source X
* @param {number} y The raycast source Y
* @param {number} endX The raycast end position X
* @param {number} endY The raycast end position Y
* @param closest {boolean} Get the closest or farthest collision mask result?
* @return A raycast result with the contact points and distances
gdjs.RuntimeObject.prototype.raycastTest = function(x, y, endX, endY, closest) {
// TODO: This would better be done using the object AABB (getAABB), as (`getCenterX`;`getCenterY`) point
// is not necessarily in the middle of the object (for sprites for example).
var objW = this.getWidth();
var objH = this.getHeight();
var diffX = this.getDrawableX()+this.getCenterX() - x;
var diffY = this.getDrawableY()+this.getCenterY() - y;
var sqBoundingR = (objW*objW + objH*objH) / 4.0;
var sqDist = (endX - x)*(endX - x) + (endY - y)*(endY - y);
var result = gdjs.Polygon.raycastTest._statics.result;
result.collision = false;
if ( diffX*diffX + diffY*diffY > sqBoundingR + sqDist + 2*Math.sqrt(sqDist*sqBoundingR) )
return result;
var testSqDist = closest ? sqDist : 0;
var hitBoxes = this.getHitBoxes();
for (var i=0; i<hitBoxes.length; i++) {
var res = gdjs.Polygon.raycastTest(hitBoxes[i], x, y, endX, endY);
if ( res.collision ) {
if ( closest && (res.closeSqDist < testSqDist) ) {
testSqDist = res.closeSqDist;
result = res;
else if ( !closest && (res.farSqDist > testSqDist) && (res.farSqDist <= sqDist) ) {
testSqDist = res.farSqDist;
result = res;
return result;
* Return true if the specified position is inside object bounding box.
* The position should be in "world" coordinates, i.e use gdjs.Layer.convertCoords
* if you need to pass the mouse or a touch position that you get from gdjs.InputManager.
gdjs.RuntimeObject.prototype.insideObject = function(x, y) {
if ( this.hitBoxesDirty ) {
this.hitBoxesDirty = false;
return this.aabb.min[0] <= x && this.aabb.max[0] >= x
&& this.aabb.min[1] <= y && this.aabb.max[1] >= y;
* Check the distance between two objects.
* @static
gdjs.RuntimeObject.distanceTest = function(obj1, obj2, distance) {
return obj1.getSqDistanceToObject(obj2) <= distance;
* Return true if the cursor, or any touch, is on the object.
* @return true if the cursor, or any touch, is on the object.
gdjs.RuntimeObject.prototype.cursorOnObject = function(runtimeScene) {
var inputManager = runtimeScene.getGame().getInputManager();
var layer = runtimeScene.getLayer(this.layer);
var mousePos = layer.convertCoords(inputManager.getMouseX(), inputManager.getMouseY());
if (this.insideObject(mousePos[0], mousePos[1])) {
return true;
var touchIds = inputManager.getAllTouchIdentifiers();
for(var i = 0;i<touchIds.length;++i) {
var touchPos = layer.convertCoords(inputManager.getTouchX(touchIds[i]),
if (this.insideObject(touchPos[0], touchPos[1])) {
return true;
return false;
* Check if a point is inside the object collision hitboxes.
* @param pointX The point x coordinate.
* @param pointY The point y coordinate.
* @return true if the point is inside the object collision hitboxes.
gdjs.RuntimeObject.prototype.isCollidingWithPoint = function(pointX, pointY) {
var hitBoxes = this.getHitBoxes();
for(var i = 0; i < this.hitBoxes.length; ++i) {
if ( gdjs.Polygon.isPointInside(hitBoxes[i], pointX, pointY) )
return true;
return false;
* Get the identifier associated to an object name.
* Some features may want to compare objects name a large number of time. In this case,
* it may be more efficient to compare objects name identifiers.
* @static
gdjs.RuntimeObject.getNameIdentifier = function(name) {
gdjs.RuntimeObject._identifiers =
|| new Hashtable();
if ( gdjs.RuntimeObject._identifiers.containsKey(name) )
return gdjs.RuntimeObject._identifiers.get(name);
gdjs.RuntimeObject._newId =
(gdjs.RuntimeObject._newId || 0) + 1;
var newIdentifier = gdjs.RuntimeObject._newId;
gdjs.RuntimeObject._identifiers.put(name, newIdentifier);
return newIdentifier;
gdjs.registerObject("", gdjs.RuntimeObject);