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* GDevelop JS Platform
* Copyright 2013-2016 Florian Rival ( All rights reserved.
* This project is released under the MIT License.
* @typedef {Object} SpritePoint Represents a point in a coordinate system.
* @property {number} x X position of the point.
* @property {number} y Y position of the point.
* @typedef {Object} SpriteCustomPointData Represents a custom point in a frame.
* @property {string} name Name of the point.
* @property {number} x X position of the point.
* @property {number} y Y position of the point.
* @typedef {Object} SpriteCenterPointData Represents the center point in a frame.
* @property {boolean} automatic Is the center automatically computed?
* @property {number} x X position of the point.
* @property {number} y Y position of the point.
* @typedef {Object} SpriteFrameData Represents a {@link gdjs.SpriteAnimationFrame}.
* @property {string} [image] The resource name of the image used in this frame.
* @property {Array<SpriteCustomPointData>} [points] The points of the frame.
* @property {SpritePoint} originPoint The origin point.
* @property {SpriteCenterPointData} centerPoint The center of the frame.
* @property {boolean} hasCustomCollisionMask Is The collision mask custom?
* @property {Array<Array<SpritePoint>>} [customCollisionMask] The collision mask if it is custom.
* @typedef {Object} SpriteDirectionData Represents the data of a {@link gdjs.SpriteAnimationDirection}.
* @property {number} timeBetweenFrames Time between each frame, in seconds.
* @property {boolean} looping Is the animation looping?
* @property {Array<SpriteFrameData>} sprites The list of frames.
* @typedef {Object} SpriteAnimationData Represents the data of a {@link gdjs.SpriteAnimation}.
* @property {string} [name] The name of the animation.
* @property {boolean} useMultipleDirections Does the animation use multiple {@link gdjs.SpriteAnimationDirection}?
* @property {Array<SpriteDirectionData>} directions The list of {@link SpriteDirectionData} representing {@link gdjs.SpriteAnimationDirection} instances.
* @typedef {Object} SpriteObjectDataType Represents the data of a {@link gdjs.SpriteRuntimeObject}.
* @property {boolean} updateIfNotVisible Update the object even if he is not visible?.
* @property {Array<SpriteAnimationData>} animations The list of {@link SpriteAnimationData} representing {@link gdjs.SpriteAnimation} instances.
* @typedef {ObjectData & SpriteObjectDataType} SpriteObjectData
* A frame used by a SpriteAnimation in a {@link gdjs.SpriteRuntimeObject}.
* It contains the texture displayed as well as information like the points position
* or the collision mask.
* @memberOf gdjs
* @class SpriteAnimationFrame
* @param {gdjs.ImageManager} imageManager The game image manager
* @param {SpriteFrameData} frameData The frame data used to initialize the frame
gdjs.SpriteAnimationFrame = function(imageManager, frameData)
/** @type {string} */
this.image = frameData ? frameData.image : ""; //TODO: Rename in imageName, and do not store it in the object?
this.texture = gdjs.SpriteRuntimeObjectRenderer.getAnimationFrame(imageManager, this.image);
if ( === undefined ) {
/** @type {SpritePoint} */ = { x:0, y:0 };
if ( this.origin === undefined ) {
/** @type {SpritePoint} */
this.origin = { x:0, y:0 }
/** @type {boolean} */
this.hasCustomHitBoxes = false;
if ( this.customHitBoxes === undefined ) {
/** @type {Array<gdjs.Polygon>} */
this.customHitBoxes = []
if ( this.points === undefined ){
/** @type {Hashtable} */
this.points = new Hashtable();
} else this.points.clear();
//Initialize points:
for(var i = 0, len = frameData.points.length;i<len;++i) {
/** @type {SpriteCustomPointData} */
var ptData = frameData.points[i];
/** @type {SpritePoint} */
var point = {x: ptData.x, y: ptData.y};
this.points.put(, point);
/** @type {SpritePoint} */
var origin = frameData.originPoint;
this.origin.x = origin.x;
this.origin.y = origin.y;
/** @type {SpriteCenterPointData} */
var center = frameData.centerPoint;
if ( center.automatic !== true ) { = center.x; = center.y;
else { = gdjs.SpriteRuntimeObjectRenderer.getAnimationFrameWidth(this.texture)/2; = gdjs.SpriteRuntimeObjectRenderer.getAnimationFrameHeight(this.texture)/2;
//Load the custom collision mask, if any:
if ( frameData.hasCustomCollisionMask ) {
this.hasCustomHitBoxes = true;
for(var i = 0, len = frameData.customCollisionMask.length;i<len;++i) {
/** @type {Array<SpritePoint>} */
var polygonData = frameData.customCollisionMask[i];
//Add a polygon, if necessary (Avoid recreating a polygon if it already exists).
if ( i >= this.customHitBoxes.length ) this.customHitBoxes.push(new gdjs.Polygon());
for(var j = 0, len2 = polygonData.length;j<len2;++j) {
/** @type {SpritePoint} */
var pointData = polygonData[j];
//Add a point, if necessary (Avoid recreating a point if it already exists).
if ( j >= this.customHitBoxes[i].vertices.length )
this.customHitBoxes[i].vertices[j][0] = pointData.x;
this.customHitBoxes[i].vertices[j][1] = pointData.y;
this.customHitBoxes[i].vertices.length = j;
this.customHitBoxes.length = i;
else {
this.customHitBoxes.length = 0;
* Get a point of the frame.<br>
* If the point does not exist, the origin is returned.
* @param {string} name The point's name
* @return {SpritePoint} The requested point. If it doesn't exists returns the origin point.
gdjs.SpriteAnimationFrame.prototype.getPoint = function(name) {
if ( name === "Centre" || name === "Center") return;
else if ( name === "Origin" ) return this.origin;
return this.points.containsKey(name) ? this.points.get(name) : this.origin;
* Represents a direction of an animation of a {@link gdjs.SpriteRuntimeObject}.
* @class SpriteAnimationDirection
* @memberOf gdjs
* @param {gdjs.ImageManager} imageManager The game image manager
* @param {SpriteDirectionData} directionData The direction data used to initialize the direction
gdjs.SpriteAnimationDirection = function(imageManager, directionData)
/** @type {number} */
this.timeBetweenFrames = directionData ? directionData.timeBetweenFrames :
/** @type {boolean} */
this.loop = !!directionData.looping;
if ( this.frames === undefined ) {
/** @type {Array<SpriteAnimationFrame>} */
this.frames = [];
for(var i = 0, len = directionData.sprites.length;i<len;++i) {
/** @type {SpriteFrameData} */
var frameData = directionData.sprites[i];
if ( i < this.frames.length )[i], imageManager, frameData);
this.frames.push(new gdjs.SpriteAnimationFrame(imageManager, frameData));
this.frames.length = i;
* Represents an animation of a {@link SpriteRuntimeObject}.
* @class SpriteAnimation
* @memberOf gdjs
* @param {gdjs.ImageManager} imageManager The game image manager
* @param {SpriteAnimationData} animData The animation data used to initialize the animation
gdjs.SpriteAnimation = function(imageManager, animData)
/** @type {boolean} */
this.hasMultipleDirections = !!animData.useMultipleDirections;
/** @type {string} */ = || '';
/** @type {Array<gdjs.SpriteAnimationDirection>} */
if ( this.directions === undefined ) this.directions = [];
for(var i = 0, len = animData.directions.length;i<len;++i) {
/** @type {SpriteDirectionData} */
var directionData = animData.directions[i];
if ( i < this.directions.length )[i], imageManager, directionData);
this.directions.push(new gdjs.SpriteAnimationDirection(imageManager, directionData));
this.directions.length = i; //Make sure to delete already existing directions which are not used anymore.
* The SpriteRuntimeObject represents an object that can display images.
* @class SpriteRuntimeObject
* @memberOf gdjs
* @extends gdjs.RuntimeObject
* @param {gdjs.RuntimeScene} runtimeScene The scene the object belongs to
* @param {SpriteObjectData} spriteObjectData The object data used to initialize the object
gdjs.SpriteRuntimeObject = function(runtimeScene, spriteObjectData) {, runtimeScene, spriteObjectData);
/** @type {number} */
this._currentAnimation = 0;
/** @type {number} */
this._currentDirection = 0;
/** @type {number} */
this._currentFrame = 0;
/** @type {number} */
this._frameElapsedTime = 0;
/** @type {number} */
this._animationSpeedScale = 1;
/** @type {boolean} */
this._animationPaused = false;
/** @type {number} */
this._scaleX = 1;
/** @type {number} */
this._scaleY = 1;
/** @type {number} */
this._blendMode = 0;
/** @type {boolean} */
this._flippedX = false;
/** @type {boolean} */
this._flippedY = false;
/** @type {number} */
this.opacity = 255;
/** @type {boolean} */
this._updateIfNotVisible = !!spriteObjectData.updateIfNotVisible;
if ( this._animations === undefined ) {
/** @type {Array<gdjs.SpriteAnimation>} */
this._animations = [];
for(var i = 0, len = spriteObjectData.animations.length;i<len;++i) {
/** @type {SpriteAnimationData} */
var animData = spriteObjectData.animations[i];
if ( i < this._animations.length )[i], runtimeScene.getGame().getImageManager(), animData);
this._animations.push(new gdjs.SpriteAnimation(runtimeScene.getGame().getImageManager(), animData));
this._animations.length = i; //Make sure to delete already existing animations which are not used anymore.
* Reference to the current SpriteAnimationFrame that is displayd.
* Verify is `this._animationFrameDirty === true` before using it, and if so
* call `this._updateAnimationFrame()`.
* Can be null, so ensure that this case is handled properly.
* @type {gdjs.SpriteAnimationFrame}
this._animationFrame = null;
if (this._renderer), this, runtimeScene);
/** @type {gdjs.SpriteRuntimeObjectRenderer} */
this._renderer = new gdjs.SpriteRuntimeObjectRenderer(this, runtimeScene);
// *ALWAYS* call `this.onCreated()` at the very end of your object constructor.
gdjs.SpriteRuntimeObject.prototype = Object.create( gdjs.RuntimeObject.prototype );
gdjs.registerObject("Sprite", gdjs.SpriteRuntimeObject); //Notify gdjs of the object existence.
//Others initialization and internal state management :
* Initialize the extra parameters that could be set for an instance.
* @param {{numberProperties: Array<{name: string, value: number}>, customSize: {width: number, height: number}}} initialInstanceData The extra parameters
gdjs.SpriteRuntimeObject.prototype.extraInitializationFromInitialInstance = function(initialInstanceData) {
if ( initialInstanceData.numberProperties ) {
for(var i = 0, len = initialInstanceData.numberProperties.length;i<len;++i) {
var extraData = initialInstanceData.numberProperties[i];
if ( === "animation" )
if ( initialInstanceData.customSize ) {
* Update the current frame of the object according to the elapsed time on the scene.
gdjs.SpriteRuntimeObject.prototype.update = function(runtimeScene) {
//Playing the animation of all objects including the ones outside the screen can be
//costly when the scene is big with a lot of animated objects. By default, we skip
//updating the object if it is not visible.
if (!this._updateIfNotVisible && !this._renderer.getRendererObject().visible)
if ( this._currentAnimation >= this._animations.length ||
this._currentDirection >= this._animations[this._currentAnimation].directions.length) {
var direction = this._animations[this._currentAnimation].directions[this._currentDirection];
var oldFrame = this._currentFrame;
if (!direction.loop && this._currentFrame >= direction.frames.length) {
//*Optimization*: Animation is finished, don't change the current frame
//and compute nothing more.
} else {
var elapsedTime = this.getElapsedTime(runtimeScene) / 1000;
this._frameElapsedTime += this._animationPaused ? 0 : elapsedTime * this._animationSpeedScale;
if ( this._frameElapsedTime > direction.timeBetweenFrames ) {
var count = Math.floor(this._frameElapsedTime / direction.timeBetweenFrames);
this._currentFrame += count;
this._frameElapsedTime = this._frameElapsedTime-count*direction.timeBetweenFrames;
if ( this._frameElapsedTime < 0 ) this._frameElapsedTime = 0;
if ( this._currentFrame >= direction.frames.length ) {
this._currentFrame = direction.loop ? this._currentFrame % direction.frames.length : direction.frames.length-1;
if ( this._currentFrame < 0 ) this._currentFrame = 0; //May happen if there is no frame.
if ( oldFrame !== this._currentFrame || this._animationFrameDirty ) this._updateAnimationFrame();
if ( oldFrame !== this._currentFrame ) this.hitBoxesDirty = true;
* Update `this._animationFrame` according to the current animation/direction/frame values
* (`this._currentAnimation`, `this._currentDirection`, `this._currentFrame`) and set
* `this._animationFrameDirty` back to false.
* Trigger a call to the renderer to change the texture being shown (if the animation/direction/frame
* is valid).
* If invalid, `this._animationFrame` will be `null` after calling this function.
gdjs.SpriteRuntimeObject.prototype._updateAnimationFrame = function() {
this._animationFrameDirty = false;
if ( this._currentAnimation < this._animations.length &&
this._currentDirection < this._animations[this._currentAnimation].directions.length) {
var direction = this._animations[this._currentAnimation].directions[this._currentDirection];
if ( this._currentFrame < direction.frames.length ) {
this._animationFrame = direction.frames[this._currentFrame];
if ( this._animationFrame !== null ) {
//Invalid animation/direction/frame:
this._animationFrame = null;
gdjs.SpriteRuntimeObject.prototype.getRendererObject = function() {
return this._renderer.getRendererObject();
* Update the hit boxes for the object.
* Fallback to the default implementation (rotated bounding box) if there is no custom
* hitboxes defined for the current animation frame.
gdjs.SpriteRuntimeObject.prototype.updateHitBoxes = function() {
if ( this._animationFrameDirty ) {
if ( this._animationFrame === null ) return; //Beware, `this._animationFrame` can still be null.
if ( !this._animationFrame.hasCustomHitBoxes )
//console.log("Update for "; //Uncomment to track updates
//(and in particular be sure that unnecessary update are avoided).
//Update the current hitboxes with the frame custom hit boxes
//and apply transformations.
for (var i = 0;i<this._animationFrame.customHitBoxes.length;++i) {
if ( i >= this.hitBoxes.length )
this.hitBoxes.push(new gdjs.Polygon());
for (var j = 0;j<this._animationFrame.customHitBoxes[i].vertices.length;++j) {
if ( j >= this.hitBoxes[i].vertices.length )
this.hitBoxes[i].vertices.length = this._animationFrame.customHitBoxes[i].vertices.length;
this.hitBoxes.length = this._animationFrame.customHitBoxes.length;
//Rotate and scale and flipping have already been applied to the point by _transformToGlobal.
//Animations :
* Change the animation being played.
* @param {number} newAnimation The index of the new animation to be played
gdjs.SpriteRuntimeObject.prototype.setAnimation = function(newAnimation) {
newAnimation = newAnimation | 0;
if ( newAnimation < this._animations.length &&
this._currentAnimation !== newAnimation &&
newAnimation >= 0) {
this._currentAnimation = newAnimation;
this._currentFrame = 0;
this._frameElapsedTime = 0;
this._renderer.update(); //TODO: This may be unnecessary.
this._animationFrameDirty = true;
this.hitBoxesDirty = true;
* Change the animation being played.
* @param {string} newAnimationName The name of the new animation to be played
gdjs.SpriteRuntimeObject.prototype.setAnimationName = function(newAnimationName) {
if (!newAnimationName) return;
for(var i = 0;i < this._animations.length;++i) {
if (this._animations[i].name === newAnimationName) {
return this.setAnimation(i);
* Get the index of the animation being played.
* @return {number} The index of the new animation being played
gdjs.SpriteRuntimeObject.prototype.getAnimation = function() {
return this._currentAnimation;
* Get the name of the animation being played.
* @return {string} The name of the new animation being played
gdjs.SpriteRuntimeObject.prototype.getAnimationName = function() {
if ( this._currentAnimation >= this._animations.length ) {
return '';
return this._animations[this._currentAnimation].name;
gdjs.SpriteRuntimeObject.prototype.isCurrentAnimationName = function(name) {
return this.getAnimationName() === name;
* Change the angle (or direction index) of the object
* @return {number} The new angle (or direction index) to be applied
gdjs.SpriteRuntimeObject.prototype.setDirectionOrAngle = function(newValue) {
if ( this._currentAnimation >= this._animations.length ) {
var anim = this._animations[this._currentAnimation];
if ( !anim.hasMultipleDirections ) {
if ( this.angle === newValue ) return;
this.angle = newValue;
this.hitBoxesDirty = true;
else {
newValue = newValue | 0;
if (newValue === this._currentDirection
|| newValue >= anim.directions.length
|| anim.directions[newValue].frames.length === 0)
this._currentDirection = newValue;
this._currentFrame = 0;
this._frameElapsedTime = 0;
this.angle = 0;
this._renderer.update(); //TODO: This may be unnecessary.
this._animationFrameDirty = true;
this.hitBoxesDirty = true;
gdjs.SpriteRuntimeObject.prototype.getDirectionOrAngle = function() {
if ( this._currentAnimation >= this._animations.length ) {
return 0;
if ( !this._animations[this._currentAnimation].hasMultipleDirections ) {
return this.angle;
else {
return this._currentDirection;
* Change the current frame displayed by the animation
* @param {number} newFrame The index of the frame to be displayed
gdjs.SpriteRuntimeObject.prototype.setAnimationFrame = function(newFrame) {
if ( this._currentAnimation >= this._animations.length ||
this._currentDirection >= this._animations[this._currentAnimation].directions.length) {
var direction = this._animations[this._currentAnimation].directions[this._currentDirection];
if ( newFrame >= 0 && newFrame < direction.frames.length && newFrame !== this._currentFrame ) {
this._currentFrame = newFrame;
this._animationFrameDirty = true;
this.hitBoxesDirty = true;
* Get the index of the current frame displayed by the animation
* @return {number} newFrame The index of the frame being displayed
gdjs.SpriteRuntimeObject.prototype.getAnimationFrame = function() {
return this._currentFrame;
* Return true if animation has ended.
gdjs.SpriteRuntimeObject.prototype.hasAnimationEnded = function() {
if ( this._currentAnimation >= this._animations.length ||
this._currentDirection >= this._animations[this._currentAnimation].directions.length) {
return true;
if ( this._animations[this._currentAnimation].loop ) return false;
var direction = this._animations[this._currentAnimation].directions[this._currentDirection];
return this._currentFrame === direction.frames.length-1;
gdjs.SpriteRuntimeObject.prototype.animationPaused = function() {
return this._animationPaused;
gdjs.SpriteRuntimeObject.prototype.pauseAnimation = function() {
this._animationPaused = true;
gdjs.SpriteRuntimeObject.prototype.playAnimation = function() {
this._animationPaused = false;
gdjs.SpriteRuntimeObject.prototype.getAnimationSpeedScale = function() {
return this._animationSpeedScale;
gdjs.SpriteRuntimeObject.prototype.setAnimationSpeedScale = function(ratio) {
this._animationSpeedScale = ratio
//Position :
* Get the position on X axis on the scene of the given point.
* @param {string} name The point name
* @return {number} the position on X axis on the scene of the given point.
gdjs.SpriteRuntimeObject.prototype.getPointX = function(name) {
if ( this._animationFrameDirty ) this._updateAnimationFrame();
if ( name.length === 0 || this._animationFrame === null ) return this.getX();
var pt = this._animationFrame.getPoint(name);
var pos = gdjs.staticArray(gdjs.SpriteRuntimeObject.prototype.getPointX);
this._transformToGlobal(pt.x, pt.y, pos);
return pos[0];
* Get the position on Y axis on the scene of the given point.
* @param {string} name The point name
* @return {number} the position on Y axis on the scene of the given point.
gdjs.SpriteRuntimeObject.prototype.getPointY = function(name) {
if ( this._animationFrameDirty ) this._updateAnimationFrame();
if ( name.length === 0 || this._animationFrame === null ) return this.getY();
var pt = this._animationFrame.getPoint(name);
var pos = gdjs.staticArray(gdjs.SpriteRuntimeObject.prototype.getPointY);
this._transformToGlobal(pt.x, pt.y, pos);
return pos[1];
* Return an array containing the coordinates of the point passed as parameter
* in world coordinates (as opposed to the object local coordinates).
* Beware: this._animationFrame and this._sprite must *not* be null!
* All transformations (flipping, scale, rotation) are supported.
* @param {number} pointX The X position of the point, in object coordinates.
* @param {number} pointY The Y position of the point, in object coordinates.
* @param {Array} result Array that will be updated with the result (x and y position of the point
* in global coordinates)
* @private
gdjs.SpriteRuntimeObject.prototype._transformToGlobal = function(x, y, result) {
var cx =;
var cy =;
if ( this._flippedX ) {
x = x + (cx - x) * 2;
if ( this._flippedY ) {
y = y + (cy - y) * 2;
var absScaleX = Math.abs(this._scaleX);
var absScaleY = Math.abs(this._scaleY);
x *= absScaleX;
y *= absScaleY;
cx *= absScaleX;
cy *= absScaleY;
var oldX = x;
var angleInRadians = this.angle/180*Math.PI;
var cosValue = Math.cos(angleInRadians); // Only compute cos and sin once (10% faster than doing it twice)
var sinValue = Math.sin(angleInRadians);
var xToCenterXDelta = x-cx;
var yToCenterYDelta = y-cy;
x = cx + cosValue*(xToCenterXDelta) - sinValue*(yToCenterYDelta);
y = cy + sinValue*(xToCenterXDelta) + cosValue*(yToCenterYDelta);
result.length = 2;
result[0] = x + (this.x - this._animationFrame.origin.x*absScaleX);
result[1] = y + (this.y - this._animationFrame.origin.y*absScaleY);
* Get the X position, on the scene, of the origin of the texture of the object.
* @return {number} the X position, on the scene, of the origin of the texture of the object.
gdjs.SpriteRuntimeObject.prototype.getDrawableX = function() {
if ( this._animationFrame === null ) return this.x;
var absScaleX = Math.abs(this._scaleX);
if (!this._flippedX) {
return this.x - this._animationFrame.origin.x*absScaleX;
} else {
return this.x + (-this._animationFrame.origin.x
- this._renderer.getUnscaledWidth() + 2**absScaleX;
* Get the Y position, on the scene, of the origin of the texture of the object.
* @return {number} the Y position, on the scene, of the origin of the texture of the object.
gdjs.SpriteRuntimeObject.prototype.getDrawableY = function() {
if ( this._animationFrame === null ) return this.y;
var absScaleY = Math.abs(this._scaleY);
if (!this._flippedY) {
return this.y - this._animationFrame.origin.y*absScaleY;
} else {
return this.y + (-this._animationFrame.origin.y
- this._renderer.getUnscaledHeight() + 2**absScaleY;
* Get the X position of the center of the object, relative to top-left of the texture of the object (`getDrawableX`).
* @return {number} X position of the center of the object, relative to `getDrawableX()`.
gdjs.SpriteRuntimeObject.prototype.getCenterX = function() {
if ( this._animationFrameDirty ) this._updateAnimationFrame();
if ( this._animationFrame === null ) return 0;
if (!this._flippedX) {
//Just need to multiply by the scale as it is the center.
} else {
return (this._renderer.getUnscaledWidth() -*Math.abs(this._scaleX);
* Get the Y position of the center of the object, relative to top-left of the texture of the object (`getDrawableY`).
* @return {number} Y position of the center of the object, relative to `getDrawableY()`.
gdjs.SpriteRuntimeObject.prototype.getCenterY = function() {
if ( this._animationFrameDirty ) this._updateAnimationFrame();
if ( this._animationFrame === null ) return 0;
if (!this._flippedY) {
//Just need to multiply by the scale as it is the center.
} else {
return (this._renderer.getUnscaledHeight() -*Math.abs(this._scaleY);
* Set the X position of the (origin of the) object.
* @param {number} x The new X position.
gdjs.SpriteRuntimeObject.prototype.setX = function(x) {
if ( x === this.x ) return;
this.x = x;
if (this._animationFrame !== null) {
this.hitBoxesDirty = true;
* Set the Y position of the (origin of the) object.
* @param {number} y The new Y position.
gdjs.SpriteRuntimeObject.prototype.setY = function(y) {
if ( y === this.y ) return;
this.y = y;
if ( this._animationFrame !== null) {
this.hitBoxesDirty = true;
* Set the angle of the object.
* @param {number} angle The new angle, in degrees.
gdjs.SpriteRuntimeObject.prototype.setAngle = function(angle) {
if ( this._currentAnimation >= this._animations.length ) {
if ( !this._animations[this._currentAnimation].hasMultipleDirections ) {
if (this.angle === angle) return;
this.angle = angle;
this.hitBoxesDirty = true;
} else {
angle = angle % 360;
if ( angle < 0 ) angle += 360;
this.setDirectionOrAngle(Math.round(angle/45) % 8);
* Get the angle of the object.
* @return {number} The angle, in degrees.
gdjs.SpriteRuntimeObject.prototype.getAngle = function(angle) {
if ( this._currentAnimation >= this._animations.length ) {
return 0;
if ( !this._animations[this._currentAnimation].hasMultipleDirections )
return this.angle;
return this._currentDirection * 45;
//Visibility and display :
gdjs.SpriteRuntimeObject.prototype.setBlendMode = function(newMode) {
if (this._blendMode === newMode) return;
this._blendMode = newMode;
gdjs.SpriteRuntimeObject.prototype.getBlendMode = function() {
return this._blendMode;
* Change the transparency of the object.
* @param {number} opacity The new opacity, between 0 (transparent) and 255 (opaque).
gdjs.SpriteRuntimeObject.prototype.setOpacity = function(opacity) {
if ( opacity < 0 ) opacity = 0;
if ( opacity > 255 ) opacity = 255;
this.opacity = opacity;
* Get the transparency of the object.
* @return {number} The opacity, between 0 (transparent) and 255 (opaque).
gdjs.SpriteRuntimeObject.prototype.getOpacity = function() {
return this.opacity;
* Hide (or show) the object
* @param {boolean} enable true to hide the object, false to show it again.
gdjs.SpriteRuntimeObject.prototype.hide = function(enable) {
if ( enable === undefined ) enable = true;
this.hidden = enable;
* Change the tint of the sprite object.
* @param {string} rgbColor The color, in RGB format ("128;200;255").
gdjs.SpriteRuntimeObject.prototype.setColor = function(rgbColor) {
* Get the tint of the sprite object.
* @returns {string} rgbColor The color, in RGB format ("128;200;255").
gdjs.SpriteRuntimeObject.prototype.getColor = function() {
return this._renderer.getColor();
gdjs.SpriteRuntimeObject.prototype.flipX = function(enable) {
if ( enable !== this._flippedX ) {
this._scaleX *= -1;
this._flippedX = enable;
this.hitBoxesDirty = true;
gdjs.SpriteRuntimeObject.prototype.flipY = function(enable) {
if ( enable !== this._flippedY ) {
this._scaleY *= -1;
this._flippedY = enable;
this.hitBoxesDirty = true;
gdjs.SpriteRuntimeObject.prototype.isFlippedX = function() {
return this._flippedX;
gdjs.SpriteRuntimeObject.prototype.isFlippedY = function() {
return this._flippedY;
//Scale and size :
* Get the width of the object.
* @return {number} The width of the object, in pixels.
gdjs.SpriteRuntimeObject.prototype.getWidth = function() {
if ( this._animationFrameDirty ) this._updateAnimationFrame();
return this._renderer.getWidth();
* Get the height of the object.
* @return {number} The height of the object, in pixels.
gdjs.SpriteRuntimeObject.prototype.getHeight = function() {
if ( this._animationFrameDirty ) this._updateAnimationFrame();
return this._renderer.getHeight();
* Change the width of the object. This changes the scale on X axis of the object.
* @param {number} width The new width of the object, in pixels.
gdjs.SpriteRuntimeObject.prototype.setWidth = function(newWidth) {
if ( this._animationFrameDirty ) this._updateAnimationFrame();
var unscaledWidth = this._renderer.getUnscaledWidth();
if (unscaledWidth !== 0) this.setScaleX(newWidth / unscaledWidth);
* Change the height of the object. This changes the scale on Y axis of the object.
* @param {number} height The new height of the object, in pixels.
gdjs.SpriteRuntimeObject.prototype.setHeight = function(newHeight) {
if ( this._animationFrameDirty ) this._updateAnimationFrame();
var unscaledHeight = this._renderer.getUnscaledHeight();
if (unscaledHeight !== 0) this.setScaleY(newHeight / unscaledHeight);
* Change the scale on X and Y axis of the object.
* @param {number} newScale The new scale (must be greater than 0).
gdjs.SpriteRuntimeObject.prototype.setScale = function(newScale) {
if ( newScale < 0 ) newScale = 0;
if ( newScale === Math.abs(this._scaleX) && newScale === Math.abs(this._scaleY) ) return;
this._scaleX = newScale * (this._flippedX ? -1 : 1);
this._scaleY = newScale * (this._flippedY ? -1 : 1);
this.hitBoxesDirty = true;
* Change the scale on X axis of the object (changing its width).
* @param {number} newScale The new scale (must be greater than 0).
gdjs.SpriteRuntimeObject.prototype.setScaleX = function(newScale) {
if ( newScale < 0 ) newScale = 0;
if ( newScale === Math.abs(this._scaleX) ) return;
this._scaleX = newScale * (this._flippedX ? -1 : 1);
this.hitBoxesDirty = true;
* Change the scale on Y axis of the object (changing its width).
* @param {number} newScale The new scale (must be greater than 0).
gdjs.SpriteRuntimeObject.prototype.setScaleY = function(newScale) {
if ( newScale < 0 ) newScale = 0;
if ( newScale === Math.abs(this._scaleY) ) return;
this._scaleY = newScale * (this._flippedY ? -1 : 1);
this.hitBoxesDirty = true;
* Get the scale of the object (or the average of the X and Y scale in case they are different).
* @return {number} the scale of the object (or the average of the X and Y scale in case they are different).
gdjs.SpriteRuntimeObject.prototype.getScale = function() {
return (Math.abs(this._scaleX)+Math.abs(this._scaleY))/2.0;
* Get the scale of the object on Y axis.
* @return {number} the scale of the object on Y axis
gdjs.SpriteRuntimeObject.prototype.getScaleY = function() {
return Math.abs(this._scaleY);
* Get the scale of the object on X axis.
* @return {number} the scale of the object on X axis
gdjs.SpriteRuntimeObject.prototype.getScaleX = function() {
return Math.abs(this._scaleX);
//Other :
* @param obj The target object
* @param scene The scene containing the object
* @deprecated
gdjs.SpriteRuntimeObject.prototype.turnTowardObject = function(obj, scene) {
if ( obj === null ) return;
obj.getDrawableY()+obj.getCenterY(), 0, scene);