doxygen regression test: Tolerate only warning-free builds

This commit simplifies the regression test for the doxygen build to
allow only 0 warnings.

Clean doxygen.runlog and doxygen.runerr for clean target 
and ignore them in .gitignore.
This commit is contained in:
Tommy Sparber 2015-10-30 11:44:48 +11:00
parent 9bb3a3a235
commit d0e9cd18c7
3 changed files with 10 additions and 6 deletions

.gitignore vendored
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@ -32,6 +32,8 @@

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@ -33,22 +33,25 @@ doxygen:
@make -C $(DOCDIR) doxygen.log 2> doxygen.runerr > doxygen.runlog
summary: doxygen
@( doxyerr=`cat doxyerrors.cnt`; curerr=`cat $(DOCDIR)/doxygen.log | grep ": warning: " | wc -l` ; delta=`expr $$curerr - $$doxyerr`; \
if [ $$delta -lt 0 ] ; then echo "doxygen: FAIL ಠ_ಠ\nCongratulations you fixed `expr $$delta \"*\" -1 ` of doxyen's warnings (old: $$doxyerr new: $$curerr). Please adjust regression-tests/00-doxygen/doxyerrors.cnt accordingly." > summary; fi ;\
if [ $$delta -gt 0 ] ; then echo "doxygen: FAIL ಠ_ಠ\nYou increased the number of warnings caused by doxygen by $$delta (old: $$doxyerr new: $$curerr). Please fix these." > summary; fi ; \
if [ $$delta -eq 0 ] ; then echo "doxygen: OK\nDoxygen found $$doxyerr errors" > summary ; fi ; \
@( \
1> summary; \
if [ -s doxygen.runerr ] ; then \
echo "doxygen: FAIL ಠ_ಠ\nDoxygen caused some runtime warnings. Please fix these." >> summary; \
echo "Runtime warnings:" >> summary; \
cat doxygen.runerr >> summary; \
echo >> summary; \
fi ; \
if [ -s $(DOCDIR)/doxygen.log ] ; then \
echo "doxygen: FAIL ಠ_ಠ\nDoxygen caused some warnings. Please fix these." >> summary; \
echo "Warnings:" >> summary; \
cat $(DOCDIR)/doxygen.log >> summary; \
fi ; \
if [ ! -s summary ] ; then \
echo "doxygen: OK\nDoxygen found no warnings" >> summary; \
fi ; \
cat summary \
@rm -f summary doxygen.runlog doxygen.runerr
@make -C $(DOCDIR) clean

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@ -1 +0,0 @@