/* * Copyright (c) 2015-2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * * Neither the name of Texas Instruments Incorporated nor the names of * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; * OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR * OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, * EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* * ====================== CC2650DK_7ID.c ============================================= * This file is responsible for setting up the board specific items for the * SRF06EB with the CC2650EM_7ID board. */ /* * ====================== Includes ============================================ */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* * ========================= IO driver initialization ========================= * From main, PIN_init(BoardGpioInitTable) should be called to setup safe * settings for this board. * When a pin is allocated and then de-allocated, it will revert to the state * configured in this table. */ /* Place into subsections to allow the TI linker to remove items properly */ #if defined(__TI_COMPILER_VERSION__) #pragma DATA_SECTION(BoardGpioInitTable, ".const:BoardGpioInitTable") #pragma DATA_SECTION(PINCC26XX_hwAttrs, ".const:PINCC26XX_hwAttrs") #endif const PIN_Config BoardGpioInitTable[] = { Board_DK_LED1 | PIN_GPIO_OUTPUT_EN | PIN_GPIO_LOW | PIN_PUSHPULL | PIN_DRVSTR_MAX, /* LED initially off */ Board_DK_LED2 | PIN_GPIO_OUTPUT_EN | PIN_GPIO_LOW | PIN_PUSHPULL | PIN_DRVSTR_MAX, /* LED initially off */ Board_DK_LED3 | PIN_GPIO_OUTPUT_EN | PIN_GPIO_LOW | PIN_PUSHPULL | PIN_DRVSTR_MAX, /* LED initially off */ Board_DK_LED4 | PIN_GPIO_OUTPUT_EN | PIN_GPIO_LOW | PIN_PUSHPULL | PIN_DRVSTR_MAX, /* LED initially off */ Board_KEY_SELECT | PIN_INPUT_EN | PIN_PULLUP | PIN_HYSTERESIS, /* Button is active low */ Board_KEY_UP | PIN_INPUT_EN | PIN_PULLUP | PIN_HYSTERESIS, /* Button is active low */ Board_KEY_DOWN | PIN_INPUT_EN | PIN_PULLUP | PIN_HYSTERESIS, /* Button is active low */ Board_KEY_LEFT | PIN_INPUT_EN | PIN_PULLUP | PIN_HYSTERESIS, /* Button is active low */ Board_KEY_RIGHT | PIN_INPUT_EN | PIN_PULLUP | PIN_HYSTERESIS, /* Button is active low */ Board_3V3_EN | PIN_GPIO_OUTPUT_EN | PIN_GPIO_LOW | PIN_PUSHPULL, /* 3V3 domain off initially */ Board_LCD_MODE | PIN_GPIO_OUTPUT_EN | PIN_GPIO_HIGH | PIN_PUSHPULL, /* LCD pin high initially */ Board_LCD_RST | PIN_GPIO_OUTPUT_EN | PIN_GPIO_HIGH | PIN_PUSHPULL, /* LCD pin high initially */ Board_LCD_CSN | PIN_GPIO_OUTPUT_EN | PIN_GPIO_HIGH | PIN_PUSHPULL, /* LCD CSn deasserted initially */ Board_ALS_PWR | PIN_GPIO_OUTPUT_EN | PIN_GPIO_LOW | PIN_PUSHPULL, /* ALS power off initially */ Board_ACC_PWR | PIN_GPIO_OUTPUT_EN | PIN_GPIO_LOW | PIN_PUSHPULL, /* ACC power off initially */ Board_ACC_CSN | PIN_GPIO_OUTPUT_EN | PIN_GPIO_HIGH | PIN_PUSHPULL, /* ACC CSn deasserted initially */ Board_SDCARD_CSN | PIN_GPIO_OUTPUT_EN | PIN_GPIO_HIGH | PIN_PUSHPULL, /* SDCARD CSn deasserted initially */ Board_UART_TX | PIN_GPIO_OUTPUT_EN | PIN_GPIO_HIGH | PIN_PUSHPULL, /* UART TX pin at inactive level */ PIN_TERMINATE /* Terminate list */ }; const PINCC26XX_HWAttrs PINCC26XX_hwAttrs = { .intPriority = ~0, .swiPriority = 0 }; /*============================================================================*/ /* * ============================= Power begin =================================== */ /* Place into subsections to allow the TI linker to remove items properly */ #if defined(__TI_COMPILER_VERSION__) #pragma DATA_SECTION(PowerCC26XX_config, ".const:PowerCC26XX_config") #endif const PowerCC26XX_Config PowerCC26XX_config = { .policyInitFxn = NULL, .policyFxn = &PowerCC26XX_standbyPolicy, .calibrateFxn = &PowerCC26XX_calibrate, .enablePolicy = TRUE, .calibrateRCOSC_LF = TRUE, .calibrateRCOSC_HF = TRUE, }; /* * ============================= Power end =================================== */ /* * ============================= UART begin =================================== */ /* Place into subsections to allow the TI linker to remove items properly */ #if defined(__TI_COMPILER_VERSION__) #pragma DATA_SECTION(UART_config, ".const:UART_config") #pragma DATA_SECTION(uartCC26XXHWAttrs, ".const:uartCC26XXHWAttrs") #endif /* Include drivers */ #include #include /* UART objects */ UARTCC26XX_Object uartCC26XXObjects[CC2650DK_7ID_UARTCOUNT]; unsigned char uartCC26XXRingBuffer[CC2650DK_7ID_UARTCOUNT][32]; /* UART hardware parameter structure, also used to assign UART pins */ const UARTCC26XX_HWAttrsV2 uartCC26XXHWAttrs[CC2650DK_7ID_UARTCOUNT] = { { .baseAddr = UART0_BASE, .powerMngrId = PowerCC26XX_PERIPH_UART0, .intNum = INT_UART0_COMB, .intPriority = ~0, .swiPriority = 0, .txPin = Board_UART_TX, .rxPin = Board_UART_RX, .ctsPin = PIN_UNASSIGNED, .rtsPin = PIN_UNASSIGNED, .ringBufPtr = uartCC26XXRingBuffer[0], .ringBufSize = sizeof(uartCC26XXRingBuffer[0]) } }; /* UART configuration structure */ const UART_Config UART_config[] = { { .fxnTablePtr = &UARTCC26XX_fxnTable, .object = &uartCC26XXObjects[0], .hwAttrs = &uartCC26XXHWAttrs[0] }, {NULL, NULL, NULL} }; /* * ============================= UART end ===================================== */ /* * ============================= UDMA begin =================================== */ /* Place into subsections to allow the TI linker to remove items properly */ #if defined(__TI_COMPILER_VERSION__) #pragma DATA_SECTION(UDMACC26XX_config, ".const:UDMACC26XX_config") #pragma DATA_SECTION(udmaHWAttrs, ".const:udmaHWAttrs") #endif /* Include drivers */ #include /* UDMA objects */ UDMACC26XX_Object udmaObjects[CC2650DK_7ID_UDMACOUNT]; /* UDMA configuration structure */ const UDMACC26XX_HWAttrs udmaHWAttrs[CC2650DK_7ID_UDMACOUNT] = { { .baseAddr = UDMA0_BASE, .powerMngrId = PowerCC26XX_PERIPH_UDMA, .intNum = INT_DMA_ERR, .intPriority = ~0 } }; /* UDMA configuration structure */ const UDMACC26XX_Config UDMACC26XX_config[] = { { .object = &udmaObjects[0], .hwAttrs = &udmaHWAttrs[0] }, {NULL, NULL} }; /* * ============================= UDMA end ===================================== */ /* * ========================== SPI DMA begin =================================== */ /* Place into subsections to allow the TI linker to remove items properly */ #if defined(__TI_COMPILER_VERSION__) #pragma DATA_SECTION(SPI_config, ".const:SPI_config") #pragma DATA_SECTION(spiCC26XXDMAHWAttrs, ".const:spiCC26XXDMAHWAttrs") #endif /* Include drivers */ #include /* SPI objects */ SPICC26XXDMA_Object spiCC26XXDMAObjects[CC2650DK_7ID_SPICOUNT]; /* SPI configuration structure, describing which pins are to be used */ const SPICC26XXDMA_HWAttrsV1 spiCC26XXDMAHWAttrs[CC2650DK_7ID_SPICOUNT] = { { .baseAddr = SSI0_BASE, .intNum = INT_SSI0_COMB, .intPriority = ~0, .swiPriority = 0, .powerMngrId = PowerCC26XX_PERIPH_SSI0, .defaultTxBufValue = 0, .rxChannelBitMask = 1< /* LCD object */ LCD_Object lcdObject; /* LCD hardware attribute structure */ const LCD_HWAttrs lcdHWAttrs = { .LCD_initCmd = &LCD_initCmd, .lcdResetPin = Board_LCD_RST, /* LCD reset pin */ .lcdModePin = Board_LCD_MODE, /* LCD mode pin */ .lcdCsnPin = Board_LCD_CSN, /* LCD CSn pin */ .spiIndex = Board_SPI0 }; /* LCD configuration structure */ const LCD_Config LCD_config = { .object = &lcdObject, .hwAttrs = &lcdHWAttrs }; /* * ========================== LCD end ========================================= */ /* * ========================== Crypto begin ==================================== * NOTE: The Crypto implementation should be considered experimental * and not validated! */ /* Place into subsections to allow the TI linker to remove items properly */ #if defined(__TI_COMPILER_VERSION__) #pragma DATA_SECTION(CryptoCC26XX_config, ".const:CryptoCC26XX_config") #pragma DATA_SECTION(cryptoCC26XXHWAttrs, ".const:cryptoCC26XXHWAttrs") #endif /* Include drivers */ #include /* Crypto objects */ CryptoCC26XX_Object cryptoCC26XXObjects[CC2650DK_7ID_CRYPTOCOUNT]; /* Crypto configuration structure, describing which pins are to be used */ const CryptoCC26XX_HWAttrs cryptoCC26XXHWAttrs[CC2650DK_7ID_CRYPTOCOUNT] = { { .baseAddr = CRYPTO_BASE, .powerMngrId = PowerCC26XX_PERIPH_CRYPTO, .intNum = INT_CRYPTO_RESULT_AVAIL_IRQ, .intPriority = ~0, } }; /* Crypto configuration structure */ const CryptoCC26XX_Config CryptoCC26XX_config[] = { { .object = &cryptoCC26XXObjects[0], .hwAttrs = &cryptoCC26XXHWAttrs[0] }, {NULL, NULL} }; /* * ========================== Crypto end ========================================= */ /* * ========================= RF driver begin ============================================== */ /* Place into subsections to allow the TI linker to remove items properly */ #if defined(__TI_COMPILER_VERSION__) #pragma DATA_SECTION(RFCC26XX_hwAttrs, ".const:RFCC26XX_hwAttrs") #endif /* Include drivers */ #include /* RF hwi and swi priority */ const RFCC26XX_HWAttrs RFCC26XX_hwAttrs = { .hwiCpe0Priority = ~0, .hwiHwPriority = ~0, .swiCpe0Priority = 0, .swiHwPriority = 0, }; /* * ========================== RF driver end ========================================= */ /* * ========================= Display begin ==================================== */ /* Place into subsections to allow the TI linker to remove items properly */ #if defined(__TI_COMPILER_VERSION__) #pragma DATA_SECTION(Display_config, ".const:Display_config") #pragma DATA_SECTION(displayDogm1286HWattrs, ".const:displayDogm1286HWAttrs") #pragma DATA_SECTION(displayUartHWAttrs, ".const:displayUartHWAttrs") #endif #include #include #include /* Structures for UartPlain Blocking */ DisplayUart_Object displayUartObject; #ifndef BOARD_DISPLAY_UART_STRBUF_SIZE #define BOARD_DISPLAY_UART_STRBUF_SIZE 128 #endif static char uartStringBuf[BOARD_DISPLAY_UART_STRBUF_SIZE]; const DisplayUart_HWAttrs displayUartHWAttrs = { .uartIdx = Board_UART, .baudRate = 115200, .mutexTimeout = BIOS_WAIT_FOREVER, .strBuf = uartStringBuf, .strBufLen = BOARD_DISPLAY_UART_STRBUF_SIZE, }; /* Structures for DOGM1286 */ DisplayDogm1286_Object displayDogm1286Object; const DisplayDogm1286_HWAttrs displayDogm1286HWattrs = { .lcdHandle = (LCD_Handle) & LCD_config, .powerPin = Board_3V3_EN }; /* Array of displays */ const Display_Config Display_config[] = { #if !defined(BOARD_DISPLAY_EXCLUDE_UART) { .fxnTablePtr = &DisplayUart_fxnTable, .object = &displayUartObject, .hwAttrs = &displayUartHWAttrs, }, #endif #if !defined(BOARD_DISPLAY_EXCLUDE_LCD) { .fxnTablePtr = &DisplayDogm1286_fxnTable, .object = &displayDogm1286Object, .hwAttrs = &displayDogm1286HWattrs }, #endif { NULL, NULL, NULL } // Terminator }; /* * ========================= Display end ====================================== */ /* * ============================ GPTimer begin ================================= * Remove unused entries to reduce flash usage both in Board.c and Board.h */ /* Place into subsections to allow the TI linker to remove items properly */ #if defined(__TI_COMPILER_VERSION__) #pragma DATA_SECTION(GPTimerCC26XX_config, ".const:GPTimerCC26XX_config") #pragma DATA_SECTION(gptimerCC26xxHWAttrs, ".const:gptimerCC26xxHWAttrs") #endif /* GPTimer hardware attributes, one per timer part (Timer 0A, 0B, 1A, 1B..) */ const GPTimerCC26XX_HWAttrs gptimerCC26xxHWAttrs[CC2650DK_7ID_GPTIMERPARTSCOUNT] = { { .baseAddr = GPT0_BASE, .intNum = INT_GPT0A, .intPriority = (~0), .powerMngrId = PowerCC26XX_PERIPH_GPT0, .pinMux = GPT_PIN_0A, }, { .baseAddr = GPT0_BASE, .intNum = INT_GPT0B, .intPriority = (~0), .powerMngrId = PowerCC26XX_PERIPH_GPT0, .pinMux = GPT_PIN_0B, }, { .baseAddr = GPT1_BASE, .intNum = INT_GPT1A, .intPriority = (~0), .powerMngrId = PowerCC26XX_PERIPH_GPT1, .pinMux = GPT_PIN_1A, }, { .baseAddr = GPT1_BASE, .intNum = INT_GPT1B, .intPriority = (~0), .powerMngrId = PowerCC26XX_PERIPH_GPT1, .pinMux = GPT_PIN_1B, }, { .baseAddr = GPT2_BASE, .intNum = INT_GPT2A, .intPriority = (~0), .powerMngrId = PowerCC26XX_PERIPH_GPT2, .pinMux = GPT_PIN_2A, }, { .baseAddr = GPT2_BASE, .intNum = INT_GPT2B, .intPriority = (~0), .powerMngrId = PowerCC26XX_PERIPH_GPT2, .pinMux = GPT_PIN_2B, }, { .baseAddr = GPT3_BASE, .intNum = INT_GPT3A, .intPriority = (~0), .powerMngrId = PowerCC26XX_PERIPH_GPT3, .pinMux = GPT_PIN_3A, }, { .baseAddr = GPT3_BASE, .intNum = INT_GPT3B, .intPriority = (~0), .powerMngrId = PowerCC26XX_PERIPH_GPT3, .pinMux = GPT_PIN_3B, }, }; /* GPTimer objects, one per full-width timer (A+B) (Timer 0, Timer 1..) */ GPTimerCC26XX_Object gptimerCC26XXObjects[CC2650DK_7ID_GPTIMERCOUNT]; /* GPTimer configuration (used as GPTimer_Handle by driver and application) */ const GPTimerCC26XX_Config GPTimerCC26XX_config[CC2650DK_7ID_GPTIMERPARTSCOUNT] = { { &gptimerCC26XXObjects[0], &gptimerCC26xxHWAttrs[0], GPT_A }, { &gptimerCC26XXObjects[0], &gptimerCC26xxHWAttrs[1], GPT_B }, { &gptimerCC26XXObjects[1], &gptimerCC26xxHWAttrs[2], GPT_A }, { &gptimerCC26XXObjects[1], &gptimerCC26xxHWAttrs[3], GPT_B }, { &gptimerCC26XXObjects[2], &gptimerCC26xxHWAttrs[4], GPT_A }, { &gptimerCC26XXObjects[2], &gptimerCC26xxHWAttrs[5], GPT_B }, { &gptimerCC26XXObjects[3], &gptimerCC26xxHWAttrs[6], GPT_A }, { &gptimerCC26XXObjects[3], &gptimerCC26xxHWAttrs[7], GPT_B }, }; /* * ============================ GPTimer end =================================== */ /* * ============================= PWM begin ==================================== * Remove unused entries to reduce flash usage both in Board.c and Board.h */ /* Place into subsections to allow the TI linker to remove items properly */ #if defined(__TI_COMPILER_VERSION__) #pragma DATA_SECTION(PWM_config, ".const:PWM_config") #pragma DATA_SECTION(pwmtimerCC26xxHWAttrs, ".const:pwmtimerCC26xxHWAttrs") #endif /* PWM configuration, one per PWM output. */ PWMTimerCC26XX_HwAttrs pwmtimerCC26xxHWAttrs[CC2650DK_7ID_PWMCOUNT] = { { .pwmPin = Board_PWMPIN0, .gpTimerUnit = Board_GPTIMER0A }, { .pwmPin = Board_PWMPIN1, .gpTimerUnit = Board_GPTIMER0B }, { .pwmPin = Board_PWMPIN2, .gpTimerUnit = Board_GPTIMER1A }, { .pwmPin = Board_PWMPIN3, .gpTimerUnit = Board_GPTIMER1B }, { .pwmPin = Board_PWMPIN4, .gpTimerUnit = Board_GPTIMER2A }, { .pwmPin = Board_PWMPIN5, .gpTimerUnit = Board_GPTIMER2B }, { .pwmPin = Board_PWMPIN6, .gpTimerUnit = Board_GPTIMER3A }, { .pwmPin = Board_PWMPIN7, .gpTimerUnit = Board_GPTIMER3B }, }; /* PWM object, one per PWM output */ PWMTimerCC26XX_Object pwmtimerCC26xxObjects[CC2650DK_7ID_PWMCOUNT]; extern const PWM_FxnTable PWMTimerCC26XX_fxnTable; /* PWM configuration (used as PWM_Handle by driver and application) */ const PWM_Config PWM_config[CC2650DK_7ID_PWMCOUNT + 1] = { { &PWMTimerCC26XX_fxnTable, &pwmtimerCC26xxObjects[0], &pwmtimerCC26xxHWAttrs[0] }, { &PWMTimerCC26XX_fxnTable, &pwmtimerCC26xxObjects[1], &pwmtimerCC26xxHWAttrs[1] }, { &PWMTimerCC26XX_fxnTable, &pwmtimerCC26xxObjects[2], &pwmtimerCC26xxHWAttrs[2] }, { &PWMTimerCC26XX_fxnTable, &pwmtimerCC26xxObjects[3], &pwmtimerCC26xxHWAttrs[3] }, { &PWMTimerCC26XX_fxnTable, &pwmtimerCC26xxObjects[4], &pwmtimerCC26xxHWAttrs[4] }, { &PWMTimerCC26XX_fxnTable, &pwmtimerCC26xxObjects[5], &pwmtimerCC26xxHWAttrs[5] }, { &PWMTimerCC26XX_fxnTable, &pwmtimerCC26xxObjects[6], &pwmtimerCC26xxHWAttrs[6] }, { &PWMTimerCC26XX_fxnTable, &pwmtimerCC26xxObjects[7], &pwmtimerCC26xxHWAttrs[7] }, { NULL, NULL, NULL } }; /* * ============================= PWM end ====================================== */ /* * ========================== ADCBuf begin ========================================= */ /* Place into subsections to allow the TI linker to remove items properly */ #if defined(__TI_COMPILER_VERSION__) #pragma DATA_SECTION(ADCBuf_config, ".const:ADCBuf_config") #pragma DATA_SECTION(adcBufCC26xxHWAttrs, ".const:adcBufCC26xxHWAttrs") #pragma DATA_SECTION(ADCBufCC26XX_adcChannelLut, ".const:ADCBufCC26XX_adcChannelLut") #endif /* Include drivers */ #include #include /* ADC objects */ ADCBufCC26XX_Object adcBufCC26xxObjects[CC2650DK_7ID_ADCBufCOUNT]; /* * This table converts a virtual adc channel into a dio and internal analogue input signal. * This table is necessary for the functioning of the adcBuf driver. * Comment out unused entries to save flash. * Dio and internal signal pairs are hardwired. Do not remap them in the table. You may reorder entire entries though. * The mapping of dio and internal signals is package dependent. */ const ADCBufCC26XX_AdcChannelLutEntry ADCBufCC26XX_adcChannelLut[] = { {Board_ALS_OUT, ADC_COMPB_IN_AUXIO7}, {PIN_UNASSIGNED, ADC_COMPB_IN_DCOUPL}, {PIN_UNASSIGNED, ADC_COMPB_IN_VSS}, {PIN_UNASSIGNED, ADC_COMPB_IN_VDDS} }; const ADCBufCC26XX_HWAttrs adcBufCC26xxHWAttrs[CC2650DK_7ID_ADCBufCOUNT] = { { .intPriority = ~0, .swiPriority = 0, .adcChannelLut = ADCBufCC26XX_adcChannelLut, .gpTimerUnit = Board_GPTIMER0A, .gptDMAChannelMask = 1 << UDMA_CHAN_TIMER0_A, } }; const ADCBuf_Config ADCBuf_config[] = { {&ADCBufCC26XX_fxnTable, &adcBufCC26xxObjects[0], &adcBufCC26xxHWAttrs[0]}, {NULL, NULL, NULL}, }; /* * ========================== ADCBuf end ========================================= */ /* * ========================== ADC begin ========================================= */ /* Place into subsections to allow the TI linker to remove items properly */ #if defined(__TI_COMPILER_VERSION__) #pragma DATA_SECTION(ADC_config, ".const:ADC_config") #pragma DATA_SECTION(adcCC26xxHWAttrs, ".const:adcCC26xxHWAttrs") #endif /* Include drivers */ #include #include /* ADC objects */ ADCCC26XX_Object adcCC26xxObjects[CC2650DK_7ID_ADCCOUNT]; const ADCCC26XX_HWAttrs adcCC26xxHWAttrs[CC2650DK_7ID_ADCCOUNT] = { { .adcDIO = Board_DIO23_ANALOG, .adcCompBInput = ADC_COMPB_IN_AUXIO7, .refSource = ADCCC26XX_FIXED_REFERENCE, .samplingDuration = ADCCC26XX_SAMPLING_DURATION_2P7_US, .inputScalingEnabled = true, .triggerSource = ADCCC26XX_TRIGGER_MANUAL }, { .adcDIO = PIN_UNASSIGNED, .adcCompBInput = ADC_COMPB_IN_DCOUPL, .refSource = ADCCC26XX_FIXED_REFERENCE, .samplingDuration = ADCCC26XX_SAMPLING_DURATION_2P7_US, .inputScalingEnabled = true, .triggerSource = ADCCC26XX_TRIGGER_MANUAL }, { .adcDIO = PIN_UNASSIGNED, .adcCompBInput = ADC_COMPB_IN_VSS, .refSource = ADCCC26XX_FIXED_REFERENCE, .samplingDuration = ADCCC26XX_SAMPLING_DURATION_2P7_US, .inputScalingEnabled = true, .triggerSource = ADCCC26XX_TRIGGER_MANUAL }, { .adcDIO = PIN_UNASSIGNED, .adcCompBInput = ADC_COMPB_IN_VDDS, .refSource = ADCCC26XX_FIXED_REFERENCE, .samplingDuration = ADCCC26XX_SAMPLING_DURATION_2P7_US, .inputScalingEnabled = true, .triggerSource = ADCCC26XX_TRIGGER_MANUAL } }; const ADC_Config ADC_config[] = { {&ADCCC26XX_fxnTable, &adcCC26xxObjects[0], &adcCC26xxHWAttrs[0]}, {&ADCCC26XX_fxnTable, &adcCC26xxObjects[1], &adcCC26xxHWAttrs[1]}, {&ADCCC26XX_fxnTable, &adcCC26xxObjects[2], &adcCC26xxHWAttrs[2]}, {&ADCCC26XX_fxnTable, &adcCC26xxObjects[3], &adcCC26xxHWAttrs[3]}, {NULL, NULL, NULL}, }; /* * ========================== ADC end ========================================= */ /* * =============================== Watchdog =============================== */ /* Place into subsections to allow the TI linker to remove items properly */ #if defined(__TI_COMPILER_VERSION__) #pragma DATA_SECTION(Watchdog_config, ".const:Watchdog_config") #pragma DATA_SECTION(watchdogCC26XXHWAttrs, ".const:watchdogCC26XXHWAttrs") #endif #include #include WatchdogCC26XX_Object watchdogCC26XXObjects[CC2650DK_7ID_WATCHDOGCOUNT]; const WatchdogCC26XX_HWAttrs watchdogCC26XXHWAttrs[CC2650DK_7ID_WATCHDOGCOUNT] = { { .baseAddr = WDT_BASE, .intNum = INT_WDT_IRQ, .reloadValue = 1000 /* Reload value in milliseconds */ }, }; const Watchdog_Config Watchdog_config[] = { { .fxnTablePtr = &WatchdogCC26XX_fxnTable, .object = &watchdogCC26XXObjects[0], .hwAttrs = &watchdogCC26XXHWAttrs[0] }, {NULL, NULL, NULL}, }; /* * ======== CC26XX_LAUNCHXL_initWatchdog ======== */ void CC26XX_LAUNCHXL_initWatchdog(void) { Watchdog_init(); }