ifndef CONTIKI $(error CONTIKI not defined! You must specify where CONTIKI resides!) endif ### Include the board-specific makefile PLATFORM_ROOT_DIR = $(CONTIKI)/arch/platform/$(TARGET) CONTIKI_TARGET_DIRS += . dev config CONTIKI_SOURCEFILES += platform.c leds-arch.c nrf52dk-sensors.c button-sensor.c temperature-sensor.c ifeq ($(NRF52_USE_RTT),1) ### Suppress the existing debug I/O in os/lib PLATFORM_DBG_IO = 1 CONTIKI_TARGET_DIRS += rtt CONTIKI_SOURCEFILES += rtt-printf.c segger-rtt.c segger-rtt-printf.c else CONTIKI_SOURCEFILES += dbg.c endif ### Unless the example dictates otherwise, build with code size optimisations switched off SMALL ?= 0 ### Define the CPU directory and pull in the correct CPU makefile. CONTIKI_CPU=$(CONTIKI)/arch/cpu/nrf52832 include $(CONTIKI_CPU)/Makefile.nrf52832