/* * Copyright (c) 2017-2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * * Neither the name of Texas Instruments Incorporated nor the names of * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; * OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR * OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, * EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ MIN_STACKSIZE = 0x800; /* 2048 bytes */ HEAPSIZE = 0x100; /* 256 bytes */ MEMORY { FLASH (RX) : ORIGIN = 0x00000000, LENGTH = 0x0001ffa8 /* * Customer Configuration Area and Bootloader Backdoor configuration in * flash, 40 bytes */ FLASH_CCFG (RX) : ORIGIN = 0x0001ffa8, LENGTH = 0x00000058 SRAM (RWX) : ORIGIN = 0x20000000, LENGTH = 0x00005000 GPRAM (RWX) : ORIGIN = 0x11000000, LENGTH = 0x00002000 } REGION_ALIAS("REGION_TEXT", FLASH); REGION_ALIAS("REGION_BSS", SRAM); REGION_ALIAS("REGION_DATA", SRAM); REGION_ALIAS("REGION_STACK", SRAM); REGION_ALIAS("REGION_HEAP", SRAM); REGION_ALIAS("REGION_ARM_EXIDX", FLASH); REGION_ALIAS("REGION_ARM_EXTAB", FLASH); SECTIONS { PROVIDE (_resetVecs_base_addr = DEFINED(_resetVecs_base_addr) ? _resetVecs_base_addr : 0x0); .resetVecs (_resetVecs_base_addr) : AT (_resetVecs_base_addr) { KEEP (*(.resetVecs)) } > REGION_TEXT .ramVecs (NOLOAD) : ALIGN(1024) { KEEP (*(.ramVecs)) } > REGION_DATA /* * UDMACC26XX_CONFIG_BASE below must match UDMACC26XX_CONFIG_BASE defined * by ti/drivers/dma/UDMACC26XX.h * The user is allowed to change UDMACC26XX_CONFIG_BASE to move it away from * the default address 0x2000_0400, but remember it must be 1024 bytes aligned. */ UDMACC26XX_CONFIG_BASE = 0x20000400; /* * Define absolute addresses for the DMA channels. * DMA channels must always be allocated at a fixed offset from the DMA base address. * CTEA := Control Table Entry Address * --------- DO NOT MODIFY ----------- */ DMA_SPI0_RX_CTEA = (UDMACC26XX_CONFIG_BASE + 0x30); DMA_SPI0_TX_CTEA = (UDMACC26XX_CONFIG_BASE + 0x40); DMA_ADC_PRI_CTEA = (UDMACC26XX_CONFIG_BASE + 0x70); DMA_GPT0A_PRI_CTEA = (UDMACC26XX_CONFIG_BASE + 0x90); DMA_SPI1_RX_CTEA = (UDMACC26XX_CONFIG_BASE + 0x100); DMA_SPI1_TX_CTEA = (UDMACC26XX_CONFIG_BASE + 0x110); DMA_ADC_ALT_CTEA = (UDMACC26XX_CONFIG_BASE + 0x270); DMA_GPT0A_ALT_CTEA = (UDMACC26XX_CONFIG_BASE + 0x290); /* * Allocate SPI0, SPI1, ADC, and GPTimer0 DMA descriptors at absolute addresses. * --------- DO NOT MODIFY ----------- */ UDMACC26XX_dmaSpi0RxControlTableEntry_is_placed = 0; .dmaSpi0RxControlTableEntry DMA_SPI0_RX_CTEA : AT (DMA_SPI0_RX_CTEA) { *(.dmaSpi0RxControlTableEntry) } > REGION_DATA UDMACC26XX_dmaSpi0TxControlTableEntry_is_placed = 0; .dmaSpi0TxControlTableEntry DMA_SPI0_TX_CTEA : AT (DMA_SPI0_TX_CTEA) { *(.dmaSpi0TxControlTableEntry) } > REGION_DATA UDMACC26XX_dmaADCPriControlTableEntry_is_placed = 0; .dmaADCPriControlTableEntry DMA_ADC_PRI_CTEA : AT (DMA_ADC_PRI_CTEA) { *(.dmaADCPriControlTableEntry) } > REGION_DATA UDMACC26XX_dmaGPT0APriControlTableEntry_is_placed = 0; .dmaGPT0APriControlTableEntry DMA_GPT0A_PRI_CTEA : AT (DMA_GPT0A_PRI_CTEA) { *(.dmaGPT0APriControlTableEntry) } > REGION_DATA UDMACC26XX_dmaSpi1RxControlTableEntry_is_placed = 0; .dmaSpi1RxControlTableEntry DMA_SPI1_RX_CTEA : AT (DMA_SPI1_RX_CTEA) { *(.dmaSpi1RxControlTableEntry) } > REGION_DATA UDMACC26XX_dmaSpi1TxControlTableEntry_is_placed = 0; .dmaSpi1TxControlTableEntry DMA_SPI1_TX_CTEA : AT (DMA_SPI1_TX_CTEA) { *(.dmaSpi1TxControlTableEntry) } > REGION_DATA UDMACC26XX_dmaADCAltControlTableEntry_is_placed = 0; .dmaADCAltControlTableEntry DMA_ADC_ALT_CTEA : AT (DMA_ADC_ALT_CTEA) { *(.dmaADCAltControlTableEntry) } > REGION_DATA UDMACC26XX_dmaGPT0AAltControlTableEntry_is_placed = 0; .dmaGPT0AAltControlTableEntry DMA_GPT0A_ALT_CTEA : AT (DMA_GPT0A_ALT_CTEA) { *(.dmaGPT0AAltControlTableEntry) } > REGION_DATA .text : { CREATE_OBJECT_SYMBOLS *(.text) *(.text.*) . = ALIGN(0x4); KEEP (*(.ctors)) . = ALIGN(0x4); KEEP (*(.dtors)) . = ALIGN(0x4); __init_array_start = .; KEEP (*(.init_array*)) __init_array_end = .; *(.init) *(.fini*) } > REGION_TEXT AT> REGION_TEXT PROVIDE(__etext = .); PROVIDE(_etext = .); PROVIDE(etext = .); .rodata : { *(.rodata) *(.rodata.*) } > REGION_TEXT AT> REGION_TEXT .data : ALIGN(0x4) { __data_load__ = LOADADDR(.data); __data_start__ = .; *(.data) *(.data.*) . = ALIGN (0x4); __data_end__ = .; } > REGION_DATA AT> REGION_TEXT .ARM.exidx : { __exidx_start = .; *(.ARM.exidx* .gnu.linkonce.armexidx.*) __exidx_end = .; } > REGION_ARM_EXIDX AT> REGION_ARM_EXIDX .ARM.extab : { *(.ARM.extab* .gnu.linkonce.armextab.*) } > REGION_ARM_EXTAB AT> REGION_ARM_EXTAB .nvs (NOLOAD) : ALIGN(0x1000) { *(.nvs) } > REGION_TEXT .ccfg : { KEEP(*(.ccfg)) } > FLASH_CCFG AT> FLASH_CCFG .bss : { __bss_start__ = .; *(.shbss) *(.bss) *(.bss.*) *(COMMON) . = ALIGN(0x4); __bss_end__ = .; } > REGION_BSS AT> REGION_BSS /* Start of heap must be 4 byte aligned */ .heap (NOLOAD) : ALIGN(0x4) { PROVIDE(__heap_start__ = .); PROVIDE(_heap = __heap_start__); PROVIDE(end = __heap_start__); PROVIDE(_end = __heap_start__); PROVIDE(__end = __heap_start__); . += HEAPSIZE; KEEP(*(.heap)) PROVIDE(__heap_end__ = .); PROVIDE(_eheap = __heap_end__); PROVIDE(__HeapLimit = __heap_end__); } > REGION_HEAP AT> REGION_HEAP PROVIDE(__stack_size = ORIGIN(SRAM) + LENGTH(SRAM) - ALIGN(0x8)); /* Start of stack must be 8 byte aligned */ .stack (NOLOAD) : { PROVIDE(_stack = ALIGN(0x8)); PROVIDE(__stack = _stack); PROVIDE(_stack_end = ORIGIN(SRAM) + LENGTH(SRAM)); PROVIDE(__stack_end = _stack_end); PROVIDE(_stack_origin = _stack_end); /* Note that the stack check library requires the symbols */ /* "_stack" and "_stack_origin" to be defined. */ /* Assert that we have enough stack */ ASSERT(__stack_size >= MIN_STACKSIZE, "Error: No room left for the stack"); } > REGION_STACK AT> REGION_STACK }