/* * Copyright (c) 2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated - http://www.ti.com/ * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, * STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED * OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /** * \addtogroup cc13xx-cc26xx-rf-sched * @{ * * \file * Implementation of the CC13xx/CC26xx RF scheduler. * \author * Edvard Pettersen */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "contiki.h" #include "dev/watchdog.h" #include "sys/cc.h" #include "sys/etimer.h" #include "sys/process.h" #include "sys/energest.h" #include "net/netstack.h" #include "net/packetbuf.h" #include "net/mac/mac.h" #include "lib/random.h" /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include #include DeviceFamily_constructPath(driverlib/rf_common_cmd.h) #include DeviceFamily_constructPath(driverlib/rf_mailbox.h) #include DeviceFamily_constructPath(driverlib/rf_ble_mailbox.h) #include /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "rf/rf.h" #include "rf/sched.h" #include "rf/data-queue.h" #include "rf/settings.h" /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include #include #include /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Log configuration */ #include "sys/log.h" #define LOG_MODULE "Radio" #define LOG_LEVEL LOG_LEVEL_NONE /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define CMD_FS_RETRIES 3 #define RF_EVENTS_CMD_DONE (RF_EventCmdDone | RF_EventLastCmdDone | \ RF_EventFGCmdDone | RF_EventLastFGCmdDone) #define CMD_STATUS(cmd) (CC_ACCESS_NOW(RF_Op, cmd).status) #define CMD_HANDLE_OK(handle) (((handle) != RF_ALLOC_ERROR) && \ ((handle) != RF_SCHEDULE_CMD_ERROR)) #define EVENTS_CMD_DONE(events) (((events) & RF_EVENTS_CMD_DONE) != 0) /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* BLE advertisement channel range (inclusive) */ #define BLE_ADV_CHANNEL_MIN 37 #define BLE_ADV_CHANNEL_MAX 39 /* Number of BLE advertisement channels */ #define NUM_BLE_ADV_CHANNELS (BLE_ADV_CHANNEL_MAX - BLE_ADV_CHANNEL_MIN + 1) /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Synth re-calibration every 3 minutes */ #define SYNTH_RECAL_INTERVAL (CLOCK_SECOND * 60 * 3) /* Set re-calibration interval with a jitter of 10 seconds */ #define SYNTH_RECAL_JITTER (CLOCK_SECOND * 10) static struct etimer synth_recal_timer; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #if (DeviceFamily_PARENT == DeviceFamily_PARENT_CC13X0_CC26X0) typedef rfc_CMD_BLE_ADV_NC_t ble_cmd_adv_nc_t; #elif (DeviceFamily_PARENT == DeviceFamily_PARENT_CC13X2_CC26X2) typedef rfc_CMD_BLE5_ADV_NC_t ble_cmd_adv_nc_t; #endif /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static RF_Object rf_netstack; #if RF_CONF_BLE_BEACON_ENABLE static RF_Object rf_ble; #endif static RF_CmdHandle cmd_rx_handle; static bool rf_is_on; static volatile bool rx_buf_full; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void cmd_rx_cb(RF_Handle client, RF_CmdHandle command, RF_EventMask events) { /* Unused arguments */ (void)client; (void)command; if(events & RF_EventRxEntryDone) { process_poll(&rf_sched_process); } if(events & RF_EventRxBufFull) { rx_buf_full = true; process_poll(&rf_sched_process); } } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static inline clock_time_t synth_recal_interval(void) { /* * Add jitter centered around SYNTH_RECAL_INTERVAL, giving a plus/minus * jitter seconds halved. */ return SYNTH_RECAL_INTERVAL + (random_rand() % SYNTH_RECAL_JITTER) - (SYNTH_RECAL_JITTER / 2); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static inline bool cmd_rx_is_active(void) { /* * Active in this case means RX command is either running to be running, * that is ACTIVE for running or PENDING for to be running. */ const uint16_t status = CMD_STATUS(netstack_cmd_rx); return (status == ACTIVE) || (status == PENDING); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static uint_fast8_t cmd_rx_disable(void) { const bool is_active = cmd_rx_is_active(); if(is_active) { CMD_STATUS(netstack_cmd_rx) = DONE_STOPPED; RF_cancelCmd(&rf_netstack, cmd_rx_handle, RF_ABORT_GRACEFULLY); cmd_rx_handle = 0; } return (uint_fast8_t)is_active; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static rf_result_t cmd_rx_restore(uint_fast8_t rx_key) { const bool was_active = (rx_key != 0) ? true : false; if(!was_active) { return RF_RESULT_OK; } RF_ScheduleCmdParams sched_params; RF_ScheduleCmdParams_init(&sched_params); sched_params.priority = RF_PriorityNormal; sched_params.endTime = 0; sched_params.allowDelay = RF_AllowDelayAny; CMD_STATUS(netstack_cmd_rx) = PENDING; cmd_rx_handle = RF_scheduleCmd( &rf_netstack, (RF_Op *)&netstack_cmd_rx, &sched_params, cmd_rx_cb, RF_EventRxEntryDone | RF_EventRxBufFull); if(!CMD_HANDLE_OK(cmd_rx_handle)) { LOG_ERR("Unable to restore RX command, handle=%d status=0x%04x", cmd_rx_handle, CMD_STATUS(netstack_cmd_rx)); return RF_RESULT_ERROR; } return RF_RESULT_OK; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ rf_result_t rf_yield(void) { /* Force abort of any ongoing RF operation */ RF_flushCmd(&rf_netstack, RF_CMDHANDLE_FLUSH_ALL, RF_ABORT_GRACEFULLY); #if RF_CONF_BLE_BEACON_ENABLE RF_flushCmd(&rf_ble, RF_CMDHANDLE_FLUSH_ALL, RF_ABORT_GRACEFULLY); #endif /* Trigger a manual power-down */ RF_yield(&rf_netstack); #if RF_CONF_BLE_BEACON_ENABLE RF_yield(&rf_ble); #endif ENERGEST_OFF(ENERGEST_TYPE_LISTEN); etimer_stop(&synth_recal_timer); rf_is_on = false; return RF_RESULT_OK; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ rf_result_t rf_set_tx_power(RF_Handle handle, RF_TxPowerTable_Entry *table, int8_t dbm) { const RF_Stat stat = RF_setTxPower(handle, RF_TxPowerTable_findValue(table, dbm)); return (stat == RF_StatSuccess) ? RF_RESULT_OK : RF_RESULT_ERROR; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ rf_result_t rf_get_tx_power(RF_Handle handle, RF_TxPowerTable_Entry *table, int8_t *dbm) { *dbm = RF_TxPowerTable_findPowerLevel(table, RF_getTxPower(handle)); return (*dbm != RF_TxPowerTable_INVALID_DBM) ? RF_RESULT_OK : RF_RESULT_ERROR; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ RF_Handle netstack_open(RF_Params *params) { return RF_open(&rf_netstack, &netstack_mode, (RF_RadioSetup *)&netstack_cmd_radio_setup, params); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ rf_result_t netstack_sched_fs(void) { const uint_fast8_t rx_key = cmd_rx_disable(); /* * For IEEE-mode, restarting CMD_IEEE_RX re-calibrates the synth by using the * channel field in the CMD_IEEE_RX command. It is assumed this field is * already configured before this function is called. However, if * CMD_IEEE_RX wasn't active, manually calibrate the synth with CMD_FS. * * For Prop-mode, the synth is always manually calibrated with CMD_FS. */ #if (RF_MODE == RF_CORE_MODE_2_4_GHZ) if(rx_key) { cmd_rx_restore(rx_key); return RF_RESULT_OK; } #endif /* RF_MODE == RF_CORE_MODE_2_4_GHZ */ RF_EventMask events; bool synth_error = false; uint8_t num_tries = 0; do { CMD_STATUS(netstack_cmd_fs) = PENDING; events = RF_runCmd( &rf_netstack, (RF_Op *)&netstack_cmd_fs, RF_PriorityNormal, NULL, 0); synth_error = (EVENTS_CMD_DONE(events)) && (CMD_STATUS(netstack_cmd_fs) == ERROR_SYNTH_PROG); } while(synth_error && (num_tries++ < CMD_FS_RETRIES)); cmd_rx_restore(rx_key); return (CMD_STATUS(netstack_cmd_fs) == DONE_OK) ? RF_RESULT_OK : RF_RESULT_ERROR; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ rf_result_t netstack_sched_ieee_tx(bool ack_request) { rf_result_t res; RF_ScheduleCmdParams sched_params; RF_ScheduleCmdParams_init(&sched_params); sched_params.priority = RF_PriorityNormal; sched_params.endTime = 0; sched_params.allowDelay = RF_AllowDelayAny; const bool rx_is_active = cmd_rx_is_active(); const bool rx_needed = (ack_request && !rx_is_active); /* * If we expect ACK after transmission, RX must be running to be able to * run the RX_ACK command. Therefore, turn on RX before starting the * chained TX command. */ if(rx_needed) { res = netstack_sched_rx(false); if(res != RF_RESULT_OK) { return res; } } CMD_STATUS(netstack_cmd_tx) = PENDING; RF_CmdHandle tx_handle = RF_scheduleCmd( &rf_netstack, (RF_Op *)&netstack_cmd_tx, &sched_params, NULL, 0); if(!CMD_HANDLE_OK(tx_handle)) { LOG_ERR("Unable to schedule TX command, handle=%d status=0x%04x\n", tx_handle, CMD_STATUS(netstack_cmd_tx)); return RF_RESULT_ERROR; } if(rx_is_active) { ENERGEST_SWITCH(ENERGEST_TYPE_LISTEN, ENERGEST_TYPE_TRANSMIT); } else { ENERGEST_ON(ENERGEST_TYPE_TRANSMIT); } /* Wait until TX operation finishes */ RF_EventMask tx_events = RF_pendCmd(&rf_netstack, tx_handle, 0); /* Stop RX if it was turned on only for ACK */ if(rx_needed) { netstack_stop_rx(); } if(rx_is_active) { ENERGEST_SWITCH(ENERGEST_TYPE_TRANSMIT, ENERGEST_TYPE_LISTEN); } else { ENERGEST_OFF(ENERGEST_TYPE_TRANSMIT); } if(!EVENTS_CMD_DONE(tx_events)) { LOG_ERR("Pending on TX comand generated error, events=0x%08llx status=0x%04x\n", tx_events, CMD_STATUS(netstack_cmd_tx)); return RF_RESULT_ERROR; } return RF_RESULT_OK; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ rf_result_t netstack_sched_prop_tx(void) { RF_ScheduleCmdParams sched_params; RF_ScheduleCmdParams_init(&sched_params); sched_params.priority = RF_PriorityNormal; sched_params.endTime = 0; sched_params.allowDelay = RF_AllowDelayAny; CMD_STATUS(netstack_cmd_tx) = PENDING; RF_CmdHandle tx_handle = RF_scheduleCmd( &rf_netstack, (RF_Op *)&netstack_cmd_tx, &sched_params, NULL, 0); if(!CMD_HANDLE_OK(tx_handle)) { LOG_ERR("Unable to schedule TX command, handle=%d status=0x%04x\n", tx_handle, CMD_STATUS(netstack_cmd_tx)); return RF_RESULT_ERROR; } /* * Prop TX requires any on-going RX operation to be stopped to be * able to transmit. Therefore, disable RX if running. */ const bool rx_key = cmd_rx_disable(); if(rx_key) { ENERGEST_SWITCH(ENERGEST_TYPE_LISTEN, ENERGEST_TYPE_TRANSMIT); } else { ENERGEST_ON(ENERGEST_TYPE_TRANSMIT); } /* Wait until TX operation finishes */ RF_EventMask tx_events = RF_pendCmd(&rf_netstack, tx_handle, 0); cmd_rx_restore(rx_key); if(rx_key) { ENERGEST_SWITCH(ENERGEST_TYPE_TRANSMIT, ENERGEST_TYPE_LISTEN); } else { ENERGEST_OFF(ENERGEST_TYPE_TRANSMIT); } if(!EVENTS_CMD_DONE(tx_events)) { LOG_ERR("Pending on scheduled TX command generated error, events=0x%08llx status=0x%04x\n", tx_events, CMD_STATUS(netstack_cmd_tx)); return RF_RESULT_ERROR; } return RF_RESULT_OK; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ rf_result_t netstack_sched_rx(bool start) { if(cmd_rx_is_active()) { LOG_WARN("Already in RX when scheduling RX\n"); return RF_RESULT_OK; } RF_ScheduleCmdParams sched_params; RF_ScheduleCmdParams_init(&sched_params); sched_params.priority = RF_PriorityNormal; sched_params.endTime = 0; sched_params.allowDelay = RF_AllowDelayAny; CMD_STATUS(netstack_cmd_rx) = PENDING; cmd_rx_handle = RF_scheduleCmd( &rf_netstack, (RF_Op *)&netstack_cmd_rx, &sched_params, cmd_rx_cb, RF_EventRxEntryDone | RF_EventRxBufFull); if(!CMD_HANDLE_OK(cmd_rx_handle)) { LOG_ERR("Unable to schedule RX command, handle=%d status=0x%04x\n", cmd_rx_handle, CMD_STATUS(netstack_cmd_rx)); return RF_RESULT_ERROR; } ENERGEST_ON(ENERGEST_TYPE_LISTEN); if(start) { rf_is_on = true; process_poll(&rf_sched_process); } return RF_RESULT_OK; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ rf_result_t netstack_stop_rx(void) { if(!cmd_rx_is_active()) { LOG_WARN("RX not active when stopping RX\n"); return RF_RESULT_OK; } CMD_STATUS(netstack_cmd_rx) = DONE_STOPPED; const RF_Stat stat = RF_cancelCmd(&rf_netstack, cmd_rx_handle, RF_ABORT_GRACEFULLY); cmd_rx_handle = 0; ENERGEST_OFF(ENERGEST_TYPE_LISTEN); return (stat == RF_StatSuccess) ? RF_RESULT_OK : RF_RESULT_ERROR; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ RF_Handle ble_open(RF_Params *params) { #if RF_CONF_BLE_BEACON_ENABLE return RF_open(&rf_ble, &ble_mode, (RF_RadioSetup *)&ble_cmd_radio_setup, params); #else return (RF_Handle)NULL; #endif } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #if RF_CONF_BLE_BEACON_ENABLE static RF_Op * init_ble_adv_array(ble_cmd_adv_nc_t *ble_adv_array, uint8_t bm_channel) { RF_Op *first_ble_adv = NULL; ble_cmd_adv_nc_t *cmd_adv_37 = &ble_adv_array[0]; ble_cmd_adv_nc_t *cmd_adv_38 = &ble_adv_array[1]; ble_cmd_adv_nc_t *cmd_adv_39 = &ble_adv_array[2]; /* Setup channel 37 advertisement if enabled */ if(bm_channel & BLE_ADV_CHANNEL_37) { /* Default configurations from ble_cmd_adv_nc */ memcpy(cmd_adv_37, &ble_cmd_adv_nc, sizeof(ble_cmd_adv_nc)); cmd_adv_37->channel = 37; /* Magic number: initialization for whitener, specific for channel 37 */ cmd_adv_37->whitening.init = 0x65; /* * The next advertisement is chained depending on whether they are * enbled or not. If both 38 and 39 are disabled, then there is no * chaining. */ if(bm_channel & BLE_ADV_CHANNEL_38) { cmd_adv_37->pNextOp = (RF_Op *)cmd_adv_38; cmd_adv_37->condition.rule = COND_ALWAYS; } else if(bm_channel & BLE_ADV_CHANNEL_39) { cmd_adv_37->pNextOp = (RF_Op *)cmd_adv_39; cmd_adv_37->condition.rule = COND_ALWAYS; } else { cmd_adv_37->pNextOp = NULL; cmd_adv_37->condition.rule = COND_NEVER; } /* Channel 37 will always be first if enabled */ first_ble_adv = (RF_Op *)cmd_adv_37; } /* Setup channel 38 advertisement if enabled */ if(bm_channel & BLE_ADV_CHANNEL_38) { memcpy(cmd_adv_38, &ble_cmd_adv_nc, sizeof(ble_cmd_adv_nc)); cmd_adv_38->channel = 38; /* Magic number: initialization for whitener, specific for channel 38 */ cmd_adv_38->whitening.init = 0x66; /* * The next advertisement is chained depending on whether they are * enbled or not. If 39 is disabled, then there is no chaining. */ if(bm_channel & BLE_ADV_CHANNEL_39) { cmd_adv_38->pNextOp = (RF_Op *)cmd_adv_39; cmd_adv_38->condition.rule = COND_ALWAYS; } else { cmd_adv_38->pNextOp = NULL; cmd_adv_38->condition.rule = COND_NEVER; } /* * Channel 38 is only first if the first_ble_adv pointer is not * set by channel 37. */ if(first_ble_adv == NULL) { first_ble_adv = (RF_Op *)cmd_adv_38; } } /* Setup channel 39 advertisement if enabled */ if(bm_channel & BLE_ADV_CHANNEL_39) { memcpy(cmd_adv_39, &ble_cmd_adv_nc, sizeof(ble_cmd_adv_nc)); cmd_adv_39->channel = 39; /* Magic number: initialization for whitener, specific for channel 39 */ cmd_adv_39->whitening.init = 0x67; /* Channel 39 is always the last advertisement in the chain */ cmd_adv_39->pNextOp = NULL; cmd_adv_39->condition.rule = COND_NEVER; /* * Channel 39 is only first if the first_ble_adv pointer is not * set by channel 37 or channel 38. */ if(first_ble_adv == NULL) { first_ble_adv = (RF_Op *)cmd_adv_39; } } return first_ble_adv; } #endif /* RF_CONF_BLE_BEACON_ENABLE */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ rf_result_t ble_sched_beacons(uint8_t bm_channel) { #if RF_CONF_BLE_BEACON_ENABLE /* * Allocate the advertisement commands on the stack rather than statically * to RAM in order to save space. We don't need them after the * advertisements have been transmitted. */ ble_cmd_adv_nc_t ble_cmd_adv_nc_array[NUM_BLE_ADV_CHANNELS]; RF_Op *initial_adv = NULL; RF_ScheduleCmdParams sched_params; RF_CmdHandle beacon_handle; RF_EventMask beacon_events; rf_result_t rf_result; /* If no channels are mapped, then early return OK */ if((bm_channel & BLE_ADV_CHANNEL_ALL) == 0) { return RF_RESULT_OK; } initial_adv = init_ble_adv_array(ble_cmd_adv_nc_array, bm_channel); if(initial_adv == NULL) { LOG_ERR("Initializing BLE Advertismenet chain failed\n"); return RF_RESULT_ERROR; } RF_ScheduleCmdParams_init(&sched_params); sched_params.priority = RF_PriorityNormal; sched_params.endTime = 0; sched_params.allowDelay = RF_AllowDelayAny; /* * The most efficient way to schedule the command is as follows: * 1. Schedule the BLE advertisement chain * 2. Reschedule the RX command IF it was running. * 3. Pend on the BLE avertisement chain */ beacon_handle = RF_scheduleCmd( &rf_ble, initial_adv, &sched_params, NULL, 0); if(!CMD_HANDLE_OK(beacon_handle)) { LOG_ERR("Unable to schedule BLE Beacon command, handle=%d status=0x%04x\n", beacon_handle, CMD_STATUS(ble_cmd_adv_nc)); return RF_RESULT_ERROR; } /* Note that this only reschedules RX if it is running */ rf_result = cmd_rx_restore(cmd_rx_disable()); /* Wait until Beacon operation finishes */ beacon_events = RF_pendCmd(&rf_ble, beacon_handle, 0); if(rf_result != RF_RESULT_OK) { LOG_ERR("Rescheduling CMD_RX failed when BLE advertising\n"); return RF_RESULT_ERROR; } if(!EVENTS_CMD_DONE(beacon_events)) { LOG_ERR("Pending on scheduled BLE Beacon command generated error, events=0x%08llx status=0x%04x\n", beacon_events, CMD_STATUS(ble_cmd_adv_nc)); return RF_RESULT_ERROR; } return RF_RESULT_OK; #else return RF_RESULT_ERROR; #endif } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PROCESS(rf_sched_process, "RF Scheduler Process"); /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PROCESS_THREAD(rf_sched_process, ev, data) { int len; PROCESS_BEGIN(); while(1) { PROCESS_YIELD_UNTIL((ev == PROCESS_EVENT_POLL) || (ev == PROCESS_EVENT_TIMER)); /* start the synth re-calibration timer once. */ if(rf_is_on) { rf_is_on = false; clock_time_t interval = synth_recal_interval(); LOG_INFO("Starting synth re-calibration timer, next timeout %lu\n", interval); etimer_set(&synth_recal_timer, interval); } if(ev == PROCESS_EVENT_POLL) { do { watchdog_periodic(); packetbuf_clear(); len = NETSTACK_RADIO.read(packetbuf_dataptr(), PACKETBUF_SIZE); /* * RX will stop if the RX buffers are full. In this case, restart * RX after we've freed at least on packet. */ if(rx_buf_full) { LOG_ERR("RX buffer full, restart RX status=0x%04x\n", CMD_STATUS(netstack_cmd_rx)); rx_buf_full = false; /* Restart RX. */ netstack_stop_rx(); netstack_sched_rx(false); } if(len > 0) { packetbuf_set_datalen(len); NETSTACK_MAC.input(); } /* Only break when we receive -1 => No available data */ } while(len >= 0); } /* Scheduling CMD_FS will re-calibrate the synth. */ if((ev == PROCESS_EVENT_TIMER) && etimer_expired(&synth_recal_timer)) { clock_time_t interval = synth_recal_interval(); LOG_DBG("Re-calibrate synth, next interval %lu\n", interval); netstack_sched_fs(); etimer_set(&synth_recal_timer, interval); } } PROCESS_END(); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** @} */