/* * Copyright (c) 2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated - http://www.ti.com/ * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, * STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED * OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /** * \addtogroup sensortag-hdc-sensor * @{ * * \file * Driver for the Sensortag HDC1000 sensor. * \author * Edvard Pettersen */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "contiki.h" #include "sys/ctimer.h" #include "lib/sensors.h" /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "board-conf.h" #include "hdc-1000-sensor.h" /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include #include /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include #include #include #include /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define DEBUG 0 #if DEBUG #define PRINTF(...) printf(__VA_ARGS__) #else #define PRINTF(...) #endif /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* * Disable the entire file if sensors are disabled, as it could potentially * create compile errors with missing defines from either the Board file or * configuration defines. */ #if BOARD_SENSORS_ENABLE /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifndef Board_HDC1000_ADDR #error "Board file doesn't define the I2C address Board_HDC1000_ADDR" #endif /* Sensor I2C address */ #define HDC1000_I2C_ADDRESS Board_HDC1000_ADDR /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Registers */ #define HDC1000_REG_TEMP 0x00 /* Temperature */ #define HDC1000_REG_HUM 0x01 /* Humidity */ #define HDC1000_REG_CONFIG 0x02 /* Configuration */ #define HDC1000_REG_SERID_H 0xFB /* Serial ID high */ #define HDC1000_REG_SERID_M 0xFC /* Serial ID middle */ #define HDC1000_REG_SERID_L 0xFD /* Serial ID low */ #define HDC1000_REG_MANF_ID 0xFE /* Manufacturer ID */ #define HDC1000_REG_DEV_ID 0xFF /* Device ID */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Fixed values */ #define HDC1000_VAL_MANF_ID 0x5449 #define HDC1000_VAL_DEV_ID 0x1000 #define HDC1000_VAL_CONFIG 0x1000 /* 14 bit, acquired in sequence */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Byte swap of 16-bit register value */ #define HI_UINT16(a) (((a) >> 8) & 0xFF) #define LO_UINT16(a) ((a) & 0xFF) #define SWAP16(v) ((LO_UINT16(v) << 8) | HI_UINT16(v)) #define LSB16(v) (LO_UINT16(v)), (HI_UINT16(v)) /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static I2C_Handle i2c_handle; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Raw data as returned from the sensor (Big Endian) */ typedef struct { uint16_t temp; uint16_t hum; } HDC_1000_SensorData; static HDC_1000_SensorData sensor_data; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static volatile HDC_1000_SENSOR_STATUS sensor_status = HDC_1000_SENSOR_STATUS_DISABLED; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* * Maximum measurement durations in clock ticks. We use 14bit resolution, thus: * - Tmp: 6.35ms * - RH: 6.5ms */ #define MEASUREMENT_DURATION 2 /* * Wait SENSOR_STARTUP_DELAY clock ticks between activation and triggering a * reading (max 15ms) */ #define SENSOR_STARTUP_DELAY 3 static struct ctimer startup_timer; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * \brief Setup and peform an I2C transaction. * \param wbuf Output buffer during the I2C transation. * \param wcount How many bytes in the wbuf. * \param rbuf Input buffer during the I2C transation. * \param rcount How many bytes to read into rbuf. * \return true if the I2C operation was successful; * else, return false. */ static bool i2c_write_read(void *wbuf, size_t wcount, void *rbuf, size_t rcount) { I2C_Transaction i2c_transaction = { .writeBuf = wbuf, .writeCount = wcount, .readBuf = rbuf, .readCount = rcount, .slaveAddress = HDC1000_I2C_ADDRESS, }; return I2C_transfer(i2c_handle, &i2c_transaction); } /** * \brief Peform a write only I2C transaction. * \param wbuf Output buffer during the I2C transation. * \param wcount How many bytes in the wbuf. * \return true if the I2C operation was successful; * else, return false. */ static inline bool i2c_write(void *wbuf, size_t wcount) { return i2c_write_read(wbuf, wcount, NULL, 0); } /** * \brief Peform a read only I2C transaction. * \param rbuf Input buffer during the I2C transation. * \param rcount How many bytes to read into rbuf. * \return true if the I2C operation was successful; * else, return false. */ static inline bool i2c_read(void *rbuf, size_t rcount) { return i2c_write_read(NULL, 0, rbuf, rcount); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * \brief Initialize the HDC-1000 sensor driver. * \return true if I2C operation successful; else, return false. */ static bool sensor_init(void) { if(i2c_handle) { return true; } I2C_Params i2c_params; I2C_Params_init(&i2c_params); i2c_params.transferMode = I2C_MODE_BLOCKING; i2c_params.bitRate = I2C_400kHz; i2c_handle = I2C_open(Board_I2C0, &i2c_params); if(i2c_handle == NULL) { return false; } /* Enable reading data in one operation */ uint8_t config_data[] = { HDC1000_REG_CONFIG, LSB16(HDC1000_VAL_CONFIG) }; return i2c_write(config_data, sizeof(config_data)); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * \brief Start measurement. * \return true if I2C operation successful; else, return false. */ static bool start(void) { uint8_t temp_reg[] = { HDC1000_REG_TEMP }; return i2c_write(temp_reg, sizeof(temp_reg)); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * \brief Convert raw data to temperature and humidity. * \param temp Output variable to store converted temperature. * \param hum Output variable to store converted humidity. */ static void convert(int32_t *temp, int32_t *hum) { int32_t raw_temp = SWAP16(sensor_data.temp); int32_t raw_hum = SWAP16(sensor_data.hum); /* Convert temperature to degrees C */ *temp = raw_temp * 100 * 165 / 65536 - 40000; /* Convert relative humidity to a %RH value */ *hum = raw_hum * 100 * 100 / 65536; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * \brief Callback when sensor is ready to read data from. */ static void notify_ready(void *unused) { /* Unused args */ (void)unused; /* Latch readings */ if(i2c_read(&sensor_data, sizeof(sensor_data))) { sensor_status = HDC_1000_SENSOR_STATUS_READINGS_READY; } else { sensor_status = HDC_1000_SENSOR_STATUS_I2C_ERROR; } sensors_changed(&hdc_1000_sensor); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * \brief Returns a reading from the sensor. * \param type HDC_1000_SENSOR_TYPE_TEMP or HDC_1000_SENSOR_TYPE_HUMID. * \return Temperature (centi degrees C) or Humidity (centi %RH). */ static int value(int type) { int32_t temp = 0; int32_t hum = 0; if(sensor_status != HDC_1000_SENSOR_STATUS_READINGS_READY) { PRINTF("Sensor disabled or starting up (%d)\n", sensor_status); return HDC_1000_READING_ERROR; } switch(type) { case HDC_1000_SENSOR_TYPE_TEMP: case HDC_1000_SENSOR_TYPE_HUMID: convert(&temp, &hum); PRINTF("HDC: t=%d h=%d\n", (int)temp, (int)hum); if(type == HDC_1000_SENSOR_TYPE_TEMP) { return (int)temp; } else if(type == HDC_1000_SENSOR_TYPE_HUMID) { return (int)hum; } else { return HDC_1000_READING_ERROR; } default: PRINTF("Invalid type\n"); return HDC_1000_READING_ERROR; } } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * \brief Configuration function for the HDC1000 sensor. * \param type Activate, enable or disable the sensor. See below. * \param enable Either enable or disable the sensor. * When type == SENSORS_HW_INIT we turn on the hardware. * When type == SENSORS_ACTIVE and enable==1 we enable the sensor. * When type == SENSORS_ACTIVE and enable==0 we disable the sensor. */ static int configure(int type, int enable) { switch(type) { case SENSORS_HW_INIT: memset(&sensor_data, 0, sizeof(sensor_data)); if(sensor_init()) { sensor_status = HDC_1000_SENSOR_STATUS_INITIALISED; } else { sensor_status = HDC_1000_SENSOR_STATUS_I2C_ERROR; } break; case SENSORS_ACTIVE: /* Must be initialised first */ if(sensor_status == HDC_1000_SENSOR_STATUS_DISABLED) { break; } if(enable) { if(!start()) { sensor_status = HDC_1000_SENSOR_STATUS_I2C_ERROR; break; } ctimer_set(&startup_timer, SENSOR_STARTUP_DELAY, notify_ready, NULL); sensor_status = HDC_1000_SENSOR_STATUS_TAKING_READINGS; } else { ctimer_stop(&startup_timer); sensor_status = HDC_1000_SENSOR_STATUS_INITIALISED; } break; default: break; } return sensor_status; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * \brief Returns the status of the sensor. * \param type SENSORS_ACTIVE or SENSORS_READY. * \return One of the SENSOR_STATUS_xyz defines. */ static int status(int type) { switch(type) { case SENSORS_ACTIVE: case SENSORS_READY: return sensor_status; default: return HDC_1000_SENSOR_STATUS_DISABLED; } } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SENSORS_SENSOR(hdc_1000_sensor, "HDC1000", value, configure, status); /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #endif /* BOARD_SENSORS_ENABLE */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** @} */