#!/usr/bin/perl -w use Device::SerialPort; use Term::ReadKey; use Getopt::Long; use Time::HiRes qw(usleep); use strict; my $filename = ''; my $second = ''; my $term = '/dev/ttyUSB0'; my $baud = '115200'; my $verbose; GetOptions ('file=s' => \$filename, 'secondfile=s' => \$second, 'terminal=s' => \$term, 'verbose' => \$verbose, 'baud=s' => \$baud, ); $| = 1; if($filename eq '') { print "Example usage: mc1322x-load.pl -f foo.bin -t /dev/ttyS0 -b 9600\n"; print " or : mc1322x-load.pl -f flasher.bin -s flashme.bin 0x1e000,0x11223344,0x55667788\n"; print " -f required: binary file to load\n"; print " -s optional: secondary binary file to send\n"; print " -t default: /dev/ttyUSB0\n"; print " -b default: 115200\n"; print " anything on the command line is sent serial device\n"; print " after all of the files have been sent\n"; exit; } my $ob = Device::SerialPort->new ($term) or die "Can't start $term\n"; # next test will die at runtime unless $ob if ($filename eq '') { die "you must specify a file with -f\n"; } $ob->baudrate($baud); $ob->parity('none'); $ob->databits(8); $ob->stopbits(1); $ob->handshake("rts"); $ob->read_const_time(1000); # 1 second per unfulfilled "read" call my $s = 0; while(1) { my $c; my $count; my $ret = ''; my $test=''; if($s == 1) { print "secondary send...\n"; } $ob->write(pack('C','0')); if($s == 1) { $test = 'ready'; } else { $test = 'CONNECT'; } until($ret =~ /$test$/) { ($count,$c) = $ob->read(1); if ($count == 0) { print '.'; $ob->write(pack('C','0')); next; } $ret .= $c; } print $ret . "\n"; if (-e $filename) { my $size = -s $filename; print ("Size: $size bytes\n"); $ob->write(pack('V',$size)); open(FILE, $filename) or die($!); print "Sending $filename\n"; my $i = 1; while(read(FILE, $c, 1)) { $i++; usleep(50); # this is as fast is it can go... usleep(25) if ($s==1); $ob->write($c); } } last if ($s==1); if((-e $second)) { $s=1; $filename = $second; } else { last; } } print "done sending files.\n"; if(scalar(@ARGV)!=0) { print "sending " ; print @ARGV; print ",\n"; } $ob->write(@ARGV); $ob->write(','); my $c; my $count; while(1) { ($count, $c) = $ob->read(1); print $c if ($count != 0); } $ob -> close or die "Close failed: $!\n"; ReadMode 0; undef $ob; # closes port AND frees memory in perl exit;