/* * This file is ripped from x86/mtarch.c of the Contiki Multi-threading library. * Fredrik Osterlind */ #include #include "sys/cooja_mt.h" struct frame { unsigned long flags; unsigned long ebp; unsigned long edi; unsigned long esi; unsigned long edx; unsigned long ecx; unsigned long ebx; unsigned long eax; unsigned long retaddr; unsigned long retaddr2; unsigned long data; }; /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void cooja_mtarch_init(void) { } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void cooja_mtarch_start(struct cooja_mtarch_thread *t, void (*function)(void *), void *data) { struct frame *f = (struct frame *)&t->stack[COOJA_MTARCH_STACKSIZE - sizeof(struct frame)/4]; int i; for(i = 0; i < COOJA_MTARCH_STACKSIZE; ++i) { t->stack[i] = i; } memset(f, 0, sizeof(struct frame)); f->retaddr = (unsigned long)function; f->data = (unsigned long)data; t->sp = (unsigned long)&f->flags; f->ebp = (unsigned long)&f->eax; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static unsigned long cooja_spsave, cooja_sptmp; static struct cooja_mtarch_thread *cooja_running_thread; static void cooja_sw(void) { asm("pushl %eax"); asm("pushl %ebx"); asm("pushl %ecx"); asm("pushl %edx"); asm("pushl %esi"); asm("pushl %edi"); asm("pushl %ebp"); // asm("pushl %ebp"); /* XXX: should push FPU flags here. */ asm("movl %esp, cooja_spsave"); cooja_sptmp = cooja_running_thread->sp; cooja_running_thread->sp = cooja_spsave; asm("movl cooja_sptmp, %esp"); // asm("popl %ebp"); /* XXX: should pop FPU flags here. */ asm("popl %ebp"); asm("popl %edi"); asm("popl %esi"); asm("popl %edx"); asm("popl %ecx"); asm("popl %ebx"); asm("popl %eax"); } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void cooja_mtarch_exec(struct cooja_mtarch_thread *t) { cooja_running_thread = t; cooja_sw(); cooja_running_thread = NULL; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void cooja_mtarch_remove(void) { } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void cooja_mtarch_yield(void) { cooja_sw(); } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void cooja_mtarch_pstop(void) { } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void cooja_mtarch_pstart(void) { } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int cooja_mtarch_stack_usage(struct cooja_mt_thread *t) { int i; for(i = 0; i < COOJA_MTARCH_STACKSIZE; ++i) { if(t->thread.stack[i] != i) { return COOJA_MTARCH_STACKSIZE - i; } } return -1; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/