all: er-example-server er-example-client # use target "er-plugtest-server" explicitly when requried CONTIKI=../.. CFLAGS += -DPROJECT_CONF_H=\"project-conf.h\" # automatically build RESTful resources REST_RESOURCES_DIR = ./resources ifndef TARGET REST_RESOURCES_FILES = $(notdir $(shell find $(REST_RESOURCES_DIR) -name '*.c')) else ifeq ($(TARGET), native) REST_RESOURCES_FILES = $(notdir $(shell find $(REST_RESOURCES_DIR) -name '*.c')) else REST_RESOURCES_FILES = $(notdir $(shell find $(REST_RESOURCES_DIR) -name '*.c' ! -name 'res-plugtest*')) endif endif PROJECTDIRS += $(REST_RESOURCES_DIR) PROJECT_SOURCEFILES += $(REST_RESOURCES_FILES) # linker optimizations SMALL=1 # REST Engine shall use Erbium CoAP implementation APPS += er-coap APPS += rest-engine # optional rules to get assembly #CUSTOM_RULE_C_TO_OBJECTDIR_O = 1 #CUSTOM_RULE_S_TO_OBJECTDIR_O = 1 CONTIKI_WITH_IPV6 = 1 include $(CONTIKI)/Makefile.include # minimal-net target is currently broken in Contiki ifeq ($(TARGET), minimal-net) CFLAGS += -DHARD_CODED_ADDRESS=\"fdfd::10\" ${info INFO: er-example compiling with large buffers} CFLAGS += -DUIP_CONF_BUFFER_SIZE=1300 CFLAGS += -DREST_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE=1024 CFLAGS += -DCOAP_MAX_HEADER_SIZE=176 UIP_CONF_RPL=0 endif # optional rules to get assembly #$(OBJECTDIR)/%.o: asmdir/%.S # $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -MMD -c $< -o $@ # @$(FINALIZE_DEPENDENCY) # #asmdir/%.S: %.c # $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -MMD -S $< -o $@ # border router rules $(CONTIKI)/tools/tunslip6: $(CONTIKI)/tools/tunslip6.c (cd $(CONTIKI)/tools && $(MAKE) tunslip6) connect-router: $(CONTIKI)/tools/tunslip6 sudo $(CONTIKI)/tools/tunslip6 aaaa::1/64 connect-router-cooja: $(CONTIKI)/tools/tunslip6 sudo $(CONTIKI)/tools/tunslip6 -a -p 60001 aaaa::1/64 connect-router-native: $(CONTIKI)/examples/ipv6/native-border-router/border-router.native sudo $(CONTIKI)/exmples/ipv6/native-border-router/border-router.native -a -p 60001 aaaa::1/64 connect-minimal: sudo ip address add fdfd::1/64 dev tap0