# SimpleLink MCU platform makefile ifndef CONTIKI $(error CONTIKI not defined! You must specify where CONTIKI resides!) endif ifndef SIMPLELINK_SDK $(error SIMPLELINK_SDK not defined! You must specify where the SimpleLink SDK resides!) endif ### Board and BSP selection #BOARD ?= srf06/cc26xx #BOARDS = srf06/cc26xx srf06/cc13xx launchpad/cc26xx launchpad/cc13xx sensortag/cc26xx sensortag/cc13xx CONTIKI_TARGET_DIRS += ./ ### Include the board-specific makefile PLATFORM_ROOT_DIR = $(CONTIKI)/arch/platform/$(TARGET) #-include $(PLATFORM_ROOT_DIR)/$(BOARD)/Makefile.$(notdir $(BOARD)) #CONTIKI_TARGET_SOURCEFILES += platform.c #CONTIKI_TARGET_SOURCEFILES += sensors.c leds.c #CONTIKI_TARGET_SOURCEFILES += $(BOARD_SOURCEFILES) #CONTIKI_SOURCEFILES += $(CONTIKI_TARGET_SOURCEFILES) CONTIKI_SOURCEFILES += $(CONTIKI_CPU_SOURCEFILES) $(DEBUG_IO_SOURCEFILES) CLEAN += *.simplelink ### Unless the example dictates otherwise, build without code size optimisations SMALL ?= 0 ### Always re-build ccfg.c so changes to ccfg-conf.h will apply without having ### to make clean first $(OBJECTDIR)/ccfg.o: ccfg.c FORCE | $(OBJECTDIR) $(TRACE_CC) $(Q)$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -include "ccxxware-conf.h" -c $< -o $@ ### Define the CPU directory and pull in the correct CPU makefile. This will ### be defined by one of the makefiles included above and it can be either ### Makefile.cc26xx or Makefile.cc13xx CFLAGS += -I$(CONTIKI)/arch/cpu/arm/cortex-m/ include $(CONTIKI)/arch/cpu/arm/cortex-m/cm4/Makefile.cm4 #MODULES += os/net os/net/mac os/net/mac/framer