# openmote-cc2538 platform makefile ### Allow the OpenMote-CC2538 platform to support different CC2538 chip revisions ifeq ($(findstring REV_A1,$(BOARD_REVISION)),REV_A1) CFLAGS+=-DCC2538_DEV_CONF=CC2538_DEV_CC2538SF23 endif ifndef CONTIKI $(error CONTIKI not defined! You must specify where CONTIKI resides!) endif ### Configure the build for the board and pull in board-specific sources CONTIKI_TARGET_DIRS += . dev PLATFORM_ROOT_DIR = $(CONTIKI)/arch/platform/$(TARGET) ### Include CONTIKI_TARGET_SOURCEFILES += contiki-main.c board.c CONTIKI_TARGET_SOURCEFILES += leds-arch.c button-sensor.c openmote-sensors.c CONTIKI_TARGET_SOURCEFILES += antenna.c adxl346.c max44009.c sht21.c tps62730.c CONTIKI_SOURCEFILES += $(CONTIKI_TARGET_SOURCEFILES) CLEAN += *.openmote-cc2538 ### Define the CPU directory CONTIKI_CPU=$(CONTIKI)/arch/cpu/cc2538 include $(CONTIKI_CPU)/Makefile.cc2538 MODULES += os/net os/net/mac os/net/mac/framer \ os/net/mac/csma os/net/mac/nullmac \ os/storage/cfs PYTHON = python BSL_FLAGS += -e --bootloader-invert-lines -w -v -b 450000 ifdef PORT BSL_FLAGS += -p $(PORT) endif BSL = $(CONTIKI)/tools/cc2538-bsl/cc2538-bsl.py %.upload: %.bin %.elf ifeq ($(wildcard $(BSL)), ) @echo "ERROR: Could not find the cc2538-bsl script. Did you run 'git submodule update --init' ?" else $(eval BSL_ADDRESS_ARG := -a $(shell $(OBJDUMP) -h $*.elf | grep -B1 LOAD | \ grep -Ev 'LOAD|\-\-' | awk '{print "0x" $$5}' | \ sort -g | head -1)) $(PYTHON) $(BSL) $(BSL_FLAGS) $(BSL_ADDRESS_ARG) $< endif