#!/usr/bin/perl -w #Log serial port to terminal and file with timestamps #D.Kopf 8/28/2001 # use Device::SerialPort; use Term::ReadKey; use Getopt::Long; use Time::HiRes qw(usleep); use strict; my $term = '/dev/com1'; my $baud = '57600'; my $rts = 'none'; my $logfile = 'none'; my $ssss = ''; GetOptions ('terminal=s' => \$term, 'baud=s' => \$baud, 'rts=s' => \$rts, 'seconds!' => \$ssss, 'logfile:s' =>\$logfile ) or goto printhelp; goto bypass; printhelp: print "Example serial-log.pl -t /dev/ttyS0 -b 57600 -r none -l logfile\n"; print " -t, --terminal\n"; print " -b, --baud\n"; print " -r,--rts [none|rts] flow control\n"; print " -s,--seconds Display ssss instead of hh:mm:ss\n"; print " -l,--logfile outputfile (.log will be added, -l defaults to serial.log)\n"; print "\n"; print "The default is equivalent to serial-log.pl -t /dev/com1 -b 57600 -r none\n"; exit; bypass: my $ob = Device::SerialPort->new ($term) or die "Can't start $term\n"; # next test will die at runtime unless $ob $ob->baudrate($baud); $ob->parity('none'); $ob->databits(8); $ob->stopbits(1); if($rts eq 'rts') { $ob->handshake('rts'); } else { $ob->handshake('none'); } $ob->read_const_time(1000); # 1 second per unfulfilled "read" call $ob->rts_active(1); my $c; my $count; my ($hh,$mm,$ss,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst,$theTime,$seconds,$startseconds); #use POSIX qw(strftime); ($ss,$mm,$hh,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime; $theTime = sprintf "on %02d/%02d/%04d at %02d:%02d:%02d\n", $mon+1, $mday, $year+1900, $hh, $mm, $ss; if($logfile ne 'none') { if($logfile eq '') {$logfile = 'serial';} $logfile ="${logfile}.log"; $c=1; open LOGFILE, "$logfile" or do {$c=0;}; if ($c) { print "File $logfile exists. Restart, append, or quit (r,a,q) (q) ? "; #$| = 1; # force a flush after print $_ = <STDIN>;chomp; if ($_ eq 'r') { open LOGFILE, ">$logfile" or die $!; print "Restarting $logfile $theTime\n"; print LOGFILE "serial-log.pl logging to $logfile started $theTime\n"; } else { if ($_ eq 'a') { open LOGFILE, ">>$logfile" or die $!; print "Appending to $logfile $theTime\n"; print LOGFILE "serial-log.pl appending to $logfile $theTime\n"; } else { print "Quitting, file unchanged.\n"; exit; } } } else { open LOGFILE, ">$logfile" or die $!; print LOGFILE "serial-log.pl logging to $logfile started $theTime\n"; print "Starting $logfile $theTime\n"; } LOGFILE->autoflush(1); } else { $logfile=''; print "Serial logging of $term started $theTime\n"; } if($ssss ne '') { $startseconds=$hh*3600+$mm*60+$ss; } $theTime=''; while(1) { ($count, $c) = $ob->read(1); if (defined($count) && ($count != 0)) { if ($theTime eq '') { ($ss,$mm,$hh) = localtime(time); if ($ssss ne '') { $seconds = $hh*3600+$mm*60+$ss-$startseconds; if ($seconds < 0) {$seconds+=24*60*60;} $theTime = sprintf("%04d ",$seconds); } else { $theTime = sprintf("%02d:%02s:%02d ", $hh,$mm,$ss); #$theTime = strftime "%H:%M:%S ", localtime; } print $theTime ; if ($logfile) {LOGFILE->autoflush(1);print LOGFILE $theTime;} } print $c ; if ($logfile) { print LOGFILE $c;} if ($c eq "\n") {$theTime=''}; } } if ($logfile) {close LOGFILE or die $!} $ob -> close or die "Serial port close failed: $!\n"; ReadMode 0; undef $ob; # closes port AND frees memory in perl exit;