/* * Copyright (c) 2016, Yasuyuki Tanaka * Copyright (c) 2016, Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC). * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, * STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED * OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /** * \file * A 6P Simple Schedule Function * \author * Shalu R * Lijo Thomas * Yasuyuki Tanaka */ #include "contiki-lib.h" #include "lib/assert.h" #include "net/mac/tsch/tsch-schedule.h" #include "net/mac/tsch/sixtop/sixtop.h" #include "net/mac/tsch/sixtop/sixp.h" #include "net/mac/tsch/sixtop/sixp-nbr.h" #include "net/mac/tsch/sixtop/sixp-pkt.h" #include "net/mac/tsch/sixtop/sixp-trans.h" #include "sf-simple.h" #define DEBUG DEBUG_PRINT #include "net/net-debug.h" typedef struct { uint16_t timeslot_offset; uint16_t channel_offset; } sf_simple_cell_t; static const uint16_t slotframe_handle = 0; static uint8_t res_storage[4 + SF_SIMPLE_MAX_LINKS * 4]; static uint8_t req_storage[4 + SF_SIMPLE_MAX_LINKS * 4]; static void read_cell(const uint8_t *buf, sf_simple_cell_t *cell); static void print_cell_list(const uint8_t *cell_list, uint16_t cell_list_len); static void add_links_to_schedule(const linkaddr_t *peer_addr, uint8_t link_option, const uint8_t *cell_list, uint16_t cell_list_len); static void remove_links_to_schedule(const uint8_t *cell_list, uint16_t cell_list_len); static void add_response_sent_callback(void *arg, uint16_t arg_len, const linkaddr_t *dest_addr, sixp_output_status_t status); static void delete_response_sent_callback(void *arg, uint16_t arg_len, const linkaddr_t *dest_addr, sixp_output_status_t status); static void add_req_input(const uint8_t *body, uint16_t body_len, const linkaddr_t *peer_addr); static void delete_req_input(const uint8_t *body, uint16_t body_len, const linkaddr_t *peer_addr); static void input(sixp_pkt_type_t type, sixp_pkt_code_t code, const uint8_t *body, uint16_t body_len, const linkaddr_t *src_addr); static void request_input(sixp_pkt_cmd_t cmd, const uint8_t *body, uint16_t body_len, const linkaddr_t *peer_addr); static void response_input(sixp_pkt_rc_t rc, const uint8_t *body, uint16_t body_len, const linkaddr_t *peer_addr); /* * scheduling policy: * add: if and only if all the requested cells are available, accept the request * delete: if and only if all the requested cells are in use, accept the request */ static void read_cell(const uint8_t *buf, sf_simple_cell_t *cell) { cell->timeslot_offset = buf[0] + (buf[1] << 8); cell->channel_offset = buf[2] + (buf[3] << 8); } static void print_cell_list(const uint8_t *cell_list, uint16_t cell_list_len) { uint16_t i; sf_simple_cell_t cell; for(i = 0; i < (cell_list_len / sizeof(cell)); i++) { read_cell(&cell_list[i], &cell); PRINTF("%u ", cell.timeslot_offset); } } static void add_links_to_schedule(const linkaddr_t *peer_addr, uint8_t link_option, const uint8_t *cell_list, uint16_t cell_list_len) { /* add only the first valid cell */ sf_simple_cell_t cell; struct tsch_slotframe *slotframe; int i; assert(cell_list != NULL); slotframe = tsch_schedule_get_slotframe_by_handle(slotframe_handle); if(slotframe == NULL) { return; } for(i = 0; i < (cell_list_len / sizeof(cell)); i++) { read_cell(&cell_list[i], &cell); if(cell.timeslot_offset == 0xffff) { continue; } PRINTF("sf-simple: Schedule link %d as %s with node %u\n", cell.timeslot_offset, link_option == LINK_OPTION_RX ? "RX" : "TX", peer_addr->u8[7]); tsch_schedule_add_link(slotframe, link_option, LINK_TYPE_NORMAL, peer_addr, cell.timeslot_offset, cell.channel_offset); break; } } static void remove_links_to_schedule(const uint8_t *cell_list, uint16_t cell_list_len) { /* remove all the cells */ sf_simple_cell_t cell; struct tsch_slotframe *slotframe; int i; assert(cell_list != NULL); slotframe = tsch_schedule_get_slotframe_by_handle(slotframe_handle); if(slotframe == NULL) { return; } for(i = 0; i < (cell_list_len / sizeof(cell)); i++) { read_cell(&cell_list[i], &cell); if(cell.timeslot_offset == 0xffff) { continue; } tsch_schedule_remove_link_by_timeslot(slotframe, cell.timeslot_offset); } } static void add_response_sent_callback(void *arg, uint16_t arg_len, const linkaddr_t *dest_addr, sixp_output_status_t status) { uint8_t *body = (uint8_t *)arg; uint16_t body_len = arg_len; const uint8_t *cell_list; uint16_t cell_list_len; sixp_nbr_t *nbr; assert(body != NULL && dest_addr != NULL); if(status == SIXP_OUTPUT_STATUS_SUCCESS && sixp_pkt_get_cell_list(SIXP_PKT_TYPE_RESPONSE, (sixp_pkt_code_t)(uint8_t)SIXP_PKT_RC_SUCCESS, &cell_list, &cell_list_len, body, body_len) == 0 && (nbr = sixp_nbr_find(dest_addr)) != NULL) { add_links_to_schedule(dest_addr, LINK_OPTION_RX, cell_list, cell_list_len); sixp_nbr_advance_grx(nbr); } } static void delete_response_sent_callback(void *arg, uint16_t arg_len, const linkaddr_t *dest_addr, sixp_output_status_t status) { uint8_t *body = (uint8_t *)arg; uint16_t body_len = arg_len; const uint8_t *cell_list; uint16_t cell_list_len; sixp_nbr_t *nbr; assert(body != NULL && dest_addr != NULL); if(status == SIXP_OUTPUT_STATUS_SUCCESS && sixp_pkt_get_cell_list(SIXP_PKT_TYPE_RESPONSE, (sixp_pkt_code_t)(uint8_t)SIXP_PKT_RC_SUCCESS, &cell_list, &cell_list_len, body, body_len) == 0 && (nbr = sixp_nbr_find(dest_addr)) != NULL) { remove_links_to_schedule(cell_list, cell_list_len); sixp_nbr_advance_grx(nbr); } } static void add_req_input(const uint8_t *body, uint16_t body_len, const linkaddr_t *peer_addr) { uint8_t i; sf_simple_cell_t cell; struct tsch_slotframe *slotframe; int feasible_link; uint8_t num_cells; const uint8_t *cell_list; uint16_t cell_list_len; uint16_t res_len; assert(body != NULL && peer_addr != NULL); if(sixp_pkt_get_num_cells(SIXP_PKT_TYPE_REQUEST, (sixp_pkt_code_t)(uint8_t)SIXP_PKT_CMD_ADD, &num_cells, body, body_len) != 0 || sixp_pkt_get_cell_list(SIXP_PKT_TYPE_REQUEST, (sixp_pkt_code_t)(uint8_t)SIXP_PKT_CMD_ADD, &cell_list, &cell_list_len, body, body_len) != 0) { PRINTF("sf-simple: Parse error on add request\n"); return; } PRINTF("sf-simple: Received a 6P Add Request for %d links from node %d with LinkList : ", num_cells, peer_addr->u8[7]); print_cell_list(cell_list, cell_list_len); PRINTF("\n"); slotframe = tsch_schedule_get_slotframe_by_handle(slotframe_handle); if(slotframe == NULL) { return; } if(num_cells > 0 && cell_list_len > 0) { memset(res_storage, 0, sizeof(res_storage)); res_len = 0; /* checking availability for requested slots */ for(i = 0, feasible_link = 0; i < cell_list_len && feasible_link < num_cells; i += sizeof(cell)) { read_cell(&cell_list[i], &cell); if(tsch_schedule_get_link_by_timeslot(slotframe, cell.timeslot_offset) == NULL) { sixp_pkt_set_cell_list(SIXP_PKT_TYPE_RESPONSE, (sixp_pkt_code_t)(uint8_t)SIXP_PKT_RC_SUCCESS, (uint8_t *)&cell, sizeof(cell), feasible_link, res_storage, sizeof(res_storage)); res_len += sizeof(cell); feasible_link++; } } if(feasible_link == num_cells) { /* Links are feasible. Create Link Response packet */ PRINTF("sf-simple: Send a 6P Response to node %d\n", peer_addr->u8[7]); sixp_output(SIXP_PKT_TYPE_RESPONSE, (sixp_pkt_code_t)(uint8_t)SIXP_PKT_RC_SUCCESS, SF_SIMPLE_SFID, res_storage, res_len, peer_addr, add_response_sent_callback, res_storage, res_len); } } } static void delete_req_input(const uint8_t *body, uint16_t body_len, const linkaddr_t *peer_addr) { uint8_t i; sf_simple_cell_t cell; struct tsch_slotframe *slotframe; uint8_t num_cells; const uint8_t *cell_list; uint16_t cell_list_len; uint16_t res_len; int removed_link; assert(body != NULL && peer_addr != NULL); if(sixp_pkt_get_num_cells(SIXP_PKT_TYPE_REQUEST, (sixp_pkt_code_t)(uint8_t)SIXP_PKT_CMD_DELETE, &num_cells, body, body_len) != 0 || sixp_pkt_get_cell_list(SIXP_PKT_TYPE_REQUEST, (sixp_pkt_code_t)(uint8_t)SIXP_PKT_CMD_DELETE, &cell_list, &cell_list_len, body, body_len) != 0) { PRINTF("sf-simple: Parse error on delete request\n"); return; } PRINTF("sf-simple: Received a 6P Delete Request for %d links from node %d with LinkList : ", num_cells, peer_addr->u8[7]); print_cell_list(cell_list, cell_list_len); PRINTF("\n"); slotframe = tsch_schedule_get_slotframe_by_handle(slotframe_handle); if(slotframe == NULL) { return; } memset(res_storage, 0, sizeof(res_storage)); res_len = 0; if(num_cells > 0 && cell_list_len > 0) { /* ensure before delete */ for(i = 0, removed_link = 0; i < (cell_list_len / sizeof(cell)); i++) { read_cell(&cell_list[i], &cell); if(tsch_schedule_get_link_by_timeslot(slotframe, cell.timeslot_offset) != NULL) { sixp_pkt_set_cell_list(SIXP_PKT_TYPE_RESPONSE, (sixp_pkt_code_t)(uint8_t)SIXP_PKT_RC_SUCCESS, (uint8_t *)&cell, sizeof(cell), removed_link, res_storage, sizeof(res_storage)); res_len += sizeof(cell); } } } /* Links are feasible. Create Link Response packet */ PRINTF("sf-simple: Send a 6P Response to node %d\n", peer_addr->u8[7]); sixp_output(SIXP_PKT_TYPE_RESPONSE, (sixp_pkt_code_t)(uint8_t)SIXP_PKT_RC_SUCCESS, SF_SIMPLE_SFID, res_storage, res_len, peer_addr, delete_response_sent_callback, res_storage, res_len); } static void input(sixp_pkt_type_t type, sixp_pkt_code_t code, const uint8_t *body, uint16_t body_len, const linkaddr_t *src_addr) { assert(body != NULL && body != NULL); switch(type) { case SIXP_PKT_TYPE_REQUEST: request_input(code.cmd, body, body_len, src_addr); break; case SIXP_PKT_TYPE_RESPONSE: response_input(code.cmd, body, body_len, src_addr); break; default: /* unsupported */ break; } } static void request_input(sixp_pkt_cmd_t cmd, const uint8_t *body, uint16_t body_len, const linkaddr_t *peer_addr) { assert(body != NULL && peer_addr != NULL); switch(cmd) { case SIXP_PKT_CMD_ADD: add_req_input(body, body_len, peer_addr); break; case SIXP_PKT_CMD_DELETE: delete_req_input(body, body_len, peer_addr); break; default: /* unsupported request */ break; } } static void response_input(sixp_pkt_rc_t rc, const uint8_t *body, uint16_t body_len, const linkaddr_t *peer_addr) { const uint8_t *cell_list; uint16_t cell_list_len; sixp_nbr_t *nbr; sixp_trans_t *trans; assert(body != NULL && peer_addr != NULL); if((nbr = sixp_nbr_find(peer_addr)) == NULL || (trans = sixp_trans_find(peer_addr)) == NULL) { return; } if(rc == SIXP_PKT_RC_SUCCESS) { switch(sixp_trans_get_cmd(trans)) { case SIXP_PKT_CMD_ADD: if(sixp_pkt_get_cell_list(SIXP_PKT_TYPE_RESPONSE, (sixp_pkt_code_t)(uint8_t)SIXP_PKT_RC_SUCCESS, &cell_list, &cell_list_len, body, body_len) != 0) { PRINTF("sf-simple: Parse error on add response\n"); return; } PRINTF("sf-simple: Received a 6P Add Response with LinkList : "); print_cell_list(cell_list, cell_list_len); PRINTF("\n"); add_links_to_schedule(peer_addr, LINK_OPTION_TX, cell_list, cell_list_len); sixp_nbr_advance_gtx(nbr); break; case SIXP_PKT_CMD_DELETE: if(sixp_pkt_get_cell_list(SIXP_PKT_TYPE_RESPONSE, (sixp_pkt_code_t)(uint8_t)SIXP_PKT_RC_SUCCESS, &cell_list, &cell_list_len, body, body_len) != 0) { PRINTF("sf-simple: Parse error on add response\n"); return; } PRINTF("sf-simple: Received a 6P Delete Response with LinkList : "); print_cell_list(cell_list, cell_list_len); PRINTF("\n"); remove_links_to_schedule(cell_list, cell_list_len); sixp_nbr_advance_gtx(nbr); break; case SIXP_PKT_CMD_STATUS: case SIXP_PKT_CMD_LIST: case SIXP_PKT_CMD_CLEAR: default: PRINTF("sf-simple: unsupported response\n"); } } } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Initiates a Sixtop Link addition */ int sf_simple_add_links(linkaddr_t *peer_addr, uint8_t num_links) { uint8_t i = 0, index = 0; struct tsch_slotframe *sf = tsch_schedule_get_slotframe_by_handle(slotframe_handle); uint8_t req_len; sf_simple_cell_t cell_list[SF_SIMPLE_MAX_LINKS]; /* Flag to prevent repeated slots */ uint8_t slot_check = 1; uint16_t random_slot = 0; assert(peer_addr != NULL && sf != NULL); do { /* Randomly select a slot offset within TSCH_SCHEDULE_DEFAULT_LENGTH */ random_slot = ((random_rand() & 0xFF)) % TSCH_SCHEDULE_DEFAULT_LENGTH; if(tsch_schedule_get_link_by_timeslot(sf, random_slot) == NULL) { /* To prevent repeated slots */ for(i = 0; i < index; i++) { if(cell_list[i].timeslot_offset != random_slot) { /* Random selection resulted in a free slot */ if(i == index - 1) { /* Checked till last index of link list */ slot_check = 1; break; } } else { /* Slot already present in CandidateLinkList */ slot_check++; break; } } /* Random selection resulted in a free slot, add it to linklist */ if(slot_check == 1) { cell_list[index].timeslot_offset = random_slot; cell_list[index].channel_offset = 0; index++; slot_check++; } else if(slot_check > TSCH_SCHEDULE_DEFAULT_LENGTH) { PRINTF("sf-simple:! Number of trials for free slot exceeded...\n"); return -1; break; /* exit while loop */ } } } while(index < SF_SIMPLE_MAX_LINKS); /* Create a Sixtop Add Request. Return 0 if Success */ if(index == 0 ) { return -1; } memset(req_storage, 0, sizeof(req_storage)); if(sixp_pkt_set_cell_options(SIXP_PKT_TYPE_REQUEST, (sixp_pkt_code_t)(uint8_t)SIXP_PKT_CMD_ADD, SIXP_PKT_CELL_OPTION_TX, req_storage, sizeof(req_storage)) != 0 || sixp_pkt_set_num_cells(SIXP_PKT_TYPE_REQUEST, (sixp_pkt_code_t)(uint8_t)SIXP_PKT_CMD_ADD, num_links, req_storage, sizeof(req_storage)) != 0 || sixp_pkt_set_cell_list(SIXP_PKT_TYPE_REQUEST, (sixp_pkt_code_t)(uint8_t)SIXP_PKT_CMD_ADD, (const uint8_t *)cell_list, index * sizeof(sf_simple_cell_t), 0, req_storage, sizeof(req_storage)) != 0) { PRINTF("sf-simple: Build error on add request\n"); return -1; } /* The length of fixed part is 4 bytes: Metadata, CellOptions, and NumCells */ req_len = 4 + index * sizeof(sf_simple_cell_t); sixp_output(SIXP_PKT_TYPE_REQUEST, (sixp_pkt_code_t)(uint8_t)SIXP_PKT_CMD_ADD, SF_SIMPLE_SFID, req_storage, req_len, peer_addr, NULL, NULL, 0); PRINTF("sf-simple: Send a 6P Add Request for %d links to node %d with LinkList : ", num_links, peer_addr->u8[7]); print_cell_list((const uint8_t *)cell_list, index * sizeof(sf_simple_cell_t)); PRINTF("\n"); return 0; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Initiates a Sixtop Link deletion */ int sf_simple_remove_links(linkaddr_t *peer_addr) { uint8_t i = 0, index = 0; struct tsch_slotframe *sf = tsch_schedule_get_slotframe_by_handle(slotframe_handle); struct tsch_link *l; uint16_t req_len; sf_simple_cell_t cell; assert(peer_addr != NULL && sf != NULL); for(i = 0; i < TSCH_SCHEDULE_DEFAULT_LENGTH; i++) { l = tsch_schedule_get_link_by_timeslot(sf, i); if(l) { /* Non-zero value indicates a scheduled link */ if((linkaddr_cmp(&l->addr, peer_addr)) && (l->link_options == LINK_OPTION_TX)) { /* This link is scheduled as a TX link to the specified neighbor */ cell.timeslot_offset = i; cell.channel_offset = l->channel_offset; index++; break; /* delete atmost one */ } } } if(index == 0) { return -1; } memset(req_storage, 0, sizeof(req_storage)); if(sixp_pkt_set_num_cells(SIXP_PKT_TYPE_REQUEST, (sixp_pkt_code_t)(uint8_t)SIXP_PKT_CMD_DELETE, 1, req_storage, sizeof(req_storage)) != 0 || sixp_pkt_set_cell_list(SIXP_PKT_TYPE_REQUEST, (sixp_pkt_code_t)(uint8_t)SIXP_PKT_CMD_DELETE, (const uint8_t *)&cell, sizeof(cell), 0, req_storage, sizeof(req_storage)) != 0) { PRINTF("sf-simple: Build error on add request\n"); return -1; } /* The length of fixed part is 4 bytes: Metadata, CellOptions, and NumCells */ req_len = 4 + sizeof(sf_simple_cell_t); sixp_output(SIXP_PKT_TYPE_REQUEST, (sixp_pkt_code_t)(uint8_t)SIXP_PKT_CMD_DELETE, SF_SIMPLE_SFID, req_storage, req_len, peer_addr, NULL, NULL, 0); PRINTF("sf-simple: Send a 6P Delete Request for %d links to node %d with LinkList : ", 1, peer_addr->u8[7]); print_cell_list((const uint8_t *)&cell, sizeof(cell)); PRINTF("\n"); return 0; } const sixtop_sf_t sf_simple_driver = { SF_SIMPLE_SFID, CLOCK_SECOND, NULL, input, NULL };