/****************************************************************************** * Filename: prop_cmd.h * Revised: 2015-08-04 10:40:45 +0200 (Tue, 04 Aug 2015) * Revision: 44326 * * Description: CC13xx API for Proprietary mode commands * * Copyright (c) 2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1) Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2) Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * 3) Neither the name of the ORGANIZATION nor the names of its contributors may * be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without * specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * ******************************************************************************/ #ifndef PROP_CMD_H_ #define PROP_CMD_H_ #ifndef __RFC_STRUCT #ifdef __GNUC__ #define __RFC_STRUCT __attribute__ ((aligned (4))) #else #define __RFC_STRUCT #endif #endif //! \addtogroup rfc //! @{ //! \addtogroup prop_cmd //! @{ #include <stdint.h> #include "mailbox.h" #include "common_cmd.h" typedef struct __RFC_STRUCT rfc_carrierSense_s rfc_carrierSense_t; typedef struct __RFC_STRUCT rfc_CMD_PROP_TX_s rfc_CMD_PROP_TX_t; typedef struct __RFC_STRUCT rfc_CMD_PROP_RX_s rfc_CMD_PROP_RX_t; typedef struct __RFC_STRUCT rfc_CMD_PROP_TX_ADV_s rfc_CMD_PROP_TX_ADV_t; typedef struct __RFC_STRUCT rfc_CMD_PROP_RX_ADV_s rfc_CMD_PROP_RX_ADV_t; typedef struct __RFC_STRUCT rfc_CMD_PROP_RADIO_SETUP_s rfc_CMD_PROP_RADIO_SETUP_t; typedef struct __RFC_STRUCT rfc_CMD_PROP_RADIO_DIV_SETUP_s rfc_CMD_PROP_RADIO_DIV_SETUP_t; typedef struct __RFC_STRUCT rfc_CMD_PROP_SET_LEN_s rfc_CMD_PROP_SET_LEN_t; typedef struct __RFC_STRUCT rfc_CMD_PROP_RESTART_RX_s rfc_CMD_PROP_RESTART_RX_t; typedef struct __RFC_STRUCT rfc_propRxOutput_s rfc_propRxOutput_t; typedef struct __RFC_STRUCT rfc_propRxStatus_s rfc_propRxStatus_t; //! \addtogroup carrierSense //! @{ struct __RFC_STRUCT rfc_carrierSense_s { struct { uint8_t bEnaRssi:1; //!< If 1, enable RSSI as a criterion uint8_t bEnaCorr:1; //!< If 1, enable correlation as a criterion uint8_t operation:1; //!< \brief 0: Busy if either RSSI or correlation indicates Busy<br> //!< 1: Busy if both RSSI and correlation indicates Busy uint8_t busyOp:1; //!< \brief 0: Continue carrier sense on channel Busy<br> //!< 1: End carrier sense on channel Busy<br> //!< For an Rx command, the receiver will continue when carrier sense ends, but it will then not end if channel goes Idle uint8_t idleOp:1; //!< \brief 0: Continue on channel Idle<br> //!< 1: End on channel Idle uint8_t timeoutRes:1; //!< \brief 0: Timeout with channel state Invalid treated as Busy<br> //!< 1: Timeout with channel state Invalid treated as Idle } csConf; int8_t rssiThr; //!< RSSI threshold uint8_t numRssiIdle; //!< \brief Number of consecutive RSSI measurements below the threshold needed before the channel is //!< declared Idle uint8_t numRssiBusy; //!< \brief Number of consecutive RSSI measurements above the threshold needed before the channel is //!< declared Busy uint16_t corrPeriod; //!< Number of RAT ticks for a correlation observation periods struct { uint8_t numCorrInv:4; //!< \brief Number of subsequent correlation tops with maximum <code>corrPeriod</code> RAT //!< ticks between them needed to go from Idle to Invalid uint8_t numCorrBusy:4; //!< \brief Number of subsequent correlation tops with maximum <code>corrPeriod</code> RAT //!< ticks between them needed to go from Invalid to Busy } corrConfig; struct { uint8_t triggerType:4; //!< The type of trigger uint8_t bEnaCmd:1; //!< \brief 0: No alternative trigger command<br> //!< 1: CMD_TRIGGER can be used as an alternative trigger uint8_t triggerNo:2; //!< The trigger number of the CMD_TRIGGER command that triggers this action uint8_t pastTrig:1; //!< \brief 0: A trigger in the past is never triggered, or for start of commands, give an error<br> //!< 1: A trigger in the past is triggered as soon as possible } csEndTrigger; //!< Trigger classifier for ending the carrier sense ratmr_t csEndTime; //!< Time used together with <code>csEndTrigger</code> for ending the operation }; //! @} //! \addtogroup CMD_PROP_TX //! @{ #define CMD_PROP_TX 0x3801 struct __RFC_STRUCT rfc_CMD_PROP_TX_s { uint16_t commandNo; //!< The command ID number 0x3801 uint16_t status; //!< \brief An integer telling the status of the command. This value is //!< updated by the radio CPU during operation and may be read by the //!< system CPU at any time. rfc_radioOp_t *pNextOp; //!< Pointer to the next operation to run after this operation is done ratmr_t startTime; //!< Absolute or relative start time (depending on the value of <code>startTrigger</code>) struct { uint8_t triggerType:4; //!< The type of trigger uint8_t bEnaCmd:1; //!< \brief 0: No alternative trigger command<br> //!< 1: CMD_TRIGGER can be used as an alternative trigger uint8_t triggerNo:2; //!< The trigger number of the CMD_TRIGGER command that triggers this action uint8_t pastTrig:1; //!< \brief 0: A trigger in the past is never triggered, or for start of commands, give an error<br> //!< 1: A trigger in the past is triggered as soon as possible } startTrigger; //!< Identification of the trigger that starts the operation struct { uint8_t rule:4; //!< Condition for running next command: Rule for how to proceed uint8_t nSkip:4; //!< Number of skips if the rule involves skipping } condition; struct { uint8_t bFsOff:1; //!< \brief 0: Keep frequency synth on after command<br> //!< 1: Turn frequency synth off after command uint8_t :2; uint8_t bUseCrc:1; //!< \brief 0: Do not append CRC<br> //!< 1: Append CRC uint8_t bVarLen:1; //!< \brief 0: Fixed length<br> //!< 1: Transmit length as first byte } pktConf; uint8_t pktLen; //!< Packet length uint32_t syncWord; //!< Sync word to transmit uint8_t* pPkt; //!< Pointer to packet }; //! @} //! \addtogroup CMD_PROP_RX //! @{ #define CMD_PROP_RX 0x3802 struct __RFC_STRUCT rfc_CMD_PROP_RX_s { uint16_t commandNo; //!< The command ID number 0x3802 uint16_t status; //!< \brief An integer telling the status of the command. This value is //!< updated by the radio CPU during operation and may be read by the //!< system CPU at any time. rfc_radioOp_t *pNextOp; //!< Pointer to the next operation to run after this operation is done ratmr_t startTime; //!< Absolute or relative start time (depending on the value of <code>startTrigger</code>) struct { uint8_t triggerType:4; //!< The type of trigger uint8_t bEnaCmd:1; //!< \brief 0: No alternative trigger command<br> //!< 1: CMD_TRIGGER can be used as an alternative trigger uint8_t triggerNo:2; //!< The trigger number of the CMD_TRIGGER command that triggers this action uint8_t pastTrig:1; //!< \brief 0: A trigger in the past is never triggered, or for start of commands, give an error<br> //!< 1: A trigger in the past is triggered as soon as possible } startTrigger; //!< Identification of the trigger that starts the operation struct { uint8_t rule:4; //!< Condition for running next command: Rule for how to proceed uint8_t nSkip:4; //!< Number of skips if the rule involves skipping } condition; struct { uint8_t bFsOff:1; //!< \brief 0: Keep frequency synth on after command<br> //!< 1: Turn frequency synth off after command uint8_t bRepeatOk:1; //!< \brief 0: End operation after receiving a packet correctly<br> //!< 1: Go back to sync search after receiving a packet correctly uint8_t bRepeatNok:1; //!< \brief 0: End operation after receiving a packet with CRC error<br> //!< 1: Go back to sync search after receiving a packet with CRC error uint8_t bUseCrc:1; //!< \brief 0: Do not check CRC<br> //!< 1: Check CRC uint8_t bVarLen:1; //!< \brief 0: Fixed length<br> //!< 1: Receive length as first byte uint8_t bChkAddress:1; //!< \brief 0: No address check<br> //!< 1: Check address uint8_t endType:1; //!< \brief 0: Packet is received to the end if end trigger happens after sync is obtained<br> //!< 1: Packet reception is stopped if end trigger happens uint8_t filterOp:1; //!< \brief 0: Stop receiver and restart sync search on address mismatch<br> //!< 1: Receive packet and mark it as ignored on address mismatch } pktConf; struct { uint8_t bAutoFlushIgnored:1; //!< If 1, automatically discard ignored packets from Rx queue uint8_t bAutoFlushCrcErr:1; //!< If 1, automatically discard packets with CRC error from Rx queue uint8_t :1; uint8_t bIncludeHdr:1; //!< If 1, include the received header or length byte in the stored packet; otherwise discard it uint8_t bIncludeCrc:1; //!< If 1, include the received CRC field in the stored packet; otherwise discard it uint8_t bAppendRssi:1; //!< If 1, append an RSSI byte to the packet in the Rx queue uint8_t bAppendTimestamp:1; //!< If 1, append a timestamp to the packet in the Rx queue uint8_t bAppendStatus:1; //!< If 1, append a status byte to the packet in the Rx queue } rxConf; //!< Rx configuration uint32_t syncWord; //!< Sync word to listen for uint8_t maxPktLen; //!< \brief Packet length for fixed length, maximum packet length for variable length<br> //!< 0: Unlimited or unknown length uint8_t address0; //!< Address uint8_t address1; //!< \brief Address (set equal to <code>address0</code> to accept only one address. If 0xFF, accept //!< 0x00 as well) struct { uint8_t triggerType:4; //!< The type of trigger uint8_t bEnaCmd:1; //!< \brief 0: No alternative trigger command<br> //!< 1: CMD_TRIGGER can be used as an alternative trigger uint8_t triggerNo:2; //!< The trigger number of the CMD_TRIGGER command that triggers this action uint8_t pastTrig:1; //!< \brief 0: A trigger in the past is never triggered, or for start of commands, give an error<br> //!< 1: A trigger in the past is triggered as soon as possible } endTrigger; //!< Trigger classifier for ending the operation ratmr_t endTime; //!< Time used together with <code>endTrigger</code> for ending the operation dataQueue_t* pQueue; //!< Pointer to receive queue uint8_t* pOutput; //!< Pointer to output structure }; //! @} //! \addtogroup CMD_PROP_TX_ADV //! @{ #define CMD_PROP_TX_ADV 0x3803 struct __RFC_STRUCT rfc_CMD_PROP_TX_ADV_s { uint16_t commandNo; //!< The command ID number 0x3803 uint16_t status; //!< \brief An integer telling the status of the command. This value is //!< updated by the radio CPU during operation and may be read by the //!< system CPU at any time. rfc_radioOp_t *pNextOp; //!< Pointer to the next operation to run after this operation is done ratmr_t startTime; //!< Absolute or relative start time (depending on the value of <code>startTrigger</code>) struct { uint8_t triggerType:4; //!< The type of trigger uint8_t bEnaCmd:1; //!< \brief 0: No alternative trigger command<br> //!< 1: CMD_TRIGGER can be used as an alternative trigger uint8_t triggerNo:2; //!< The trigger number of the CMD_TRIGGER command that triggers this action uint8_t pastTrig:1; //!< \brief 0: A trigger in the past is never triggered, or for start of commands, give an error<br> //!< 1: A trigger in the past is triggered as soon as possible } startTrigger; //!< Identification of the trigger that starts the operation struct { uint8_t rule:4; //!< Condition for running next command: Rule for how to proceed uint8_t nSkip:4; //!< Number of skips if the rule involves skipping } condition; struct { uint8_t bFsOff:1; //!< \brief 0: Keep frequency synth on after command<br> //!< 1: Turn frequency synth off after command uint8_t :2; uint8_t bUseCrc:1; //!< \brief 0: Do not append CRC<br> //!< 1: Append CRC uint8_t bCrcIncSw:1; //!< \brief 0:Do not include sync word in CRC calculation<br> //!< 1: Include sync word in CRC calculation uint8_t bCrcIncHdr:1; //!< \brief 0: Do not include header in CRC calculation<br> //!< 1: Include header in CRC calculation } pktConf; uint8_t numHdrBits; //!< Number of bits in header (0–32) uint16_t pktLen; //!< Packet length. 0: Unlimited struct { uint8_t bExtTxTrig:1; //!< \brief 0: Start packet on a fixed time from the command start trigger<br> //!< 1: Start packet on an external trigger (input event to RAT) uint8_t inputMode:2; //!< \brief Input mode if external trigger is used for Tx start<br> //!< 0: Rising edge<br> //!< 1: Falling edge<br> //!< 2: Both edges<br> //!< 3: <i>Reserved</i> uint8_t source:5; //!< RAT input event number used for capture if external trigger is used for Tx start } startConf; struct { uint8_t triggerType:4; //!< The type of trigger uint8_t bEnaCmd:1; //!< \brief 0: No alternative trigger command<br> //!< 1: CMD_TRIGGER can be used as an alternative trigger uint8_t triggerNo:2; //!< The trigger number of the CMD_TRIGGER command that triggers this action uint8_t pastTrig:1; //!< \brief 0: A trigger in the past is never triggered, or for start of commands, give an error<br> //!< 1: A trigger in the past is triggered as soon as possible } preTrigger; //!< Trigger for transition from preamble to sync word ratmr_t preTime; //!< \brief Time used together with <code>preTrigger</code> for transition from preamble to sync //!< word. If <code>preTrigger.triggerType</code> is set to "now", one preamble as //!< configured in the setup will be sent. Otherwise, the preamble will be repeated until //!< this trigger is observed. uint32_t syncWord; //!< Sync word to transmit uint8_t* pPkt; //!< Pointer to packet, or Tx queue for unlimited length }; //! @} //! \addtogroup CMD_PROP_RX_ADV //! @{ #define CMD_PROP_RX_ADV 0x3804 struct __RFC_STRUCT rfc_CMD_PROP_RX_ADV_s { uint16_t commandNo; //!< The command ID number 0x3804 uint16_t status; //!< \brief An integer telling the status of the command. This value is //!< updated by the radio CPU during operation and may be read by the //!< system CPU at any time. rfc_radioOp_t *pNextOp; //!< Pointer to the next operation to run after this operation is done ratmr_t startTime; //!< Absolute or relative start time (depending on the value of <code>startTrigger</code>) struct { uint8_t triggerType:4; //!< The type of trigger uint8_t bEnaCmd:1; //!< \brief 0: No alternative trigger command<br> //!< 1: CMD_TRIGGER can be used as an alternative trigger uint8_t triggerNo:2; //!< The trigger number of the CMD_TRIGGER command that triggers this action uint8_t pastTrig:1; //!< \brief 0: A trigger in the past is never triggered, or for start of commands, give an error<br> //!< 1: A trigger in the past is triggered as soon as possible } startTrigger; //!< Identification of the trigger that starts the operation struct { uint8_t rule:4; //!< Condition for running next command: Rule for how to proceed uint8_t nSkip:4; //!< Number of skips if the rule involves skipping } condition; struct { uint8_t bFsOff:1; //!< \brief 0: Keep frequency synth on after command<br> //!< 1: Turn frequency synth off after command uint8_t bRepeatOk:1; //!< \brief 0: End operation after receiving a packet correctly<br> //!< 1: Go back to sync search after receiving a packet correctly uint8_t bRepeatNok:1; //!< \brief 0: End operation after receiving a packet with CRC error<br> //!< 1: Go back to sync search after receiving a packet with CRC error uint8_t bUseCrc:1; //!< \brief 0: Do not check CRC<br> //!< 1: Check CRC uint8_t bCrcIncSw:1; //!< \brief 0: Do not include sync word in CRC calculation<br> //!< 1: Include sync word in CRC calculation uint8_t bCrcIncHdr:1; //!< \brief 0: Do not include header in CRC calculation <br> //!< 1: Include header in CRC calculation uint8_t endType:1; //!< \brief 0: Packet is received to the end if end trigger happens after sync is obtained<br> //!< 1: Packet reception is stopped if end trigger happens uint8_t filterOp:1; //!< \brief 0: Stop receiver and restart sync search on address mismatch<br> //!< 1: Receive packet and mark it as ignored on address mismatch } pktConf; struct { uint8_t bAutoFlushIgnored:1; //!< If 1, automatically discard ignored packets from Rx queue uint8_t bAutoFlushCrcErr:1; //!< If 1, automatically discard packets with CRC error from Rx queue uint8_t :1; uint8_t bIncludeHdr:1; //!< If 1, include the received header or length byte in the stored packet; otherwise discard it uint8_t bIncludeCrc:1; //!< If 1, include the received CRC field in the stored packet; otherwise discard it uint8_t bAppendRssi:1; //!< If 1, append an RSSI byte to the packet in the Rx queue uint8_t bAppendTimestamp:1; //!< If 1, append a timestamp to the packet in the Rx queue uint8_t bAppendStatus:1; //!< If 1, append a status byte to the packet in the Rx queue } rxConf; //!< Rx configuration uint32_t syncWord0; //!< Sync word to listen for uint32_t syncWord1; //!< Alternative sync word if non-zero uint16_t maxPktLen; //!< \brief Packet length for fixed length, maximum packet length for variable length<br> //!< 0: Unlimited or unknown length struct { uint16_t numHdrBits:6; //!< Number of bits in header (0–32) uint16_t lenPos:5; //!< Position of length field in header (0–31) uint16_t numLenBits:5; //!< Number of bits in length field (0–16) } hdrConf; struct { uint16_t addrType:1; //!< \brief 0: Address after header<br> //!< 1: Address in header uint16_t addrSize:5; //!< \brief If <code>addrType</code> = 0: Address size in bytes<br> //!< If <code>addrType</code> = 1: Address size in bits uint16_t addrPos:5; //!< \brief If <code>addrType</code> = 1: Bit position of address in header<br> //!< If <code>addrType</code> = 0: Non-zero to extend address with sync word identifier uint16_t numAddr:5; //!< Number of addresses in address list } addrConf; int8_t lenOffset; //!< Signed value to add to length field struct { uint8_t triggerType:4; //!< The type of trigger uint8_t bEnaCmd:1; //!< \brief 0: No alternative trigger command<br> //!< 1: CMD_TRIGGER can be used as an alternative trigger uint8_t triggerNo:2; //!< The trigger number of the CMD_TRIGGER command that triggers this action uint8_t pastTrig:1; //!< \brief 0: A trigger in the past is never triggered, or for start of commands, give an error<br> //!< 1: A trigger in the past is triggered as soon as possible } endTrigger; //!< Trigger classifier for ending the operation ratmr_t endTime; //!< Time used together with <code>endTrigger</code> for ending the operation uint8_t* pAddr; //!< Pointer to address list dataQueue_t* pQueue; //!< Pointer to receive queue uint8_t* pOutput; //!< Pointer to output structure }; //! @} //! \addtogroup CMD_PROP_RADIO_SETUP //! @{ #define CMD_PROP_RADIO_SETUP 0x3806 struct __RFC_STRUCT rfc_CMD_PROP_RADIO_SETUP_s { uint16_t commandNo; //!< The command ID number 0x3806 uint16_t status; //!< \brief An integer telling the status of the command. This value is //!< updated by the radio CPU during operation and may be read by the //!< system CPU at any time. rfc_radioOp_t *pNextOp; //!< Pointer to the next operation to run after this operation is done ratmr_t startTime; //!< Absolute or relative start time (depending on the value of <code>startTrigger</code>) struct { uint8_t triggerType:4; //!< The type of trigger uint8_t bEnaCmd:1; //!< \brief 0: No alternative trigger command<br> //!< 1: CMD_TRIGGER can be used as an alternative trigger uint8_t triggerNo:2; //!< The trigger number of the CMD_TRIGGER command that triggers this action uint8_t pastTrig:1; //!< \brief 0: A trigger in the past is never triggered, or for start of commands, give an error<br> //!< 1: A trigger in the past is triggered as soon as possible } startTrigger; //!< Identification of the trigger that starts the operation struct { uint8_t rule:4; //!< Condition for running next command: Rule for how to proceed uint8_t nSkip:4; //!< Number of skips if the rule involves skipping } condition; struct { uint16_t modType:3; //!< \brief 0: FSK<br> //!< 1: GFSK<br> //!< Others: <i>Reserved</i> uint16_t deviation:13; //!< Deviation (250 Hz steps) } modulation; struct { uint32_t preScale:4; //!< Prescaler value uint32_t :4; uint32_t rateWord:21; //!< Rate word } symbolRate; uint8_t rxBw; //!< Receiver bandwidth struct { uint8_t nPreamBytes:6; //!< \brief 0–30: Number of preamble bytes<br> //!< 31: 4 preamble bits uint8_t preamMode:2; //!< \brief 0: Send 0 as the first preamble bit<br> //!< 1: Send 1 as the first preamble bit<br> //!< 2: Send same first bit in preamble and sync word<br> //!< 3: Send different first bit in preamble and sync word } preamConf; struct { uint16_t nSwBits:6; //!< Number of sync word bits (up to 32) uint16_t bBitReversal:1; //!< \brief 0: Use positive deviation for 1<br> //!< 1: Use positive deviation for 0 uint16_t bMsbFirst:1; //!< \brief 0: Least significant bit transmitted first<br> //!< 1: Most significant bit transmitted first uint16_t fecMode:4; //!< \brief Select coding<br> //!< 0: Uncoded binary modulation<br> //!< 10: Manchester coded binary modulation<br> //!< Others: <i>Reserved</i> uint16_t :1; uint16_t whitenMode:3; //!< \brief 0: No whitening<br> //!< 1: CC1101/CC2500 compatible whitening<br> //!< 2: PN9 whitening without byte reversal<br> //!< 3: <i>Reserved</i><br> //!< 4: No whitener, 32-bit IEEE 802.15.4g compatible CRC<br> //!< 5: IEEE 802.15.4g compatible whitener and 32-bit CRC<br> //!< 6: No whitener, dynamically IEEE 802.15.4g compatible 16-bit or 32-bit CRC<br> //!< 7: Dynamically IEEE 802.15.4g compatible whitener and 16-bit or 32-bit CRC } formatConf; struct { uint16_t frontEndMode:3; //!< \brief 0x00: Differential mode<br> //!< 0x01: Single-ended mode RFP<br> //!< 0x02: Single-ended mode RFN<br> //!< 0x05 Single-ended mode RFP with external frontend control on RF pins (RFN and RXTX)<br> //!< 0x06 Single-ended mode RFN with external frontend control on RF pins (RFP and RXTX)<br> //!< Others: <i>Reserved</i> uint16_t biasMode:1; //!< \brief 0: Internal bias<br> //!< 1: External bias uint16_t :6; uint16_t bNoFsPowerUp:1; //!< \brief 0: Power up frequency synth<br> //!< 1: Do not power up frequency synth } config; //!< Configuration options uint16_t txPower; //!< Transmit power uint32_t* pRegOverride; //!< \brief Pointer to a list of hardware and configuration registers to override. If NULL, no //!< override is used. }; //! @} //! \addtogroup CMD_PROP_RADIO_DIV_SETUP //! @{ #define CMD_PROP_RADIO_DIV_SETUP 0x3807 struct __RFC_STRUCT rfc_CMD_PROP_RADIO_DIV_SETUP_s { uint16_t commandNo; //!< The command ID number 0x3807 uint16_t status; //!< \brief An integer telling the status of the command. This value is //!< updated by the radio CPU during operation and may be read by the //!< system CPU at any time. rfc_radioOp_t *pNextOp; //!< Pointer to the next operation to run after this operation is done ratmr_t startTime; //!< Absolute or relative start time (depending on the value of <code>startTrigger</code>) struct { uint8_t triggerType:4; //!< The type of trigger uint8_t bEnaCmd:1; //!< \brief 0: No alternative trigger command<br> //!< 1: CMD_TRIGGER can be used as an alternative trigger uint8_t triggerNo:2; //!< The trigger number of the CMD_TRIGGER command that triggers this action uint8_t pastTrig:1; //!< \brief 0: A trigger in the past is never triggered, or for start of commands, give an error<br> //!< 1: A trigger in the past is triggered as soon as possible } startTrigger; //!< Identification of the trigger that starts the operation struct { uint8_t rule:4; //!< Condition for running next command: Rule for how to proceed uint8_t nSkip:4; //!< Number of skips if the rule involves skipping } condition; struct { uint16_t modType:3; //!< \brief 0: FSK<br> //!< 1: GFSK<br> //!< Others: <i>Reserved</i> uint16_t deviation:13; //!< Deviation (250 Hz steps) } modulation; struct { uint32_t preScale:4; //!< Prescaler value uint32_t :4; uint32_t rateWord:21; //!< Rate word } symbolRate; uint8_t rxBw; //!< Receiver bandwidth struct { uint8_t nPreamBytes:6; //!< \brief 0–30: Number of preamble bytes<br> //!< 31: 4 preamble bits uint8_t preamMode:2; //!< \brief 0: Send 0 as the first preamble bit<br> //!< 1: Send 1 as the first preamble bit<br> //!< 2: Send same first bit in preamble and sync word<br> //!< 3: Send different first bit in preamble and sync word } preamConf; struct { uint16_t nSwBits:6; //!< Number of sync word bits (up to 32) uint16_t bBitReversal:1; //!< \brief 0: Use positive deviation for 1<br> //!< 1: Use positive deviation for 0 uint16_t bMsbFirst:1; //!< \brief 0: Least significant bit transmitted first<br> //!< 1: Most significant bit transmitted first uint16_t fecMode:4; //!< \brief Select coding<br> //!< 0: Uncoded binary modulation<br> //!< 10: Manchester coded binary modulation<br> //!< Others: <i>Reserved</i> uint16_t :1; uint16_t whitenMode:3; //!< \brief 0: No whitening<br> //!< 1: CC1101/CC2500 compatible whitening<br> //!< 2: PN9 whitening without byte reversal<br> //!< 3: <i>Reserved</i><br> //!< 4: No whitener, 32-bit IEEE 802.15.4g compatible CRC<br> //!< 5: IEEE 802.15.4g compatible whitener and 32-bit CRC<br> //!< 6: No whitener, dynamically IEEE 802.15.4g compatible 16-bit or 32-bit CRC<br> //!< 7: Dynamically IEEE 802.15.4g compatible whitener and 16-bit or 32-bit CRC } formatConf; struct { uint16_t frontEndMode:3; //!< \brief 0x00: Differential mode<br> //!< 0x01: Single-ended mode RFP<br> //!< 0x02: Single-ended mode RFN<br> //!< 0x05 Single-ended mode RFP with external frontend control on RF pins (RFN and RXTX)<br> //!< 0x06 Single-ended mode RFN with external frontend control on RF pins (RFP and RXTX)<br> //!< Others: <i>Reserved</i> uint16_t biasMode:1; //!< \brief 0: Internal bias<br> //!< 1: External bias uint16_t :6; uint16_t bNoFsPowerUp:1; //!< \brief 0: Power up frequency synth<br> //!< 1: Do not power up frequency synth } config; //!< Configuration options uint16_t txPower; //!< Transmit power uint32_t* pRegOverride; //!< \brief Pointer to a list of hardware and configuration registers to override. If NULL, no //!< override is used. uint16_t centerFreq; //!< \brief Center frequency of the frequency band used, in MHz; used for calculating some internal Tx and Rx parameters. //!< For a single channel RF system, this should be set equal to the RF frequency used. //!< For a multi channel RF system (e.g. frequency hopping spread spectrum), this should be set equal //!< to the center frequency of the frequency band used. int16_t intFreq; //!< \brief Intermediate frequency to use for Rx, in MHz on 4.12 signed format. Tx will use same //!< intermediate frequency if supported, otherwise 0.<br> //!< 0x8000: Use default. uint8_t loDivider; //!< LO frequency divider setting to use. Supported values: 2, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15, and 30 }; //! @} //! \addtogroup CMD_PROP_SET_LEN //! @{ #define CMD_PROP_SET_LEN 0x3401 struct __RFC_STRUCT rfc_CMD_PROP_SET_LEN_s { uint16_t commandNo; //!< The command ID number 0x3401 uint16_t rxLen; //!< Payload length to use }; //! @} //! \addtogroup CMD_PROP_RESTART_RX //! @{ #define CMD_PROP_RESTART_RX 0x3402 struct __RFC_STRUCT rfc_CMD_PROP_RESTART_RX_s { uint16_t commandNo; //!< The command ID number 0x3402 }; //! @} //! \addtogroup propRxOutput //! @{ //! Output structure for Rx operations struct __RFC_STRUCT rfc_propRxOutput_s { uint16_t nRxOk; //!< Number of packets that have been received with payload, CRC OK and not ignored uint16_t nRxNok; //!< Number of packets that have been received with CRC error uint8_t nRxIgnored; //!< Number of packets that have been received with CRC OK and ignored due to address mismatch uint8_t nRxStopped; //!< Number of packets not received due to illegal length or address mismatch with pktConf.filterOp = 1 uint8_t nRxBufFull; //!< Number of packets that have been received and discarded due to lack of buffer space int8_t lastRssi; //!< RSSI of last received packet ratmr_t timeStamp; //!< Time stamp of last received packet }; //! @} //! \addtogroup propRxStatus //! @{ //! Receive status byte that may be appended to message in receive buffer struct __RFC_STRUCT rfc_propRxStatus_s { struct { uint8_t addressInd:5; //!< Index of address found (0 if not applicable) uint8_t syncWordId:1; //!< 0 for primary sync word, 1 for alternate sync word uint8_t result:2; //!< \brief 0: Packet received correctly, not ignored<br> //!< 1: Packet received with CRC error<br> //!< 2: Packet received correctly, but can be ignored<br> //!< 3: Packet reception was aborted } status; }; //! @} //! @} //! @} #endif /* PROP_CMD_H_ */