#!/bin/bash # The simulation to run CSC=$1 shift #Contiki directory CONTIKI=$1 shift #The basename of the experiment BASENAME=$1 shift #The random seed to start from BASESEED=$1 shift #The number of runs (with different seeds) RUNCOUNT=$1 shift # Counts all tests run declare -i TESTCOUNT=0 # Counts successfull tests declare -i OKCOUNT=0 # A list of seeds the resulted in failure FAILSEEDS= for (( SEED=$BASESEED; SEED<$(($BASESEED+$RUNCOUNT)); SEED++ )); do echo -n "Running test $BASENAME with random Seed $SEED" # run simulation java -Xshare:on -jar $CONTIKI/tools/cooja/dist/cooja.jar -nogui=$CSC -contiki=$CONTIKI -random-seed=$SEED > $BASENAME.$SEED.coojalog & JPID=$! # Copy the log and only print "." if it changed touch progress.log while kill -0 $JPID 2> /dev/null do sleep 1 diff $BASENAME.$SEED.coojalog progress.log > /dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ] then echo -n "." cp $BASENAME.$SEED.coojalog progress.log fi done rm progress.log # wait for end of simulation wait $JPID JRV=$? # Save testlog touch COOJA.testlog; mv COOJA.testlog $BASENAME.$SEED.scriptlog rm COOJA.log TESTCOUNT+=1 if [ $JRV -eq 0 ] ; then OKCOUNT+=1 echo " OK" else FAILSEEDS+=" $BASESEED" echo " FAIL" # Verbose output when using CI if [ "$CI" = "true" ]; then echo "==== $BASENAME.$SEED.coojalog ====" ; cat $BASENAME.$SEED.coojalog; echo "==== $BASENAME.$SEED.scriptlog ====" ; cat $BASENAME.$SEED.scriptlog; else echo "==== Check $BASENAME.$SEED.coojalog and $BASENAME.$SEED.scriptlog for details ===="; fi fi done if [ $TESTCOUNT -ne $OKCOUNT ] ; then # At least one test failed printf "%-40s TEST FAIL %3d/%d -- failed seeds:%s\n" "$BASENAME" "$OKCOUNT" "$TESTCOUNT" "$FAILSEEDS" > $BASENAME.testlog; else printf "%-40s TEST OK %3d/%d\n" "$BASENAME" "$OKCOUNT" "$TESTCOUNT" > $BASENAME.testlog; fi # We do not want Make to stop -> Return 0 # The Makefile will check if a log contains FAIL at the end exit 0