/* * Copyright (c) 2013, Swedish Institute of Computer Science * Copyright (c) 2010, Vrije Universiteit Brussel * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the Institute nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE INSTITUTE AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE INSTITUTE OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * * Authors: Simon Duquennoy * Joris Borms */ #include "contiki.h" #include #include #include "lib/memb.h" #include "lib/list.h" #include "net/nbr-table.h" #define DEBUG 0 #if DEBUG #include #include "sys/ctimer.h" static void handle_periodic_timer(void *ptr); static struct ctimer periodic_timer; static uint8_t initialized = 0; static void print_table(); #define PRINTF(...) printf(__VA_ARGS__) #else #define PRINTF(...) #endif /* This is the callback function that will be called when there is a * nbr-policy active **/ #ifdef NBR_TABLE_FIND_REMOVABLE const linkaddr_t *NBR_TABLE_FIND_REMOVABLE(nbr_table_reason_t reason, void *data); #endif /* NBR_TABLE_FIND_REMOVABLE */ /* List of link-layer addresses of the neighbors, used as key in the tables */ typedef struct nbr_table_key { struct nbr_table_key *next; linkaddr_t lladdr; } nbr_table_key_t; /* For each neighbor, a map of the tables that use the neighbor. * As we are using uint8_t, we have a maximum of 8 tables in the system */ static uint8_t used_map[NBR_TABLE_MAX_NEIGHBORS]; /* For each neighbor, a map of the tables that lock the neighbor */ static uint8_t locked_map[NBR_TABLE_MAX_NEIGHBORS]; /* The maximum number of tables */ #define MAX_NUM_TABLES 8 /* A list of pointers to tables in use */ static struct nbr_table *all_tables[MAX_NUM_TABLES]; /* The current number of tables */ static unsigned num_tables; /* The neighbor address table */ MEMB(neighbor_addr_mem, nbr_table_key_t, NBR_TABLE_MAX_NEIGHBORS); LIST(nbr_table_keys); /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Get a key from a neighbor index */ static nbr_table_key_t * key_from_index(int index) { return index != -1 ? &((nbr_table_key_t *)neighbor_addr_mem.mem)[index] : NULL; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Get an item from its neighbor index */ static nbr_table_item_t * item_from_index(nbr_table_t *table, int index) { return table != NULL && index != -1 ? (char *)table->data + index * table->item_size : NULL; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Get the neighbor index of an item */ static int index_from_key(nbr_table_key_t *key) { return key != NULL ? key - (nbr_table_key_t *)neighbor_addr_mem.mem : -1; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Get the neighbor index of an item */ static int index_from_item(nbr_table_t *table, const nbr_table_item_t *item) { return table != NULL && item != NULL ? ((int)((char *)item - (char *)table->data)) / table->item_size : -1; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Get an item from its key */ static nbr_table_item_t * item_from_key(nbr_table_t *table, nbr_table_key_t *key) { return item_from_index(table, index_from_key(key)); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Get the key af an item */ static nbr_table_key_t * key_from_item(nbr_table_t *table, const nbr_table_item_t *item) { return key_from_index(index_from_item(table, item)); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Get the index of a neighbor from its link-layer address */ static int index_from_lladdr(const linkaddr_t *lladdr) { nbr_table_key_t *key; /* Allow lladdr-free insertion, useful e.g. for IPv6 ND. * Only one such entry is possible at a time, indexed by linkaddr_null. */ if(lladdr == NULL) { lladdr = &linkaddr_null; } key = list_head(nbr_table_keys); while(key != NULL) { if(lladdr && linkaddr_cmp(lladdr, &key->lladdr)) { return index_from_key(key); } key = list_item_next(key); } return -1; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Get bit from "used" or "locked" bitmap */ static int nbr_get_bit(uint8_t *bitmap, nbr_table_t *table, nbr_table_item_t *item) { int item_index = index_from_item(table, item); if(table != NULL && item_index != -1) { return (bitmap[item_index] & (1 << table->index)) != 0; } else { return 0; } return 0; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Set bit in "used" or "locked" bitmap */ static int nbr_set_bit(uint8_t *bitmap, nbr_table_t *table, nbr_table_item_t *item, int value) { int item_index = index_from_item(table, item); if(table != NULL && item_index != -1) { if(value) { bitmap[item_index] |= 1 << table->index; } else { bitmap[item_index] &= ~(1 << table->index); } return 1; } else { return 0; } return 0; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void remove_key(nbr_table_key_t *least_used_key) { int i; for(i = 0; i < MAX_NUM_TABLES; i++) { if(all_tables[i] != NULL && all_tables[i]->callback != NULL) { /* Call table callback for each table that uses this item */ nbr_table_item_t *removed_item = item_from_key(all_tables[i], least_used_key); if(nbr_get_bit(used_map, all_tables[i], removed_item) == 1) { all_tables[i]->callback(removed_item); } } } /* Empty used map */ used_map[index_from_key(least_used_key)] = 0; /* Remove neighbor from list */ list_remove(nbr_table_keys, least_used_key); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static nbr_table_key_t * nbr_table_allocate(nbr_table_reason_t reason, void *data) { nbr_table_key_t *key; int least_used_count = 0; nbr_table_key_t *least_used_key = NULL; key = memb_alloc(&neighbor_addr_mem); if(key != NULL) { return key; } else { #ifdef NBR_TABLE_FIND_REMOVABLE const linkaddr_t *lladdr; lladdr = NBR_TABLE_FIND_REMOVABLE(reason, data); if(lladdr == NULL) { /* Nothing found that can be deleted - return NULL to indicate failure */ PRINTF("*** Not removing entry to allocate new\n"); return NULL; } else { /* used least_used_key to indicate what is the least useful entry */ int index; int locked = 0; if((index = index_from_lladdr(lladdr)) != -1) { least_used_key = key_from_index(index); locked = locked_map[index]; } /* Allow delete of locked item? */ if(least_used_key != NULL && locked) { PRINTF("Deleting locked item!\n"); locked_map[index] = 0; } } #endif /* NBR_TABLE_FIND_REMOVABLE */ if(least_used_key == NULL) { /* No more space, try to free a neighbor. * The replacement policy is the following: remove neighbor that is: * (1) not locked * (2) used by fewest tables * (3) oldest (the list is ordered by insertion time) * */ /* Get item from first key */ key = list_head(nbr_table_keys); while(key != NULL) { int item_index = index_from_key(key); int locked = locked_map[item_index]; /* Never delete a locked item */ if(!locked) { int used = used_map[item_index]; int used_count = 0; /* Count how many tables are using this item */ while(used != 0) { if((used & 1) == 1) { used_count++; } used >>= 1; } /* Find least used item */ if(least_used_key == NULL || used_count < least_used_count) { least_used_key = key; least_used_count = used_count; if(used_count == 0) { /* We won't find any least used item */ break; } } } key = list_item_next(key); } } if(least_used_key == NULL) { /* We haven't found any unlocked item, allocation fails */ return NULL; } else { /* Reuse least used item */ remove_key(least_used_key); return least_used_key; } } } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Register a new neighbor table. To be used at initialization by modules * using a neighbor table */ int nbr_table_register(nbr_table_t *table, nbr_table_callback *callback) { #if DEBUG if(!initialized) { initialized = 1; /* schedule a debug printout per minute */ ctimer_set(&periodic_timer, CLOCK_SECOND * 60, handle_periodic_timer, NULL); } #endif if(nbr_table_is_registered(table)) { /* Table already registered, just update callback */ table->callback = callback; return 1; } if(num_tables < MAX_NUM_TABLES) { table->index = num_tables++; table->callback = callback; all_tables[table->index] = table; return 1; } else { /* Maximum number of tables exceeded */ return 0; } } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Test whether a specified table has been registered or not */ int nbr_table_is_registered(nbr_table_t *table) { if(table != NULL && table->index >= 0 && table->index < MAX_NUM_TABLES && all_tables[table->index] == table) { return 1; } return 0; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Returns the first item of the current table */ nbr_table_item_t * nbr_table_head(nbr_table_t *table) { /* Get item from first key */ nbr_table_item_t *item = item_from_key(table, list_head(nbr_table_keys)); /* Item is the first neighbor, now check is it is in the current table */ if(nbr_get_bit(used_map, table, item)) { return item; } else { return nbr_table_next(table, item); } } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Iterates over the current table */ nbr_table_item_t * nbr_table_next(nbr_table_t *table, nbr_table_item_t *item) { do { void *key = key_from_item(table, item); key = list_item_next(key); /* Loop until the next item is in the current table */ item = item_from_key(table, key); } while(item && !nbr_get_bit(used_map, table, item)); return item; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Add a neighbor indexed with its link-layer address */ nbr_table_item_t * nbr_table_add_lladdr(nbr_table_t *table, const linkaddr_t *lladdr, nbr_table_reason_t reason, void *data) { int index; nbr_table_item_t *item; nbr_table_key_t *key; if(table == NULL) { return NULL; } /* Allow lladdr-free insertion, useful e.g. for IPv6 ND. * Only one such entry is possible at a time, indexed by linkaddr_null. */ if(lladdr == NULL) { lladdr = &linkaddr_null; } if((index = index_from_lladdr(lladdr)) == -1) { /* Neighbor not yet in table, let's try to allocate one */ key = nbr_table_allocate(reason, data); /* No space available for new entry */ if(key == NULL) { return NULL; } /* Add neighbor to list */ list_add(nbr_table_keys, key); /* Get index from newly allocated neighbor */ index = index_from_key(key); /* Set link-layer address */ linkaddr_copy(&key->lladdr, lladdr); } /* Get item in the current table */ item = item_from_index(table, index); /* Initialize item data and set "used" bit */ memset(item, 0, table->item_size); nbr_set_bit(used_map, table, item, 1); #if DEBUG print_table(); #endif return item; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Get an item from its link-layer address */ void * nbr_table_get_from_lladdr(nbr_table_t *table, const linkaddr_t *lladdr) { void *item = item_from_index(table, index_from_lladdr(lladdr)); return nbr_get_bit(used_map, table, item) ? item : NULL; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Removes a neighbor from the current table (unset "used" bit) */ int nbr_table_remove(nbr_table_t *table, void *item) { int ret = nbr_set_bit(used_map, table, item, 0); nbr_set_bit(locked_map, table, item, 0); return ret; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Lock a neighbor for the current table (set "locked" bit) */ int nbr_table_lock(nbr_table_t *table, void *item) { #if DEBUG int i = index_from_item(table, item); PRINTF("*** Lock %d\n", i); #endif return nbr_set_bit(locked_map, table, item, 1); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Release the lock on a neighbor for the current table (unset "locked" bit) */ int nbr_table_unlock(nbr_table_t *table, void *item) { #if DEBUG int i = index_from_item(table, item); PRINTF("*** Unlock %d\n", i); #endif return nbr_set_bit(locked_map, table, item, 0); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Get link-layer address of an item */ linkaddr_t * nbr_table_get_lladdr(nbr_table_t *table, const void *item) { nbr_table_key_t *key = key_from_item(table, item); return key != NULL ? &key->lladdr : NULL; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #if DEBUG static void print_table() { int i, j; /* Printout all neighbors and which tables they are used in */ PRINTF("NBR TABLE:\n"); for(i = 0; i < NBR_TABLE_MAX_NEIGHBORS; i++) { if(used_map[i] > 0) { PRINTF(" %02d %02d",i , key_from_index(i)->lladdr.u8[LINKADDR_SIZE - 1]); for(j = 0; j < num_tables; j++) { PRINTF(" [%d:%d]", (used_map[i] & (1 << j)) != 0, (locked_map[i] & (1 << j)) != 0); } PRINTF("\n"); } } } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void handle_periodic_timer(void *ptr) { print_table(); ctimer_reset(&periodic_timer); } #endif