#!/bin/bash # Contiki directory CONTIKI=$1 # Test basename BASENAME=06-native-coap IPADDR=fd00::302:304:506:708 declare -i OKCOUNT=0 declare -i TESTCOUNT=0 echo "Enabling IPv6" sudo sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=0 # Starting Contiki-NG native node echo "Starting native CoAP server" make -C $CONTIKI/examples/coap > make.log 2> make.err sudo $CONTIKI/examples/coap/coap-example-server.native > node.log 2> node.err & CPID=$! sleep 2 # Send CoAP requests echo "Sending CoAP requests" rm -f $BASENAME.log for TARGET in .well-known/core test/push; do echo "Get $TARGET" | tee -a $BASENAME.log coap get coap://[$IPADDR]/$TARGET 2>&1 | tee coap.log cat coap.log >> $BASENAME.log # Fetch coap status code (not $? because this is piped) SUCCESS=`grep -c '(2.05)' coap.log` if [ $SUCCESS == 1 ]; then printf "> OK\n" OKCOUNT+=1 else printf "> FAIL\n" fi TESTCOUNT+=1 done echo "Closing native node" sleep 2 pgrep coap-example | sudo xargs kill -9 if [ $TESTCOUNT -eq $OKCOUNT ] ; then printf "%-32s TEST OK %3d/%d\n" "$BASENAME" "$OKCOUNT" "$TESTCOUNT" > $BASENAME.testlog; else echo "==== make.log ====" ; cat make.log; echo "==== make.err ====" ; cat make.err; echo "==== node.log ====" ; cat node.log; echo "==== node.err ====" ; cat node.err; echo "==== $BASENAME.log ====" ; cat $BASENAME.log; printf "%-32s TEST FAIL %3d/%d\n" "$BASENAME" "$OKCOUNT" "$TESTCOUNT" > $BASENAME.testlog; fi rm -f make.log make.err node.log node.err coap.log # We do not want Make to stop -> Return 0 # The Makefile will check if a log contains FAIL at the end exit 0