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Document version: 2015-12-29

HOWTO connect the Microchip enc28j60 module

It's possible to to add Ethernet to most microcontrollers having a SPI inter- face. In the Atmel world the SPI pins are used for the ISP programming. Usually a 6-pin header. Named MOSI, MISO, SCK, CS (Chup Select), Vcc, GND

One popular Ethernet chip is Microchip ENC28J60. It been used for quite some time and is easy to program and are also supported by many platforms and projects. Contiki has files under:

Most focus fon AVR platforms. The SPI is used by Atmel ISP-progammings interface. In addition to those pins you to selects a pin for chip select (CS).

dev/enc28j60/ The low-level SPI drives is platform or rather CPU-specific. The avr-rss2 platform adds the low-level drivers for Atmel.

platform/avr-rss2/enc28j60_avr.[ch] This should be usable on most 8-bit avr platforms.

The power consumption might be a problem. The enc28j60 consumes 160mA at 3.3V when transmitting. The LDO (voltage reg. LP2950) on the mote can only handle 100mA. So external power is needed. Below is a description of a prototype.

Used components:

Externel power supply 5V. Small breadboard DC-jack Voltage Reg. LCP1700 3.3V Capacitor 4.7uF enc28j60 (From Ebay) Pin-headers Cables 2x5 (enc28j60) 2x3 SPI (AtMega node)

Used colors: Black GND Red VCC 3.3V Yellow SCK Green MISO White MOSI Blue CS (Chip select)

SPI (Connector view)


CS is connected to external temp sensor middle pin. Consequently the external temp sensor can not be used in this application.


![Module] ( ![Connector] (
