
433 lines
7.7 KiB

;;; ctk-conio_arch-asm.hS
;;; Architecture depend ctk-conio implementation.
;;; This assembler source contributes basically saving for speed and memory.
;;; @author Takahide Matsutsuka <>
;;; $Id: ctk-conio_arch-asm.hS,v 1.1 2007/09/11 12:12:59 matsutsuka Exp $
;; uses preprocessor to enable definitions
#include "ctk_arch-def.h"
;; export symbols
.globl _cputc_arch
.globl _cputs_arch
.globl _cputsn_arch
.globl _chline_arch
.globl _cvline_arch
.globl _gotoxy_arch
.globl _cclear_arch
.globl _revers_arch
.globl _clip_arch
.globl _ctk_draw_init
.globl _ctk_draw_clear
.globl _ctk_draw_clear_window
;; import symbols
.globl _info
.if 0
.globl _ctk_arch_window_x
.globl _ctk_arch_window_y
.globl _ctk_arch_window_h
.globl _ctk_arch_window_w
.area _DATA
.ds 1
.area _CODE
;; ---------------------------------
;; void cputc(char ch);
;; Stack; ixl ixh retl reth ch
;; AF__DEHL____
;; return void
;; ---------------------------------
push ix
ld ix, #_info
ld a, CURSY(ix)
cp a, CY1(ix) ; cursy - cy1
jr c, _cputc_arch_ret ; cusy < cy1
cp a, CY2(ix) ; cursy - cy2
jr z, _cputc_arch_next1
jr nc, _cputc_arch_ret ; cursy > cy2
jr z, _cputc_arch_next2
jr nc, _cputc_arch_ret ; cursy > SCREEN_HEIGHT
ld a, CURSX(ix)
jr nc, _cputc_arch_ret
;; calculate offset
ld a, CURSY(ix)
ld hl, #0
or a
jr z, _cputc_arch_calcx
add hl, de
dec a
jr _cputc_arch_loop
ld d, #0
ld e, CURSX(ix)
add hl, de
;; putchar
push hl
ld hl, #6
add hl, sp
ld a, (hl)
pop hl
ld de, #VRAM_CHAR
push hl
add hl, de
ld (hl), a
pop hl
;; putattr
ld de, #VRAM_ATTR
add hl, de
ld de, #_ctk_arch_reversed
ld a, (de)
or a
jr z, _cputc_arch_normal
jr _cputc_arch_ret
ld (hl), #COLOR_NORMAL
inc CURSX(ix)
pop ix
;; ---------------------------------
;; void cputs_arch(char *str);
;; Stack; ixl ixh retl reth strl strh
;; AFB_DEHL____
;; return void
;; ---------------------------------
push ix
ld hl, #4
add hl, sp
ld e, (hl)
inc hl
ld d, (hl)
ld b, #0 ; max length
ld a, (de)
or a
jr z, _cputs_arch_ret
push bc
push de
push af
inc sp
call _cputc_arch
inc sp
pop de
pop bc
inc de
djnz _cputs_arch_loop
pop ix
;; ---------------------------------
;; void cputsn(char *str, unsigned char length);
;; Stack; ixl ixh retl reth length
;; AFB_DEHL____
;; return void
;; ---------------------------------
push ix
ld ix, #4
add ix, sp
ld e, 0(ix)
ld d, 1(ix)
ld b, 2(ix)
jr _cputs_arch_loop ; take over B and DE
;; ---------------------------------
;; void chline(unsigned char length);
;; Stack; ixl ixh retl reth length
;; AFB_DEHL____
;; return void
;; ---------------------------------
push ix
ld hl, #4
add hl, sp
ld b, (hl)
push bc
push af
inc sp
call _cputc_arch
dec sp
pop af
pop bc
djnz _chline_arch_loop
pop ix
;; ---------------------------------
;; void cvline(unsigned char length);
;; Stack; ixl ixh retl reth length
;; AFB_DEHL____
;; return void
;; ---------------------------------
push ix
ld hl, #4 ; subject to change
add hl, sp
ld b, (hl) ; length
ld ix, #_info
push bc
push af
inc sp
call _cputc_arch
dec sp
pop af
pop bc
inc CURSY(ix)
dec CURSX(ix)
djnz _cvline_arch_loop
pop ix
;; ---------------------------------
;; void gotoxy(unsigned char x, unsigned char y)
;; Stack; ixl ixh retl reth x y
;; AF____HL____
;; return void
;; ---------------------------------
push ix
ld hl, #4
add hl, sp
ld ix, #_info
ld a, (hl)
ld CURSX(ix), a
inc hl
ld a, (hl)
ld CURSY(ix), a
pop ix
;; ---------------------------------
;; void clearTo(char x)
;; Stack; ixl ixh retl reth x
;; AF__DEHL____
;; return void
;; ---------------------------------
push ix
ld ix, #_info
ld hl, #4
add hl, sp
ld a, (hl) ; x
cp a, CURSX(ix)
jr z, _cclear_arch_ret
jr c, _cclear_arch_ret
ld a, #CH_SPACE
push hl
push af
inc sp
call _cputc_arch
inc sp
pop hl
jr _cclear_arch_loop
ld a, (hl)
ld CURSX(ix), a
pop ix
;; ---------------------------------
;; void revers_arch(unsigned char reverse)
;; Stack; retl reth reverse
;; A_____HL____
;; return void
;; ---------------------------------
ld hl, #2
add hl, sp
ld a, (hl)
ld hl, #_ctk_arch_reversed
ld (hl), a
;; ---------------------------------
;; void clip_arch(unsigned char clip1, unsigned char clip2)
;; Stack; retl reth clip1 clip2
;; A_____HL____
;; return void
;; ---------------------------------
push ix
ld ix, #_info
ld hl, #4
add hl, sp
ld a, (hl)
ld CY1(ix), a
inc hl
ld a, (hl)
ld CY2(ix), a
pop ix
;; ---------------------------------
;; void ctk_draw_init(void)
;; Stack; retl reth
;; _F____HL____ AFBCDEHL____
;; return void
;; ---------------------------------
push ix
ld ix, #_info
ld l, #0
ld CY1(ix), l
ld CY2(ix), h
push hl
call _ctk_draw_clear
pop hl
pop ix
;; ---------------------------------
;; ctk_draw_clear(unsigned char clipy1, unsigned char clipy2);
;; Stack; retl reth clipy1 clipy2
;; return void
;; ---------------------------------
ld hl, #2
add hl, sp
ld d, (hl) ; clipy1
inc hl
ld e, (hl) ; clipy2
ld c, #0
ld a, d
cp a, e ; d - e (clipy1 - clipy2)
ret nc ; ret if clipy1 >= clipy2
push de
ld b, d
push bc
call _gotoxy_arch
pop bc
push af
inc sp
call _cclear_arch
inc sp
pop de
inc d
jr _ctk_draw_clear_loop
.if 0
;; ---------------------------------
;; void ctk_draw_clear_window(struct ctk_window *window,
;; unsigned char focus,
;; unsigned clipy1,
;; unsigned clipy2);
;; Stack; retl reth windowl windowh focus clipy1 clipy2
;; return void
;; ---------------------------------
;; param; de=window, hl=offset
;; return a=value
;; A___________
push de
ld a, (hl)
add a, e
ld e, a
ld a, d
adc #0
ld d, a
ld a, (de)
pop de
push ix
ld ix, #4
add ix, sp
ld l, 3(ix)
ld h, 4(ix)
push hl
call _clip_arch
pop hl
ld e, 0(ix)
ld d, 1(ix) ; #_window
ld hl, #_ctk_arch_window_y
call _ctk_draw_clear_get_value
ld b, a
inc b
inc b ; window->y + 2
ld hl, #_ctk_arch_window_h
call _ctk_draw_clear_get_value
ld c, a ; window->h
ld hl, #_ctk_arch_window_x
call _ctk_draw_clear_get_value
ld h, a
inc h ; window->x + 1
push hl
ld hl, #_ctk_arch_window_w
call _ctk_draw_clear_get_value
pop hl
ld l, a ; window->w
ld a, b ; i
cp a, c ; i - h
jr nc, _ctk_draw_clear_window_ret
ld d, a
ld e, h ; d=i, e=window->x+1
push af
push hl
push de
call _gotoxy_arch
pop de
pop hl
ld a, h
add a, l ; window->x + 1+ window->w
push hl
push af
inc sp
call _cclear_arch
inc sp
pop af
pop hl
inc a
jr _ctk_draw_clear_window_loop
pop ix
ctk_draw_clear_window(struct ctk_window *window,
unsigned char focus,
unsigned char ctk_arch_clipy1,
unsigned char ctk_arch_clipy2) {
clip_arch(clipy1, clipy2);
h = window->y + 2 + window->h;
for(i = window->y + 2; i < h; ++i) {
gotoxy(window->x + 1, i)
cclear(window->x + 1 + window->w);