Jonas Olsson 01e36532c2 Add support for the CC13xx CPU
This commit:

* Moves all cpu files from cpu/cc26xx to cpu/cc26xx-cc13xx
* Bumps the CC26xxware submodule to the latest TI release
* Adds CC13xxware as a submodule
* Adds support for sub-ghz mode / IEEE 802.15.4g
* Splits the driver into multiple files for clarity. We now have the following structure:
  * A common module that handles access to the RF core, interrupts etc
  * A module that takes care of BLE functionality
  * A netstack radio driver for IEEE mode (2.4GHz)
  * A netstack radio driver for PROP mode (sub-ghz - multiple bands)

This commit also adds tick suppression functionality, applicable to all chips of the CC26xx and CC13xx families. Instead waking up on every clock tick simply to increment our software counter, we now only wake up just in time to service the next scheduled etimer. ContikiMAC-triggered wakeups are unaffected.

Laslty, this commit also applies a number of minor changes:
* Addition of missing includes
* Removal of stub functions
* Removal of a woraround for a CC26xxware bug that has now been fixed
2015-08-23 19:54:42 +01:00

597 lines
41 KiB

* Filename: prop_cmd.h
* Revised: 2015-08-04 10:40:45 +0200 (Tue, 04 Aug 2015)
* Revision: 44326
* Description: CC13xx API for Proprietary mode commands
* Copyright (c) 2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* 1) Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* 2) Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
* and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* 3) Neither the name of the ORGANIZATION nor the names of its contributors may
* be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
* specific prior written permission.
#ifndef PROP_CMD_H_
#define PROP_CMD_H_
#ifndef __RFC_STRUCT
#ifdef __GNUC__
#define __RFC_STRUCT __attribute__ ((aligned (4)))
#define __RFC_STRUCT
//! \addtogroup rfc
//! @{
//! \addtogroup prop_cmd
//! @{
#include <stdint.h>
#include "mailbox.h"
#include "common_cmd.h"
typedef struct __RFC_STRUCT rfc_carrierSense_s rfc_carrierSense_t;
typedef struct __RFC_STRUCT rfc_CMD_PROP_TX_s rfc_CMD_PROP_TX_t;
typedef struct __RFC_STRUCT rfc_CMD_PROP_RX_s rfc_CMD_PROP_RX_t;
typedef struct __RFC_STRUCT rfc_CMD_PROP_TX_ADV_s rfc_CMD_PROP_TX_ADV_t;
typedef struct __RFC_STRUCT rfc_CMD_PROP_RX_ADV_s rfc_CMD_PROP_RX_ADV_t;
typedef struct __RFC_STRUCT rfc_CMD_PROP_SET_LEN_s rfc_CMD_PROP_SET_LEN_t;
typedef struct __RFC_STRUCT rfc_propRxOutput_s rfc_propRxOutput_t;
typedef struct __RFC_STRUCT rfc_propRxStatus_s rfc_propRxStatus_t;
//! \addtogroup carrierSense
//! @{
struct __RFC_STRUCT rfc_carrierSense_s {
struct {
uint8_t bEnaRssi:1; //!< If 1, enable RSSI as a criterion
uint8_t bEnaCorr:1; //!< If 1, enable correlation as a criterion
uint8_t operation:1; //!< \brief 0: Busy if either RSSI or correlation indicates Busy<br>
//!< 1: Busy if both RSSI and correlation indicates Busy
uint8_t busyOp:1; //!< \brief 0: Continue carrier sense on channel Busy<br>
//!< 1: End carrier sense on channel Busy<br>
//!< For an Rx command, the receiver will continue when carrier sense ends, but it will then not end if channel goes Idle
uint8_t idleOp:1; //!< \brief 0: Continue on channel Idle<br>
//!< 1: End on channel Idle
uint8_t timeoutRes:1; //!< \brief 0: Timeout with channel state Invalid treated as Busy<br>
//!< 1: Timeout with channel state Invalid treated as Idle
} csConf;
int8_t rssiThr; //!< RSSI threshold
uint8_t numRssiIdle; //!< \brief Number of consecutive RSSI measurements below the threshold needed before the channel is
//!< declared Idle
uint8_t numRssiBusy; //!< \brief Number of consecutive RSSI measurements above the threshold needed before the channel is
//!< declared Busy
uint16_t corrPeriod; //!< Number of RAT ticks for a correlation observation periods
struct {
uint8_t numCorrInv:4; //!< \brief Number of subsequent correlation tops with maximum <code>corrPeriod</code> RAT
//!< ticks between them needed to go from Idle to Invalid
uint8_t numCorrBusy:4; //!< \brief Number of subsequent correlation tops with maximum <code>corrPeriod</code> RAT
//!< ticks between them needed to go from Invalid to Busy
} corrConfig;
struct {
uint8_t triggerType:4; //!< The type of trigger
uint8_t bEnaCmd:1; //!< \brief 0: No alternative trigger command<br>
//!< 1: CMD_TRIGGER can be used as an alternative trigger
uint8_t triggerNo:2; //!< The trigger number of the CMD_TRIGGER command that triggers this action
uint8_t pastTrig:1; //!< \brief 0: A trigger in the past is never triggered, or for start of commands, give an error<br>
//!< 1: A trigger in the past is triggered as soon as possible
} csEndTrigger; //!< Trigger classifier for ending the carrier sense
ratmr_t csEndTime; //!< Time used together with <code>csEndTrigger</code> for ending the operation
//! @}
//! \addtogroup CMD_PROP_TX
//! @{
#define CMD_PROP_TX 0x3801
struct __RFC_STRUCT rfc_CMD_PROP_TX_s {
uint16_t commandNo; //!< The command ID number 0x3801
uint16_t status; //!< \brief An integer telling the status of the command. This value is
//!< updated by the radio CPU during operation and may be read by the
//!< system CPU at any time.
rfc_radioOp_t *pNextOp; //!< Pointer to the next operation to run after this operation is done
ratmr_t startTime; //!< Absolute or relative start time (depending on the value of <code>startTrigger</code>)
struct {
uint8_t triggerType:4; //!< The type of trigger
uint8_t bEnaCmd:1; //!< \brief 0: No alternative trigger command<br>
//!< 1: CMD_TRIGGER can be used as an alternative trigger
uint8_t triggerNo:2; //!< The trigger number of the CMD_TRIGGER command that triggers this action
uint8_t pastTrig:1; //!< \brief 0: A trigger in the past is never triggered, or for start of commands, give an error<br>
//!< 1: A trigger in the past is triggered as soon as possible
} startTrigger; //!< Identification of the trigger that starts the operation
struct {
uint8_t rule:4; //!< Condition for running next command: Rule for how to proceed
uint8_t nSkip:4; //!< Number of skips if the rule involves skipping
} condition;
struct {
uint8_t bFsOff:1; //!< \brief 0: Keep frequency synth on after command<br>
//!< 1: Turn frequency synth off after command
uint8_t :2;
uint8_t bUseCrc:1; //!< \brief 0: Do not append CRC<br>
//!< 1: Append CRC
uint8_t bVarLen:1; //!< \brief 0: Fixed length<br>
//!< 1: Transmit length as first byte
} pktConf;
uint8_t pktLen; //!< Packet length
uint32_t syncWord; //!< Sync word to transmit
uint8_t* pPkt; //!< Pointer to packet
//! @}
//! \addtogroup CMD_PROP_RX
//! @{
#define CMD_PROP_RX 0x3802
struct __RFC_STRUCT rfc_CMD_PROP_RX_s {
uint16_t commandNo; //!< The command ID number 0x3802
uint16_t status; //!< \brief An integer telling the status of the command. This value is
//!< updated by the radio CPU during operation and may be read by the
//!< system CPU at any time.
rfc_radioOp_t *pNextOp; //!< Pointer to the next operation to run after this operation is done
ratmr_t startTime; //!< Absolute or relative start time (depending on the value of <code>startTrigger</code>)
struct {
uint8_t triggerType:4; //!< The type of trigger
uint8_t bEnaCmd:1; //!< \brief 0: No alternative trigger command<br>
//!< 1: CMD_TRIGGER can be used as an alternative trigger
uint8_t triggerNo:2; //!< The trigger number of the CMD_TRIGGER command that triggers this action
uint8_t pastTrig:1; //!< \brief 0: A trigger in the past is never triggered, or for start of commands, give an error<br>
//!< 1: A trigger in the past is triggered as soon as possible
} startTrigger; //!< Identification of the trigger that starts the operation
struct {
uint8_t rule:4; //!< Condition for running next command: Rule for how to proceed
uint8_t nSkip:4; //!< Number of skips if the rule involves skipping
} condition;
struct {
uint8_t bFsOff:1; //!< \brief 0: Keep frequency synth on after command<br>
//!< 1: Turn frequency synth off after command
uint8_t bRepeatOk:1; //!< \brief 0: End operation after receiving a packet correctly<br>
//!< 1: Go back to sync search after receiving a packet correctly
uint8_t bRepeatNok:1; //!< \brief 0: End operation after receiving a packet with CRC error<br>
//!< 1: Go back to sync search after receiving a packet with CRC error
uint8_t bUseCrc:1; //!< \brief 0: Do not check CRC<br>
//!< 1: Check CRC
uint8_t bVarLen:1; //!< \brief 0: Fixed length<br>
//!< 1: Receive length as first byte
uint8_t bChkAddress:1; //!< \brief 0: No address check<br>
//!< 1: Check address
uint8_t endType:1; //!< \brief 0: Packet is received to the end if end trigger happens after sync is obtained<br>
//!< 1: Packet reception is stopped if end trigger happens
uint8_t filterOp:1; //!< \brief 0: Stop receiver and restart sync search on address mismatch<br>
//!< 1: Receive packet and mark it as ignored on address mismatch
} pktConf;
struct {
uint8_t bAutoFlushIgnored:1; //!< If 1, automatically discard ignored packets from Rx queue
uint8_t bAutoFlushCrcErr:1; //!< If 1, automatically discard packets with CRC error from Rx queue
uint8_t :1;
uint8_t bIncludeHdr:1; //!< If 1, include the received header or length byte in the stored packet; otherwise discard it
uint8_t bIncludeCrc:1; //!< If 1, include the received CRC field in the stored packet; otherwise discard it
uint8_t bAppendRssi:1; //!< If 1, append an RSSI byte to the packet in the Rx queue
uint8_t bAppendTimestamp:1; //!< If 1, append a timestamp to the packet in the Rx queue
uint8_t bAppendStatus:1; //!< If 1, append a status byte to the packet in the Rx queue
} rxConf; //!< Rx configuration
uint32_t syncWord; //!< Sync word to listen for
uint8_t maxPktLen; //!< \brief Packet length for fixed length, maximum packet length for variable length<br>
//!< 0: Unlimited or unknown length
uint8_t address0; //!< Address
uint8_t address1; //!< \brief Address (set equal to <code>address0</code> to accept only one address. If 0xFF, accept
//!< 0x00 as well)
struct {
uint8_t triggerType:4; //!< The type of trigger
uint8_t bEnaCmd:1; //!< \brief 0: No alternative trigger command<br>
//!< 1: CMD_TRIGGER can be used as an alternative trigger
uint8_t triggerNo:2; //!< The trigger number of the CMD_TRIGGER command that triggers this action
uint8_t pastTrig:1; //!< \brief 0: A trigger in the past is never triggered, or for start of commands, give an error<br>
//!< 1: A trigger in the past is triggered as soon as possible
} endTrigger; //!< Trigger classifier for ending the operation
ratmr_t endTime; //!< Time used together with <code>endTrigger</code> for ending the operation
dataQueue_t* pQueue; //!< Pointer to receive queue
uint8_t* pOutput; //!< Pointer to output structure
//! @}
//! \addtogroup CMD_PROP_TX_ADV
//! @{
#define CMD_PROP_TX_ADV 0x3803
struct __RFC_STRUCT rfc_CMD_PROP_TX_ADV_s {
uint16_t commandNo; //!< The command ID number 0x3803
uint16_t status; //!< \brief An integer telling the status of the command. This value is
//!< updated by the radio CPU during operation and may be read by the
//!< system CPU at any time.
rfc_radioOp_t *pNextOp; //!< Pointer to the next operation to run after this operation is done
ratmr_t startTime; //!< Absolute or relative start time (depending on the value of <code>startTrigger</code>)
struct {
uint8_t triggerType:4; //!< The type of trigger
uint8_t bEnaCmd:1; //!< \brief 0: No alternative trigger command<br>
//!< 1: CMD_TRIGGER can be used as an alternative trigger
uint8_t triggerNo:2; //!< The trigger number of the CMD_TRIGGER command that triggers this action
uint8_t pastTrig:1; //!< \brief 0: A trigger in the past is never triggered, or for start of commands, give an error<br>
//!< 1: A trigger in the past is triggered as soon as possible
} startTrigger; //!< Identification of the trigger that starts the operation
struct {
uint8_t rule:4; //!< Condition for running next command: Rule for how to proceed
uint8_t nSkip:4; //!< Number of skips if the rule involves skipping
} condition;
struct {
uint8_t bFsOff:1; //!< \brief 0: Keep frequency synth on after command<br>
//!< 1: Turn frequency synth off after command
uint8_t :2;
uint8_t bUseCrc:1; //!< \brief 0: Do not append CRC<br>
//!< 1: Append CRC
uint8_t bCrcIncSw:1; //!< \brief 0:Do not include sync word in CRC calculation<br>
//!< 1: Include sync word in CRC calculation
uint8_t bCrcIncHdr:1; //!< \brief 0: Do not include header in CRC calculation<br>
//!< 1: Include header in CRC calculation
} pktConf;
uint8_t numHdrBits; //!< Number of bits in header (0&ndash;32)
uint16_t pktLen; //!< Packet length. 0: Unlimited
struct {
uint8_t bExtTxTrig:1; //!< \brief 0: Start packet on a fixed time from the command start trigger<br>
//!< 1: Start packet on an external trigger (input event to RAT)
uint8_t inputMode:2; //!< \brief Input mode if external trigger is used for Tx start<br>
//!< 0: Rising edge<br>
//!< 1: Falling edge<br>
//!< 2: Both edges<br>
//!< 3: <i>Reserved</i>
uint8_t source:5; //!< RAT input event number used for capture if external trigger is used for Tx start
} startConf;
struct {
uint8_t triggerType:4; //!< The type of trigger
uint8_t bEnaCmd:1; //!< \brief 0: No alternative trigger command<br>
//!< 1: CMD_TRIGGER can be used as an alternative trigger
uint8_t triggerNo:2; //!< The trigger number of the CMD_TRIGGER command that triggers this action
uint8_t pastTrig:1; //!< \brief 0: A trigger in the past is never triggered, or for start of commands, give an error<br>
//!< 1: A trigger in the past is triggered as soon as possible
} preTrigger; //!< Trigger for transition from preamble to sync word
ratmr_t preTime; //!< \brief Time used together with <code>preTrigger</code> for transition from preamble to sync
//!< word. If <code>preTrigger.triggerType</code> is set to "now", one preamble as
//!< configured in the setup will be sent. Otherwise, the preamble will be repeated until
//!< this trigger is observed.
uint32_t syncWord; //!< Sync word to transmit
uint8_t* pPkt; //!< Pointer to packet, or Tx queue for unlimited length
//! @}
//! \addtogroup CMD_PROP_RX_ADV
//! @{
#define CMD_PROP_RX_ADV 0x3804
struct __RFC_STRUCT rfc_CMD_PROP_RX_ADV_s {
uint16_t commandNo; //!< The command ID number 0x3804
uint16_t status; //!< \brief An integer telling the status of the command. This value is
//!< updated by the radio CPU during operation and may be read by the
//!< system CPU at any time.
rfc_radioOp_t *pNextOp; //!< Pointer to the next operation to run after this operation is done
ratmr_t startTime; //!< Absolute or relative start time (depending on the value of <code>startTrigger</code>)
struct {
uint8_t triggerType:4; //!< The type of trigger
uint8_t bEnaCmd:1; //!< \brief 0: No alternative trigger command<br>
//!< 1: CMD_TRIGGER can be used as an alternative trigger
uint8_t triggerNo:2; //!< The trigger number of the CMD_TRIGGER command that triggers this action
uint8_t pastTrig:1; //!< \brief 0: A trigger in the past is never triggered, or for start of commands, give an error<br>
//!< 1: A trigger in the past is triggered as soon as possible
} startTrigger; //!< Identification of the trigger that starts the operation
struct {
uint8_t rule:4; //!< Condition for running next command: Rule for how to proceed
uint8_t nSkip:4; //!< Number of skips if the rule involves skipping
} condition;
struct {
uint8_t bFsOff:1; //!< \brief 0: Keep frequency synth on after command<br>
//!< 1: Turn frequency synth off after command
uint8_t bRepeatOk:1; //!< \brief 0: End operation after receiving a packet correctly<br>
//!< 1: Go back to sync search after receiving a packet correctly
uint8_t bRepeatNok:1; //!< \brief 0: End operation after receiving a packet with CRC error<br>
//!< 1: Go back to sync search after receiving a packet with CRC error
uint8_t bUseCrc:1; //!< \brief 0: Do not check CRC<br>
//!< 1: Check CRC
uint8_t bCrcIncSw:1; //!< \brief 0: Do not include sync word in CRC calculation<br>
//!< 1: Include sync word in CRC calculation
uint8_t bCrcIncHdr:1; //!< \brief 0: Do not include header in CRC calculation <br>
//!< 1: Include header in CRC calculation
uint8_t endType:1; //!< \brief 0: Packet is received to the end if end trigger happens after sync is obtained<br>
//!< 1: Packet reception is stopped if end trigger happens
uint8_t filterOp:1; //!< \brief 0: Stop receiver and restart sync search on address mismatch<br>
//!< 1: Receive packet and mark it as ignored on address mismatch
} pktConf;
struct {
uint8_t bAutoFlushIgnored:1; //!< If 1, automatically discard ignored packets from Rx queue
uint8_t bAutoFlushCrcErr:1; //!< If 1, automatically discard packets with CRC error from Rx queue
uint8_t :1;
uint8_t bIncludeHdr:1; //!< If 1, include the received header or length byte in the stored packet; otherwise discard it
uint8_t bIncludeCrc:1; //!< If 1, include the received CRC field in the stored packet; otherwise discard it
uint8_t bAppendRssi:1; //!< If 1, append an RSSI byte to the packet in the Rx queue
uint8_t bAppendTimestamp:1; //!< If 1, append a timestamp to the packet in the Rx queue
uint8_t bAppendStatus:1; //!< If 1, append a status byte to the packet in the Rx queue
} rxConf; //!< Rx configuration
uint32_t syncWord0; //!< Sync word to listen for
uint32_t syncWord1; //!< Alternative sync word if non-zero
uint16_t maxPktLen; //!< \brief Packet length for fixed length, maximum packet length for variable length<br>
//!< 0: Unlimited or unknown length
struct {
uint16_t numHdrBits:6; //!< Number of bits in header (0&ndash;32)
uint16_t lenPos:5; //!< Position of length field in header (0&ndash;31)
uint16_t numLenBits:5; //!< Number of bits in length field (0&ndash;16)
} hdrConf;
struct {
uint16_t addrType:1; //!< \brief 0: Address after header<br>
//!< 1: Address in header
uint16_t addrSize:5; //!< \brief If <code>addrType</code> = 0: Address size in bytes<br>
//!< If <code>addrType</code> = 1: Address size in bits
uint16_t addrPos:5; //!< \brief If <code>addrType</code> = 1: Bit position of address in header<br>
//!< If <code>addrType</code> = 0: Non-zero to extend address with sync word identifier
uint16_t numAddr:5; //!< Number of addresses in address list
} addrConf;
int8_t lenOffset; //!< Signed value to add to length field
struct {
uint8_t triggerType:4; //!< The type of trigger
uint8_t bEnaCmd:1; //!< \brief 0: No alternative trigger command<br>
//!< 1: CMD_TRIGGER can be used as an alternative trigger
uint8_t triggerNo:2; //!< The trigger number of the CMD_TRIGGER command that triggers this action
uint8_t pastTrig:1; //!< \brief 0: A trigger in the past is never triggered, or for start of commands, give an error<br>
//!< 1: A trigger in the past is triggered as soon as possible
} endTrigger; //!< Trigger classifier for ending the operation
ratmr_t endTime; //!< Time used together with <code>endTrigger</code> for ending the operation
uint8_t* pAddr; //!< Pointer to address list
dataQueue_t* pQueue; //!< Pointer to receive queue
uint8_t* pOutput; //!< Pointer to output structure
//! @}
//! \addtogroup CMD_PROP_RADIO_SETUP
//! @{
#define CMD_PROP_RADIO_SETUP 0x3806
uint16_t commandNo; //!< The command ID number 0x3806
uint16_t status; //!< \brief An integer telling the status of the command. This value is
//!< updated by the radio CPU during operation and may be read by the
//!< system CPU at any time.
rfc_radioOp_t *pNextOp; //!< Pointer to the next operation to run after this operation is done
ratmr_t startTime; //!< Absolute or relative start time (depending on the value of <code>startTrigger</code>)
struct {
uint8_t triggerType:4; //!< The type of trigger
uint8_t bEnaCmd:1; //!< \brief 0: No alternative trigger command<br>
//!< 1: CMD_TRIGGER can be used as an alternative trigger
uint8_t triggerNo:2; //!< The trigger number of the CMD_TRIGGER command that triggers this action
uint8_t pastTrig:1; //!< \brief 0: A trigger in the past is never triggered, or for start of commands, give an error<br>
//!< 1: A trigger in the past is triggered as soon as possible
} startTrigger; //!< Identification of the trigger that starts the operation
struct {
uint8_t rule:4; //!< Condition for running next command: Rule for how to proceed
uint8_t nSkip:4; //!< Number of skips if the rule involves skipping
} condition;
struct {
uint16_t modType:3; //!< \brief 0: FSK<br>
//!< 1: GFSK<br>
//!< Others: <i>Reserved</i>
uint16_t deviation:13; //!< Deviation (250 Hz steps)
} modulation;
struct {
uint32_t preScale:4; //!< Prescaler value
uint32_t :4;
uint32_t rateWord:21; //!< Rate word
} symbolRate;
uint8_t rxBw; //!< Receiver bandwidth
struct {
uint8_t nPreamBytes:6; //!< \brief 0&ndash;30: Number of preamble bytes<br>
//!< 31: 4 preamble bits
uint8_t preamMode:2; //!< \brief 0: Send 0 as the first preamble bit<br>
//!< 1: Send 1 as the first preamble bit<br>
//!< 2: Send same first bit in preamble and sync word<br>
//!< 3: Send different first bit in preamble and sync word
} preamConf;
struct {
uint16_t nSwBits:6; //!< Number of sync word bits (up to 32)
uint16_t bBitReversal:1; //!< \brief 0: Use positive deviation for 1<br>
//!< 1: Use positive deviation for 0
uint16_t bMsbFirst:1; //!< \brief 0: Least significant bit transmitted first<br>
//!< 1: Most significant bit transmitted first
uint16_t fecMode:4; //!< \brief Select coding<br>
//!< 0: Uncoded binary modulation<br>
//!< 10: Manchester coded binary modulation<br>
//!< Others: <i>Reserved</i>
uint16_t :1;
uint16_t whitenMode:3; //!< \brief 0: No whitening<br>
//!< 1: CC1101/CC2500 compatible whitening<br>
//!< 2: PN9 whitening without byte reversal<br>
//!< 3: <i>Reserved</i><br>
//!< 4: No whitener, 32-bit IEEE 802.15.4g compatible CRC<br>
//!< 5: IEEE 802.15.4g compatible whitener and 32-bit CRC<br>
//!< 6: No whitener, dynamically IEEE 802.15.4g compatible 16-bit or 32-bit CRC<br>
//!< 7: Dynamically IEEE 802.15.4g compatible whitener and 16-bit or 32-bit CRC
} formatConf;
struct {
uint16_t frontEndMode:3; //!< \brief 0x00: Differential mode<br>
//!< 0x01: Single-ended mode RFP<br>
//!< 0x02: Single-ended mode RFN<br>
//!< 0x05 Single-ended mode RFP with external frontend control on RF pins (RFN and RXTX)<br>
//!< 0x06 Single-ended mode RFN with external frontend control on RF pins (RFP and RXTX)<br>
//!< Others: <i>Reserved</i>
uint16_t biasMode:1; //!< \brief 0: Internal bias<br>
//!< 1: External bias
uint16_t :6;
uint16_t bNoFsPowerUp:1; //!< \brief 0: Power up frequency synth<br>
//!< 1: Do not power up frequency synth
} config; //!< Configuration options
uint16_t txPower; //!< Transmit power
uint32_t* pRegOverride; //!< \brief Pointer to a list of hardware and configuration registers to override. If NULL, no
//!< override is used.
//! @}
//! \addtogroup CMD_PROP_RADIO_DIV_SETUP
//! @{
uint16_t commandNo; //!< The command ID number 0x3807
uint16_t status; //!< \brief An integer telling the status of the command. This value is
//!< updated by the radio CPU during operation and may be read by the
//!< system CPU at any time.
rfc_radioOp_t *pNextOp; //!< Pointer to the next operation to run after this operation is done
ratmr_t startTime; //!< Absolute or relative start time (depending on the value of <code>startTrigger</code>)
struct {
uint8_t triggerType:4; //!< The type of trigger
uint8_t bEnaCmd:1; //!< \brief 0: No alternative trigger command<br>
//!< 1: CMD_TRIGGER can be used as an alternative trigger
uint8_t triggerNo:2; //!< The trigger number of the CMD_TRIGGER command that triggers this action
uint8_t pastTrig:1; //!< \brief 0: A trigger in the past is never triggered, or for start of commands, give an error<br>
//!< 1: A trigger in the past is triggered as soon as possible
} startTrigger; //!< Identification of the trigger that starts the operation
struct {
uint8_t rule:4; //!< Condition for running next command: Rule for how to proceed
uint8_t nSkip:4; //!< Number of skips if the rule involves skipping
} condition;
struct {
uint16_t modType:3; //!< \brief 0: FSK<br>
//!< 1: GFSK<br>
//!< Others: <i>Reserved</i>
uint16_t deviation:13; //!< Deviation (250 Hz steps)
} modulation;
struct {
uint32_t preScale:4; //!< Prescaler value
uint32_t :4;
uint32_t rateWord:21; //!< Rate word
} symbolRate;
uint8_t rxBw; //!< Receiver bandwidth
struct {
uint8_t nPreamBytes:6; //!< \brief 0&ndash;30: Number of preamble bytes<br>
//!< 31: 4 preamble bits
uint8_t preamMode:2; //!< \brief 0: Send 0 as the first preamble bit<br>
//!< 1: Send 1 as the first preamble bit<br>
//!< 2: Send same first bit in preamble and sync word<br>
//!< 3: Send different first bit in preamble and sync word
} preamConf;
struct {
uint16_t nSwBits:6; //!< Number of sync word bits (up to 32)
uint16_t bBitReversal:1; //!< \brief 0: Use positive deviation for 1<br>
//!< 1: Use positive deviation for 0
uint16_t bMsbFirst:1; //!< \brief 0: Least significant bit transmitted first<br>
//!< 1: Most significant bit transmitted first
uint16_t fecMode:4; //!< \brief Select coding<br>
//!< 0: Uncoded binary modulation<br>
//!< 10: Manchester coded binary modulation<br>
//!< Others: <i>Reserved</i>
uint16_t :1;
uint16_t whitenMode:3; //!< \brief 0: No whitening<br>
//!< 1: CC1101/CC2500 compatible whitening<br>
//!< 2: PN9 whitening without byte reversal<br>
//!< 3: <i>Reserved</i><br>
//!< 4: No whitener, 32-bit IEEE 802.15.4g compatible CRC<br>
//!< 5: IEEE 802.15.4g compatible whitener and 32-bit CRC<br>
//!< 6: No whitener, dynamically IEEE 802.15.4g compatible 16-bit or 32-bit CRC<br>
//!< 7: Dynamically IEEE 802.15.4g compatible whitener and 16-bit or 32-bit CRC
} formatConf;
struct {
uint16_t frontEndMode:3; //!< \brief 0x00: Differential mode<br>
//!< 0x01: Single-ended mode RFP<br>
//!< 0x02: Single-ended mode RFN<br>
//!< 0x05 Single-ended mode RFP with external frontend control on RF pins (RFN and RXTX)<br>
//!< 0x06 Single-ended mode RFN with external frontend control on RF pins (RFP and RXTX)<br>
//!< Others: <i>Reserved</i>
uint16_t biasMode:1; //!< \brief 0: Internal bias<br>
//!< 1: External bias
uint16_t :6;
uint16_t bNoFsPowerUp:1; //!< \brief 0: Power up frequency synth<br>
//!< 1: Do not power up frequency synth
} config; //!< Configuration options
uint16_t txPower; //!< Transmit power
uint32_t* pRegOverride; //!< \brief Pointer to a list of hardware and configuration registers to override. If NULL, no
//!< override is used.
uint16_t centerFreq; //!< \brief Center frequency of the frequency band used, in MHz; used for calculating some internal Tx and Rx parameters.
//!< For a single channel RF system, this should be set equal to the RF frequency used.
//!< For a multi channel RF system (e.g. frequency hopping spread spectrum), this should be set equal
//!< to the center frequency of the frequency band used.
int16_t intFreq; //!< \brief Intermediate frequency to use for Rx, in MHz on 4.12 signed format. Tx will use same
//!< intermediate frequency if supported, otherwise 0.<br>
//!< 0x8000: Use default.
uint8_t loDivider; //!< LO frequency divider setting to use. Supported values: 2, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15, and 30
//! @}
//! \addtogroup CMD_PROP_SET_LEN
//! @{
#define CMD_PROP_SET_LEN 0x3401
struct __RFC_STRUCT rfc_CMD_PROP_SET_LEN_s {
uint16_t commandNo; //!< The command ID number 0x3401
uint16_t rxLen; //!< Payload length to use
//! @}
//! \addtogroup CMD_PROP_RESTART_RX
//! @{
#define CMD_PROP_RESTART_RX 0x3402
uint16_t commandNo; //!< The command ID number 0x3402
//! @}
//! \addtogroup propRxOutput
//! @{
//! Output structure for Rx operations
struct __RFC_STRUCT rfc_propRxOutput_s {
uint16_t nRxOk; //!< Number of packets that have been received with payload, CRC OK and not ignored
uint16_t nRxNok; //!< Number of packets that have been received with CRC error
uint8_t nRxIgnored; //!< Number of packets that have been received with CRC OK and ignored due to address mismatch
uint8_t nRxStopped; //!< Number of packets not received due to illegal length or address mismatch with pktConf.filterOp = 1
uint8_t nRxBufFull; //!< Number of packets that have been received and discarded due to lack of buffer space
int8_t lastRssi; //!< RSSI of last received packet
ratmr_t timeStamp; //!< Time stamp of last received packet
//! @}
//! \addtogroup propRxStatus
//! @{
//! Receive status byte that may be appended to message in receive buffer
struct __RFC_STRUCT rfc_propRxStatus_s {
struct {
uint8_t addressInd:5; //!< Index of address found (0 if not applicable)
uint8_t syncWordId:1; //!< 0 for primary sync word, 1 for alternate sync word
uint8_t result:2; //!< \brief 0: Packet received correctly, not ignored<br>
//!< 1: Packet received with CRC error<br>
//!< 2: Packet received correctly, but can be ignored<br>
//!< 3: Packet reception was aborted
} status;
//! @}
//! @}
//! @}
#endif /* PROP_CMD_H_ */