
2.1 KiB

OMA LWM2M Standalone Example

This is an example of how to make use of the OMA LWM2M and CoAP implementation from Contiki in a native application.

The Makefile will copy necessary files from Contiki to the subfolder oma-lwm2m-src and then compile the example lwm2m-example as a native application. By copying only the needed source files, the example can be used outside the Contiki source tree.

Running the OMA LWM2M example

cd contiki/examples/oma-lwm2m/standalone

The example application will start a CoAP server listening on localhost port 5683 with an example OMA LWM2M device object.

Testing the OMA LWM2M example

The Copper (Cu) Firefox addon can be used to access the LWM2M example.

  1. Start the OMA LWM2M example as described above.

  2. Get the Copper (Cu) CoAP user-agent from

  3. Start Copper and discover resources at coap:// It should find three objects named 0, 1, and 3.

  4. Browse to the device type resource at coap:// (object 3, instance 0, resource 17) and then click GET. As device type the LWM2M example should return the text "lwm2m-example".

  5. Browse to the time resource at coap:// Every time you click GET, it should return the number of seconds since the example application was started.

Moving the example outside Contiki

cd contiki/examples/oma-lwm2m/standalone
make copy

Copy the example directory contents to a directory outside Contiki. Remove the Makefile Makefile.contiki and the remaining Makefile will compile the example independent of the Contiki source tree.

The Hex Transport can be tested together with DTLS using:

make clean
java Hex2UDP 5684 ./lwm2m-example

Note that you need to configure the Leshan server with the correct key and ID.

(without DTLS it should be 5683 for CoAP)