Edit status bar text

- Removed debug infos (commented out)
- Added score label
This commit is contained in:
giomba 2018-09-05 23:10:55 +02:00
parent a1382611bc
commit 0932566285
1 changed files with 16 additions and 6 deletions

View File

@ -132,6 +132,9 @@ colorshade: ; a shade from dark-gray to bright yellow, and vice-versa (40 column
BYTE #11,#11,#11,#11,#11,#12,#12,#12,#12,#12,#5,#5,#5
BYTE #13,#13,#13,#13,#7,#7,#7,#7,#7,#7
BYTE #13,#13,#13,#13,#5,#5,#5,#12,#12,#12,#12,#12,#11,#11,#11,#11,#11
; List
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -249,6 +252,13 @@ upperbarLoop:
cpx #$ff
bne upperbarLoop
; Set upper bar text
lda #<scoreString
sta printStatusString
lda #>scoreString
sta printStatusString + 1
jsr printStatus
; Init game variables
sta $500 ; Put first piece of food
@ -702,12 +712,12 @@ genFoodY: ; calculate `random` modulo 22 (22 = SCREEN_H - 1)
beq genFood
; debug -- print choosen X,Y for food
ldy #$18
lda calcTileX
jsr printByte
ldy #$1b
lda calcTileY
jsr printByte
; ldy #$18
; lda calcTileX
; jsr printByte
; ldy #$1b
; lda calcTileY
; jsr printByte
ldy #0
jsr calcTileMem ; calc food address in memory