; ENTRY OF PROGRAM ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- start: ; Clear screen, initialize keyboard, restore interrupts jsr $ff81 ; Disable all interrupts sei ; Turn off CIA interrupts and (possibly) flush the pending queue ldy #$7f sty $dc0d sty $dd0d lda $dc0d lda $dd0d ; Set Interrupt Request Mask as we want IRQ by raster beam lda #$1 sta $d01a ; Store in $314 address of our custom interrupt handler ldx #irq ; most significant byte stx $314 sty $315 ; Set raster beam to trigger interrupt at row zero lda #$00 sta $d012 ; Bit#0 of $d011 is used as bit#9 of $d012, and must be zero lda $d011 and #$7f sta $d011 ; Initialize player for first song lda #0 jsr sidtune ; Initialize MultiColor mode jsr multicolorInit ; Zero-fill zeropage variables lda #$0 ldx #$90 zeroFillZeroPage: dex sta $0,x cpx #$2 bne zeroFillZeroPage ; Set status as first-time intro playing lda #ST_INTRO0 sta status ; Enable interrupts cli ; Reset screen (and other parameters) to play intro jsr introreset intro0running: ; Cycle here until SPACE or `Q` is pressed jsr $ffe4 ; GETIN cmp #$20 ; Is it SPACE? beq intro0end ; if yes, go to intro0end and start game (see) cmp #$51 ; Is it Q? bne intro0running ; If not, keep looping here, jmp $fce2 ; else, reset the computer ; Intro is finished, now it's time to start the proper game intro0end: ; Set current level pointer to list start lda #levelsList sta levelPointer + 1 ; clear score lda #$00 sta score sta score + 1 ; Set init variables of the level jsr levelresetvar ; Set status as level select ; (then it will enter in status play) lda #ST_LEVEL_TITLE sta status endless: ; Loop waiting for gameover lda status cmp #ST_END ; is status equal to end ? bne endless ; if not, just wait looping here, else... jsr introreset ; reset variables for intro lda #ST_INTRO0 sta status ; put machine into play intro status jmp intro0running ; and go there waiting for keypress ; Interrupt Handler ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- irq: ; Things that must be done every interrupt (50Hz) ; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ; Acknoweledge IRQ dec $d019 ; Save registers in stack pha txa pha tya pha #if DEBUG = 1 ; Change background to visually see the ISR timing lda #2 sta $d020 #endif ; Check status and call appropriate sub-routine ; Sort of switch-case lda status cmp #ST_INTRO0 bne checkStatusIntro1 jsr statusIntro0 jmp checkEndStatus checkStatusIntro1: cmp #ST_INTRO1 bne checkStatusPlay jsr statusIntro1 jmp checkEndStatus checkStatusPlay: cmp #ST_PLAY bne checkStatusDelay jsr statusPlay jmp checkEndStatus checkStatusDelay: cmp #ST_DELAY bne checkStatusLevelTitle jsr statusDelay jmp checkEndStatus checkStatusLevelTitle: cmp #ST_LEVEL_TITLE bne checkStatusLevelLoad jsr statusLevelTitle jmp checkEndStatus checkStatusLevelLoad: cmp #ST_LEVEL_LOAD bne checkEndStatus jsr statusLevelLoad jmp checkEndStatus checkEndStatus: #if DEBUG = 1 ; Change background to show how much time does music take for each interrupt lda #1 sta $d020 #endif ; Play music jsr sidtune + 3 jsr sidtune + 3 jsr sidtune + 3 jsr sidtune + 3 jsr sidtune + 3 ; Increase random value inc random #if DEBUG = 1 ; Change background back again to visally see ISR timing lda #11 sta $d020 #endif ; Restore registers from stack pla tay pla tax pla ; Go to original system routine jmp $ea31