processor 6502 ; Platform specific code ; Code yet to be developed, example to use: ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- #if SYSTEM = 64 ; Commodore64 specific code #else ; Commodore16 specific code #endif ; Zero page utilities ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SEG.U zeropage org $02 ; Where is the snake head in video memory? Do math to calculate address ; using pointer at tileMem,tileMem+1 tileMem DS 2 ; Pointer to status string printStatusString DS 2 ; Pointer to intro string printIntroString DS 2 ; Pointer to screen position where to print intro string ($fb-$fc) introScreenStart DS 2 #if DEBUG = 1 ; Locations $90-$FF in zeropage are used by kernal ECHO "End of zeropage variables. Space left: ",($90 - .) #endif SEG program org $801 . = $801 ; 10 SYS10240 ($2800) BASIC autostart BYTE #$0b,#$08,#$0a,#$00,#$9e,#$31,#$30,#$32,#$34,#$30,#$00,#$00,#$00 ; Data section ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Number of interrupt ; Used as counter to be decremented to do some things less frequently irqn: BYTE ; Direction of the snake (2,4,6,8 as down,left,right,up) ; 5 means `pause` direction: BYTE ; Snake head coordinates in video memory snakeX: BYTE snakeY: BYTE ; Parameters for calcTileMem calcTileX: BYTE calcTileY: BYTE ; List start and length listStart: BYTE length: BYTE ; Random value random: BYTE ; Status status: BYTE ; Intro counter introCounter: BYTE #$4 ; Intro string x position, and next increment introX: BYTE #$0 introXinc: BYTE #$1 ; Outro delay outroDelay BYTE #$ff ; Costants ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Status of the game (costants pre-processor defined, sort of enum) ST_INTRO0 = 0 ST_INTRO1 = 1 ST_PLAY = 2 ST_OUTRO = 3 ST_END = 4 ST_PAUSE = 255 ; Screen features SCREEN_W = 40 SCREEN_H = 24 ; Snake features SNAKE_TILE = 81 SNAKE_COLOR = 13 ; Food features FOOD_TILE = 90 FOOD_COLOR = 11 ; Strings gameoverString: BYTE "GAME IS OVER" BYTE #0 intro0string: #if SYSTEM = 64 BYTE " SNAKE BY GIOMBA " #else BYTE " SNAKE16 BY GIOMBA " #endif BYTE #0 intro1string: BYTE " PRESS SPACE TO PLAY " BYTE #0 intro2string: BYTE "RETROFFICINA.GLGPROGRAMS.IT" BYTE #0 intro3string: #if DEBUG = 1 BYTE "DBG RELS" #else BYTE "(C) 2018" #endif BYTE #0 colorshade: ; a gradient of dark-bright-dark (40 columns) HEX 0b 0b 0b 0b 0b 0c 0c 0c 0c 0c 05 05 05 0d 0d 0d 0d 07 07 07 07 07 07 0d 0d 0d 0d 05 05 05 0c 0c 0c 0c 0c 0b 0b 0b 0b 0b scoreString: BYTE "POINTS" BYTE #0 #if DEBUG = 1 ECHO "End of Data. Space left: ",($e00 - .) #endif ; List ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- . = $e00 listX: . = $f00 listY: ; SID tune (previously properly cleaned, see HVSC) ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- . = $1000 sidtune: INCBIN "amour.sid" #if DEBUG = 1 ECHO "End of SIDtune. Space left: ",($2000 - .) #endif . = $2000 ; This binary data that defines the font is exactly 2kB long ($800) tggsFont: INCBIN "tggs.font" ; ENTRY OF PROGRAM ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- . = $2800 start: ; Clear screen, initialize keyboard, restore interrupts jsr $ff81 ; Disable all interrupts sei ; Turn off CIA interrupts and (eventually) flush the pending queue ldy #$7f sty $dc0d sty $dd0d lda $dc0d lda $dd0d ; Set Interrupt Request Mask as we want IRQ by raster beam lda #$1 sta $d01a ; Store in $314 address of our custom interrupt handler ldx #irq ; most significant byte stx $314 sty $315 ; Set raster beam to trigger interrupt at row zero lda #$00 sta $d012 ; Bit#0 of $d011 is used as bit#9 of $d012, and must be zero lda $d011 and #$7f sta $d011 ; Initialize player for first song lda #0 jsr sidtune ; Initialize MultiColor mode jsr multicolorInit ; Zero-fill zeropage variables lda #$0 ldx #$90 zeroFillZeroPage: dex sta $0,x cpx #$2 bne zeroFillZeroPage ; Set status as first-time intro playing lda #ST_INTRO0 sta status ; Enable interrupts cli ; Reset screen (and other parameters) to play intro jsr introreset intro0running: ; Cycle here until SPACE or `Q` is pressed jsr $ffe4 ; GETIN cmp #$20 ; Is it SPACE? beq intro0end ; if yes, go to intro0end and start game (see) cmp #$51 ; Is it Q? bne intro0running ; If not, keep looping here, jmp $fce2 ; else, reset the computer ; Intro is finished, now it's time to start the proper game intro0end: ; Pause everything in interrupt lda #ST_PAUSE sta status ; Set init variables of the game jsr fullreset ; Set status as game playing lda #ST_PLAY sta status endless: ; Loop waiting for gameover lda status cmp #ST_END ; is status equal to end ? bne endless ; if not, just wait looping here, else... jsr introreset ; reset variables for intro lda #ST_INTRO0 sta status ; put machine into play intro status jmp intro0running ; and go there waiting for keypress ; Full game reset ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- fullreset: ; Turn MultiColor mode on jsr multicolorOn ; Clear screen ldx #$00 lda #$20 fullresetCLS: dex sta $400,x sta $500,x sta $600,x sta $700,x cpx #$00 bne fullresetCLS ; Set overscan lda #11 sta $d020 ; Upper bar -- fill with reversed spaces, color yellow ldx #39 upperbarLoop: lda #$a0 ; reversed color space sta $400,x lda #7 sta $d800,x dex cpx #$ff bne upperbarLoop ; Set upper bar text lda #scoreString sta printStatusString + 1 jsr printStatus ; Init game variables lda #FOOD_TILE sta $500 ; Put first piece of food lda #4 sta irqn ; Initialize interrupt divider lda #6 sta direction ; Snake must go right ; Note: these values depends on following list initialization lda #19 sta snakeX ; Snake is at screen center width... lda #12 sta snakeY ; ... and height lda #5 sta listStart ; Beginning of snake tiles list lda #5 sta length ; Length of the list ; Clear snake lists X and Y ldx #$00 clearListLoop: dex lda #19 sta listX,x lda #12 sta listY,x cpx #$00 bne clearListLoop rts ; Intro reset ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- introreset: jsr multicolorOff ; Clear screen ldx #$ff lda #$20 introresetCLS: sta $400,x sta $500,x sta $600,x sta $700,x dex cpx #$ff bne introresetCLS ; Copy shade colors from costant table to color RAM for 2nd and 4th line of text ldx #39 introresetColorShade lda colorshade,x sta $d828,x ; 2nd line sta $d878,x ; 4th line dex cpx #$ff bne introresetColorShade ; Set screen colors lda #0 sta $d020 ; overscan sta $d021 ; center ; Print website lda #intro2string ; do the same for msb of string address sta printIntroString + 1 ; put into msb of source pointer lda #$26 ; this is lsb of address of 20th line sta introScreenStart ; put into lsb of dest pointer lda #$07 ; do the same for msb of adress of 20th line sta introScreenStart + 1 ; put into msb of dest pointer jsr printIntro ; print ; Print Copyright lda #intro3string ; and line (21th line) sta printIntroString + 1 lda #$58 sta introScreenStart lda #$07 sta introScreenStart + 1 jsr printIntro rts ; Interrupt Handler ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- irq: ; Things that must be done every interrupt (50Hz) ; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ; Acknoweledge IRQ dec $d019 ; Save registers in stack pha txa pha tya pha #if DEBUG = 1 ; Change background to visually see the ISR timing lda #2 sta $d020 #endif ; Check status and call appropriate sub-routine ; Sort of switch-case lda status cmp #ST_INTRO0 bne checkStatus1 jsr statusIntro0 jmp checkEndStatus checkStatus1: cmp #ST_INTRO1 bne checkStatus2 jsr statusIntro1 jmp checkEndStatus checkStatus2 cmp #ST_PLAY bne checkStatus3 jsr statusPlay jmp checkEndStatus checkStatus3 cmp #ST_OUTRO bne checkEndStatus jsr statusOutro jmp checkEndStatus checkEndStatus: ; Play music jsr sidtune + 3 jsr sidtune + 3 jsr sidtune + 3 jsr sidtune + 3 jsr sidtune + 3 ; Increase random value inc random #if DEBUG = 1 ; Change background back again to visally see ISR timing lda #11 sta $d020 #endif ; Restore registers from stack pla tay pla tax pla ; Go to original system routine jmp $ea31 ; Currently statusIntro0 is the same as statusIntro1 ; statusIntro1 has just been reserved for future use statusIntro0: statusIntro1: ; Decrement interrupt divider for the intro ldx introCounter dex stx introCounter cpx #0 beq status1do ; if divider is 0, then do status1do ... rts ; ... else just do nothing and return status1do: ; Reset introCounter ldx #5 stx introCounter ; I want to print strings at different columns to make them ; bounce across the screen, so take last introX and add introXinc, ; then print string at that point. If introX is too far right, then ; set introXinc as #$ff (equals -1) so next time introX will be ; decremented by 1. And then, if introX is too far left, then ; set introXinc as #$01 so next time will be moved to right again. lda introX clc adc introXinc ; this is #$01 or #$0ff, so actually it is +1 or -1 sta introX cmp #19 ; am I too far right? beq status1setSX ; if yes, set SX (left) cmp #0 ; am I too far left? beq status1setDX ; if yes, set DX (right) jmp status1okset ; else do nothing (aka, next time re-use current ; increment value) status1setDX: lda #$01 ; set introXinc as +1 sta introXinc jmp status1okset status1setSX: lda #$ff ; set introXinc as -1 sta introXinc jmp status1okset status1okset: ; Print "SNAKE BY GIOMBA" (see above for pointer details) lda #intro0string sta printIntroString + 1 ; $0428 is 2nd line (previously filled with color shades by reset routine) lda #$28 clc adc introX ; just add X, to make it look like it has moved sta introScreenStart lda #$04 sta introScreenStart + 1 jsr printIntro ; Print "PRESS SPACE TO PLAY" lda #intro1string sta printIntroString + 1 ; $0478 is 4th line (previously filled with color shades by reset routine) ; add #19, then sub introX will make it move to other way of 2nd line lda #$78 clc adc #19 ; add #19 sec sbc introX ; sub introX sta introScreenStart lda #$04 sta introScreenStart + 1 jsr printIntro ; Some considerations on speed: ; yes, maybe I should have put the string chars once in screen text memory ; and then move it left and right. Should re-think about this. ; For now, just return. rts statusPlay: ; do Game ; Check counter ldx irqn dex stx irqn beq irqsometime ; if counter is 0, then do these "rare" things rts ; else do nothing and simply return ; as you can see, game actually runs at 12 Hz irqsometime: ; Things that must be done only one in four interrupts (12 Hz) ; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ; If I am here, counter reached 0, so first reset it ldx #4 stx irqn ; Get pressed key and decide snake direction jsr $ffe4 ; Kernal routine GETIN cmp #0 beq keybEndCheck ; if no key pressed, just skip this switch-case ldx #$7f ; else, if key pressed, reset random variable stx random keybCheckA: ; check for press of key `A` cmp #$41 bne keybCheckS ; if not pressed `A`, just skip to next key to check lda direction ; else check if current direction is right cmp #6 beq keybEndCheck ; if yes, you can't turn over yourself, so just skip to next key check lda #4 sta direction ; else set direction to left and store new value jmp keybEndCheck ; skip all other key tests keybCheckS: ; simply re-do for S, D, W and other keys... cmp #$53 bne keybCheckD lda direction cmp #8 beq keybEndCheck lda #2 sta direction jmp keybEndCheck keybCheckD: cmp #$44 bne keybCheckW lda direction cmp #4 beq keybEndCheck lda #6 sta direction jmp keybEndCheck keybCheckW: cmp #$57 bne keybCheckP lda direction cmp #2 beq keybEndCheck lda #8 sta direction jmp keybEndCheck keybCheckP: cmp #$50 bne keybEndCheck lda #5 sta direction jmp keybEndCheck keybEndCheck: ; Get joystick status and decide snake direction ; Joystick register bits 4:0 => Fire,Right,Left,Down,Up ; 0 = Pressed; 1 = Idle lda $dc00 ; CIA joystick port 2 register ror ; rotate bit and put bit#0 in CF tax ; store byte value for next key check bcs joyCheckDown ; if CF = 1, then key was not depressed, so skip and check next... ; ... else key was depressed! lda direction ; check for not overlapping direction (turn over yourself) cmp #2 beq joyEndCheck lda #8 sta direction jmp joyEndCheck joyCheckDown: txa ror tax bcs joyCheckLeft lda direction cmp #8 beq joyEndCheck lda #2 sta direction jmp joyEndCheck joyCheckLeft: txa ror tax bcs joyCheckRight lda direction cmp #6 beq joyEndCheck lda #4 sta direction jmp joyEndCheck joyCheckRight: txa ror tax bcs joyCheckFire lda direction cmp #4 beq joyEndCheck lda #6 sta direction jmp joyEndCheck joyCheckFire: ; `Fire` joystick key used to pause game txa ror tax bcs joyEndCheck lda #5 sta direction joyEndCheck: ; Get direction and move head accordingly lda direction dirCheck2: ; check if direction is down... cmp #2 bne dirCheck4 ; if not down, then skip and check next direction, ldy snakeY ; else, direction is down, so get snakeY iny ; increment snakeY (keep in mind that screen up/down coordinates are reversed) sty snakeY ; update snakeY dirCheck4: ; simply re-do for other directions... cmp #4 bne dirCheck6 ldx snakeX dex stx snakeX dirCheck6: cmp #6 bne dirCheck8 ldx snakeX inx stx snakeX dirCheck8: cmp #8 bne dirCheck5 ldy snakeY dey sty snakeY dirCheck5: cmp #5 bne dirEndCheck jmp skipPauseTests dirEndCheck: ; Check screen boundaries overflow lda snakeX cmp #40 bne overCheckX0 ; if snakeX is not 40, then all ok, skip to next test lda #0 ; else, there is an overflow, so trespass screen border sta snakeX overCheckX0: ; simply re-do for every side of the screen lda snakeX cmp #$ff bne overCheckY1 lda #39 sta snakeX overCheckY1: lda snakeY cmp #25 bne overCheckY0 lda #1 sta snakeY overCheckY0 lda snakeY cmp #0 bne overEndCheck lda #24 sta snakeY overEndCheck: ; Put new head coordinates in list ldy listStart lda snakeX sta listX,y lda snakeY sta listY,y iny sty listStart ldy #0 ; Check for food eat / wall hit / self-eat ; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ; --- Food eat --- lda snakeX ; calc head location in memory sta calcTileX lda snakeY sta calcTileY jsr calcTileMem lda (tileMem),y ; read content of head memory location cmp #FOOD_TILE beq foodEaten ; if memory does contain food, then perform foodEaten actions, jmp checkSelfEat ; else just loooong jump to test if I ate myself foodEaten: ldx length ; else, increment snake length, inx stx length genFood: ldx random inx stx random txa genFoodX: ; calculate `random` modulo SCREEN_W sec sbc #SCREEN_W cmp #SCREEN_W bcs genFoodX sta calcTileX txa genFoodY: ; calculate `random` modulo 22 (22 = SCREEN_H - 1) sec sbc #22 cmp #22 bcs genFoodY clc ; add 1 because 1st line can not be used adc #1 sta calcTileY ; Now I have X and Y coordinate for food stored in calcTileX, calcTileY ; and I must check it is not the location that I am going to overwrite ; with the head in draw snake head... lda calcTileX cmp snakeX bne foodOK lda calcTileY cmp snakeY beq genFood foodOK: ; debug -- print choosen X,Y for food ; ldy #$18 ; lda calcTileX ; jsr printByte ; ldy #$1b ; lda calcTileY ; jsr printByte ldy #0 jsr calcTileMem ; calc food address in memory lda (tileMem),y ; check if memory is empty cmp #$20 ; is there a space? bne genFood ; if not, must generate another number lda #FOOD_TILE ; else, just put that fucking piece of food there sta (tileMem),y lda #$d4 clc adc tileMem + 1 sta tileMem + 1 lda #FOOD_COLOR sta (tileMem),y ; print score at $10th column ldy #$10 lda length jsr printByte jmp checkEndSelfEat checkEndFood: ; --- Self eat --- checkSelfEat: cmp #SNAKE_TILE bne checkEndSelfEat jmp gameover checkEndSelfEat: ; Draw snake head ldy #0 lda snakeX ; calc char address in video memory, and put SNAKE_TILE sta calcTileX lda snakeY sta calcTileY jsr calcTileMem lda #SNAKE_TILE sta (tileMem),y lda #$d4 ; add #$d400 to previous address (obtain color memory clc ; correspondent), and put SNAKE_COLOR adc tileMem + 1 sta tileMem + 1 lda #SNAKE_COLOR sta (tileMem),y ; Erase snake tail lda listStart ; take start of list, and subtract snake length, sec ; to obtain index of end of list sbc length tax ; use previous value as index in list, and calc video memory address lda listX,x sta calcTileX lda listY,x sta calcTileY jsr calcTileMem lda #$20 ; just put a space to erase snake tail tile sta (tileMem),y skipPauseTests: rts ; Game is over ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- gameover: lda #gameoverString sta printStatusString + 1 jsr printStatus ; Set gameover and outro status lda #$ff sta outroDelay lda #ST_OUTRO sta status rts ; Decrement outroDelay, just to let player see her/his end screen ; with score statusOutro: ldy outroDelay ; load outroDelay and decrement dey sty outroDelay cpy #0 beq statusOutroEnd rts statusOutroEnd: ; Set status as ST_END: this way, the loop out of this interrupt, ; will know that we finished, and will play the intro again lda #ST_END sta status rts ; Subroutines ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Do some math to calculate tile address in video memory ; using x,y coordinates ; Formula: addr = $400 + y * SCREEN_W + x calcTileMem: ; Save registers pha txa pha tya pha ; Set tileMem to $400 lda #$00 sta tileMem lda #$04 sta tileMem + 1 ldy calcTileY ; Get head Y coordinate calcTileMult: tya beq calcTileEnd ; if Y is equal to zero, nothing to do, just skip moltiplication, else... dey ; decrement Y clc lda #SCREEN_W ; A = screen width = 40 adc tileMem ; A = screen width + tileMem (low) sta tileMem ; update tileMem (low) lda #0 ; do the same with higher byte: A = 0 adc tileMem + 1 ; add (eventual) carry sta tileMem + 1 ; update tileMem (high) jmp calcTileMult ; do again until Y == 0 calcTileEnd: ; now multiplication is ended, so add X lda calcTileX adc tileMem sta tileMem lda #0 adc tileMem + 1 sta tileMem + 1 ; Restore old registers pla tay pla tax pla rts ; Print a byte in hexadecimal ; A input register for byte to print ; Y input register for printing colum (on first line) printByte: ; Copy parameter also in X tax lsr ; Take most significant nibble lsr lsr lsr jsr printDigit sta $400,y ; print msb char txa ; Take least significant nibble (use previous copy) and #$0f jsr printDigit sta $401,y ; print lsb char rts ; Transform a base-36 digit into a Commodore screen code ; Leave input digit in accumulator; returns output screen code in accumulator printDigit: cmp #10 bcs printDigitL ; if it is not a decimal digit, then go to printDigitL clc ; it is a decimal digit! Just add `0` (48) adc #48 ora #$80 ; reverse color rts printDigitL: ; it is not a decimal digit, then... sec sbc #10 ; take away 10 clc adc #1 ; add 1, so you obtain something in [A-F] ora #$80 ; reverse color rts ; Print null-terminated string on status bar ; address of string is given in input using memory location printStatusString printStatus: ldy #0 printStatusLoop: lda (printStatusString),y beq printStatusEnd cmp #$20 bne printStatusSkipSpace lda #$60 printStatusSkipSpace: sec sbc #$40 ; convert from standard ASCII to Commodore screen code ora #$80 ; reverse color sta $413,y iny jmp printStatusLoop printStatusEnd: rts ; Print string for intro ; Input parameters: ; printIntroString pointer to string to be printed (source) ; introScreenStart pointer to text video memory on screen where to print (dest) printIntro: ldy #0 printIntroLoop: lda (printIntroString),y ; get char from string beq printIntroEnd ; if zero, then end (string must be null-terminated) cmp #$40 ; is char greater or equal to #$40 = #64 = `@' ? bcc printIntroEndCheck ; if not, it is less, thus it must be ; a full stop, comma, colon or something ; that actually has the same value in both ; true ASCII and in PET screen codes ; otherwise, it is greater than `@`, so must ; subtract 64 because CBM and its encodings ; are simply a big shit sec sbc #$40 printIntroEndCheck: sta (introScreenStart),y ; put screen code to screen iny ; next char in string jmp printIntroLoop printIntroEnd: rts ; Include ; ______________________________________________________________________ INCLUDE "multicolor.asm" #if DEBUG = 1 ECHO "Program ends at: ",. #endif ; ; coded during december 2017 ; by giomba -- giomba at ; this software is free software and is distributed ; under the terms of GNU GPL v3 license ;