inflate SUBROUTINE .inEnd EQU 2 .offset EQU 4 .length EQU 6 .symbol EQU 25 .marker1 EQU 30 .marker2 EQU 31 .marker3 EQU 32 .marker4 EQU 33 .copy EQU 34 clc ldy #10 lda (srcPointer),y adc srcPointer sta .inEnd dey lda (srcPointer),y adc srcPointer + 1 sta .inEnd + 1 clc lda .inEnd adc #16 sta .inEnd lda .inEnd + 1 adc #0 sta .inEnd + 1 ; Get the marker symbols ldy #16 lda (srcPointer),y sta .marker1 iny lda (srcPointer),y sta .marker2 iny lda (srcPointer),y sta .marker3 iny lda (srcPointer),y sta .marker4 ; Skip header + marker symbols (16 + 4 bytes) clc lda srcPointer adc #20 sta srcPointer lda srcPointer + 1 adc #0 sta srcPointer + 1 ; Main decompression loop ldy #0 ; Make sure that Y is zero .mainloop: lda srcPointer ; done? cmp .inEnd bne .notdone lda srcPointer + 1 cmp .inEnd + 1 bne .notdone rts .notdone: lda (srcPointer),y ; A = symbol sta .symbol sta $d020 inc srcPointer bne .noinc1 inc srcPointer + 1 .noinc1: cmp .marker1 ; Marker1? beq .domarker1 cmp .marker2 ; Marker2? beq .domarker2 cmp .marker3 ; Marker3? beq .domarker3 cmp .marker4 ; Marker4? beq .domarker4 .literal: lda .symbol sta (dstPointer),y ; Plain copy inc dstPointer bne .mainloop inc dstPointer + 1 bne .mainloop .domarker1: jmp .domarker1b ; marker4 - "Near copy (incl. RLE)" .domarker4: lda (srcPointer),y inc srcPointer bne .noinc3 inc srcPointer + 1 .noinc3: cmp #0 beq .literal ; Single occurance of the marker symbol (rare) tax lsr lsr lsr lsr lsr sta .offset inc .offset lda #0 sta .offset + 1 ; offset = (b >> 5) + 1 txa and #$1f tax lda .LZG_LENGTH_DECODE_LUT,x sta .length ; length = .LZG_LENGTH_DECODE_LUT[b & 0x1f] jmp .docopy ; marker3 - "Short copy" .domarker3: lda (srcPointer),y inc srcPointer bne .noinc4 inc srcPointer + 1 .noinc4: cmp #0 beq .literal ; Single occurance of the marker symbol (rare) tax lsr lsr lsr lsr lsr lsr clc adc #3 sta .length ; length = (b >> 6) + 3 txa and #$3f adc #8 sta .offset lda #0 sta .offset + 1 ; offset = (b & 0x3f) + 8 beq .docopy ; marker2 - "Medium copy" .domarker2: lda (srcPointer),y inc srcPointer bne .noinc5 inc srcPointer + 1 .noinc5: cmp #0 beq .literal ; Single occurance of the marker symbol (rare) tax lsr lsr lsr lsr lsr sta .offset + 1 lda (srcPointer),y inc srcPointer bne .noinc6 inc srcPointer + 1 .noinc6: clc adc #8 sta .offset bcc .noinc7 inc .offset + 1 ; offset = (((b & 0xe0) << 3) | b2) + 8 .noinc7: txa and #$1f tax lda .LZG_LENGTH_DECODE_LUT,x sta .length ; length = .LZG_LENGTH_DECODE_LUT[b & 0x1f] bne .docopy .literal2: jmp .literal ; marker1 - "Distant copy" .domarker1b: lda (srcPointer),y inc srcPointer bne .noinc8 inc srcPointer + 1 .noinc8: cmp #0 beq .literal2 ; Single occurance of the marker symbol (rare) and #$1f tax lda .LZG_LENGTH_DECODE_LUT,x sta .length ; length = .LZG_LENGTH_DECODE_LUT[b & 0x1f] lda (srcPointer),y inc srcPointer bne .noinc9 inc srcPointer + 1 .noinc9: sta .offset + 1 lda (srcPointer),y inc srcPointer bne .noinc10 inc srcPointer + 1 .noinc10: clc adc #$08 sta .offset lda .offset + 1 adc #$08 sta .offset + 1 ; offset = ((b2 << 8) | (*src++)) + 2056 ; Copy corresponding data from history window .docopy: sec lda dstPointer sbc .offset sta .copy lda dstPointer + 1 sbc .offset + 1 sta .copy + 1 .loop1: lda (.copy),y sta (dstPointer),y iny cpy .length bne .loop1 ldy #0 ; Make sure that Y is zero clc lda dstPointer adc .length sta dstPointer bcc .noinc11 inc dstPointer + 1 .noinc11: jmp .mainloop ; Lookup Table for decoding the copy length parameter .LZG_LENGTH_DECODE_LUT BYTE 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,35,48,72,128