# snake6502 *snake6502* is a snake-like game clone for Commodore home computers, written for fun because «I always wanted to code something for a computer of my retrocomputers collection – actually, this is the main reason I collect them: to write programs». ## Compile You need the [dasm](https://dasm-assembler.github.io/) macro assembler, then: ``` $ make ``` You can also make it output useful extra info with: ``` $ make debug ``` ## Memory map Address | PRG | Description ----------------------|-------|------------ ```$0000 - $0001``` | no | hardware ```$0002 - $00FF``` | no | zero page pointers ```$0100 - $07FF``` | no | *free ram* ```$0800 - $0FFF``` | yes | data segment + BASIC autostart ```$1000 - $1FFF``` | yes | SID tune ```$2000 - $27FF``` | yes | custom char ```$2800 - $xxxx``` | yes | program logic (only needed part used) ```$xxxx - $CDFF``` | no | *free ram* ```$CE00 - $CEFF``` | no | list X ```$CF00 - $CFFF``` | no | list Y ```$D000 - $DFFF``` | no | I/O ```$E000 - $FFFF``` | no | Kernal