Now program takes less space in RAM. All variables, costants and Lists are moved before the SID song, in a previously unused space (BASIC RAM). SID song edit has been changed: - same song but slightly different - takes up a bit less than 4k - more catchy :-) - perfectly fits in $1000-$2000 and allows... ...the new custom charset to be put at $2000! - Taken TGGS font and properly customized with tiles Now actual program starts at $2800. Also added some useful code for assembler to output debug infos when assembling with -DDEBUG=1 In the meanwhile discovered tremendous subtle bug due to uninitialized structure (listX and listY). Fixed. Memory map now is: +-------------------------------+ 0000 | things in zero page | | and low RAM | +-------------------------------+ 0800 | BASIC autostart | | then data (variables, | | costants and strings) | <-- this can be done better using segments. Reminder for the future. | | +-------------------------------+ 0E00 | listX | +-------------------------------+ 0F00 | listY | +-------------------------------+ 1000 | SID song | | | | | +-------------------------------+ 2000 | TGGS Custom font charset | | | +-------------------------------+ 2800 | ACTUAL CODE | | | <-- plus some garbage data, see above (segments TODO) . . . .
94 lines
1.8 KiB
94 lines
1.8 KiB
processor 6502
multicolor SUBROUTINE
; Prepare data struct for MultiColor mode
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
; Make font higher half the inverse of lower one
; TODO: merge these edits with actual font binary
ldx #$00
lda tggsFont,x
eor #$ff
sta $2400,x
lda tggsFont + $100,x
eor #$ff
sta $2500,x
lda tggsFont + $200,x
eor #$ff
sta $2600,x
lda tggsFont + $300,x
eor #$ff
sta $2700,x
cpx #$0
bne .tggsCopy
; Alter character definitions in RAM (using previous defined table)
; TODO: merge these edits with actual font binary
ldx #$8
lda .multicolorSnakeTile,x
sta tggsFont + SNAKE_TILE * 8,x
lda .multicolorFoodTile,x
sta tggsFont + FOOD_TILE * 8,x
; lda .multicolorOtherTile,x
; sta tggsFont + SOME_TILE * 8,x
; ...
cpx #$0
bne .editLoop
; Tell VIC-II to use:
; - screen text memory at $400 = $400 * 1
; - characters ROM at $2000 = $400 * 8
lda #$18
sta $d018
; Activate multicolor mode
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
; Set colors
lda #9
sta $d021 ; 00 is brown
lda #2
sta $d022 ; 01 is red
lda #13
sta $d023 ; 10 is green
; and of course
; 11 is the colour specified in color RAM
lda $d016
ora #$10
sta $d016
; Deactivate multicolor mode
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
lda $d016
and #$ef
sta $d016
; Costants
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
BYTE #$00,#$30,#$cc,#$ca,#$c0,#$c5,#$cc,#$30
BYTE #$00,#$28,#$ab,#$ab,#$ab,#$ab,#$28,#$00
BYTE #%00010101
BYTE #%10010101
BYTE #%10010101
BYTE #%10010101
BYTE #%10101000
BYTE #%00100000
BYTE #%00100000
BYTE #%10000000