/** * @file main.c * @author giomba@glgprograms.it * @brief OSDY main. * * @copyright Copyright RetrOfficina GLG Programs (c) 2022 * * Video image generator superimposition for analog PAL signals, * with Atmega328, for your retro OSD titles. * */ #include "const.h" #include #include #include volatile uint16_t frame = 0; volatile uint16_t line = 0xfe; volatile uint8_t image = 0xff; ISR(INT0_vect, ISR_NAKED) { // vertical sync interrupt asm("jmp int_vertical_sync"); } ISR(INT1_vect, ISR_NAKED) { // horizontal sync interrupt asm("jmp int_horizontal_sync"); } ISR(TIMER0_COMPA_vect, ISR_NAKED) { // back porch timer interrupt asm("jmp int_timer_0"); } // external assembly main loop void main_asm(void); int main() { // port B, pin 4 and 5 as output, others as input DDRB |= 0x30; // set interrupt vectors at address 0x0, not bootloader // timing is important, see atmel datasheet _SFR_IO8(MCUCR) = (1 << IVCE); _SFR_IO8(MCUCR) = 0; EICRA = 0x0a; // external interrupt 0 and 1, falling edge EIMSK = 0x03; // external interrupt 0 and 1, mask enable TCCR0A = 0x02; // don't connect output pins to timer, CTC[1:0] mode TCCR0B = 0x01; // CTC[2] mode, no prescaler main_asm(); }