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* GDevelop JS Platform
* Copyright 2013-2016 Florian Rival ( All rights reserved.
* This project is released under the MIT License.
* Polygon represents a polygon which can be used to create collisions masks for RuntimeObject.
* @memberof gdjs
* @class Polygon
gdjs.Polygon = function()
* The vertices of the polygon
* @member {Array}
this.vertices = [];
* The edges of the polygon. This property is only valid after calling
* computeEdges, and remains valid until vertices are modified.
* @member {Array}
this.edges = [];
* The center of the polygon. This property is only valid after calling
* computeCenter, and remains valid until vertices are modified.
* @member {Array}
*/ = [0,0];
gdjs.Polygon.prototype.move = function(x,y) {
for(var i = 0, len = this.vertices.length;i<len;++i) {
this.vertices[i][0] += x;
this.vertices[i][1] += y;
gdjs.Polygon.prototype.rotate = function(angle) {
var t, cosa = Math.cos(-angle),
sina = Math.sin(-angle); //We want a clockwise rotation
for (var i = 0, len = this.vertices.length;i<len;++i) {
t = this.vertices[i][0];
this.vertices[i][0] = t*cosa + this.vertices[i][1]*sina;
this.vertices[i][1] = -t*sina + this.vertices[i][1]*cosa;
gdjs.Polygon.prototype.computeEdges = function() {
var v1, v2;
//Ensure edge array has the right size. ( And avoid recreating an edge array ).
while ( this.edges.length < this.vertices.length ) {
if ( this.edges.length != this.vertices.length )
this.edges.length = this.vertices.length;
for (var i = 0, len = this.vertices.length;i<len;++i) {
v1 = this.vertices[i];
if ((i + 1) >= len) v2 = this.vertices[0];
else v2 = this.vertices[i + 1];
this.edges[i][0] = v2[0] - v1[0];
this.edges[i][1] = v2[1] - v1[1];
gdjs.Polygon.prototype.isConvex = function() {
var edgesLen = this.edges.length;
if ( edgesLen < 3 ) {
return false;
var zProductIsPositive = (this.edges[0][0]*this.edges[0+1][1] - this.edges[0][1]*this.edges[0+1][0]) > 0;
for (var i = 1;i<edgesLen-1;++i) {
var zCrossProduct = this.edges[i][0]*this.edges[i+1][1] - this.edges[i][1]*this.edges[i+1][0];
if ( (zCrossProduct > 0) !== zProductIsPositive ) return false;
var lastZCrossProduct = this.edges[edgesLen-1][0]*this.edges[0][1] - this.edges[edgesLen-1][1]*this.edges[0][0];
if ( (lastZCrossProduct > 0) !== zProductIsPositive ) return false;
return true;
gdjs.Polygon.prototype.computeCenter = function() {[0] = 0;[1] = 0;
var len = this.vertices.length;
for (var i = 0;i<len;++i) {[0] += this.vertices[i][0];[1] += this.vertices[i][1];
}[0] /= len;[1] /= len;
gdjs.Polygon.createRectangle = function(width, height) {
var rect = new gdjs.Polygon();
rect.vertices.push([-width/2.0, -height/2.0]);
rect.vertices.push([+width/2.0, -height/2.0]);
rect.vertices.push([+width/2.0, +height/2.0]);
rect.vertices.push([-width/2.0, +height/2.0]);
return rect;
* Do a collision test between two polygons.
* Please note that polygons must *convexes*!
* Uses <a href="">Separating Axis Theorem </a>.<br>
* Based on <a href="">this</a>
* and <a href="">this</a> article.
* @return {{collision: boolean, move_axis: Array<number>}} returnValue.collision is equal to true if polygons are overlapping
* @param {gdjs.Polygon} p1 The first polygon
* @param {gdjs.Polygon} p2 The second polygon
* @param {boolean | undefined} ignoreTouchingEdges If true, then edges that are touching each other, without the polygons actually overlapping, won't be considered in collision.
gdjs.Polygon.collisionTest = function(p1, p2, ignoreTouchingEdges) {
//Algorithm core :
var edge = gdjs.Polygon.collisionTest._statics.edge;
var move_axis = gdjs.Polygon.collisionTest._statics.move_axis;
var result = gdjs.Polygon.collisionTest._statics.result;
var minDist = Number.MAX_VALUE;
edge[0] = 0;
edge[1] = 0;
edge[0] = 0;
edge[1] = 0;
result.collision = false;
result.move_axis[0] = 0;
result.move_axis[1] = 0;
//Iterate over all the edges composing the polygons
for (var i = 0, len1 = p1.vertices.length, len2 = p2.vertices.length; i < len1+len2; i++) {
if (i < len1) { // or <=
edge = p1.edges[i];
} else {
edge = p2.edges[i - len1];
var axis = gdjs.Polygon.collisionTest._statics.axis; //Get the axis to which polygons will be projected
axis[0] = -edge[1];
axis[1] = edge[0];
var minMaxA = gdjs.Polygon.collisionTest._statics.minMaxA;
var minMaxB = gdjs.Polygon.collisionTest._statics.minMaxB;
gdjs.Polygon.project(axis, p1, minMaxA); //Do projection on the axis.
gdjs.Polygon.project(axis, p2, minMaxB);
//If the projections on the axis do not overlap, then their is no collision
var dist = gdjs.Polygon.distance(minMaxA[0], minMaxA[1], minMaxB[0], minMaxB[1]);
if (dist > 0 || (dist === 0 && ignoreTouchingEdges)) {
result.collision = false;
result.move_axis[0] = 0;
result.move_axis[1] = 0;
return result;
var absDist = Math.abs(dist);
if (absDist < minDist) {
minDist = absDist;
move_axis[0] = axis[0];
move_axis[1] = axis[1];
result.collision = true;
//Ensure move axis is correctly oriented.
var p1Center = p1.computeCenter();
var p2Center = p2.computeCenter();
var d = [p1Center[0]-p2Center[0], p1Center[1]-p2Center[1]];
if (gdjs.Polygon.dotProduct(d, move_axis) < 0) {
move_axis[0] = -move_axis[0];
move_axis[1] = -move_axis[1];
//Add the magnitude to the move axis.
result.move_axis[0] = move_axis[0] * minDist;
result.move_axis[1] = move_axis[1] * minDist;
return result;
//Arrays and data structure that are (re)used by gdjs.Polygon.collisionTest to
//avoid any allocation.
gdjs.Polygon.collisionTest._statics = {
minMaxA: [0,0],
minMaxB: [0,0],
edge: [0,0],
axis: [0,0],
move_axis: [0,0],
result: {
* Do a raycast test.<br>
* Please note that the polygon must be <b>convex</b>!
* For some theory, check <a href="">Find the Intersection Point of Two Line Segments</a>.
* @param {gdjs.Polygon} poly The polygon to test
* @param {number} startX The raycast start point X
* @param {number} startY The raycast start point Y
* @param {number} endX The raycast end point X
* @param {number} endY The raycast end point Y
* @return A raycast result with the contact points and distances
gdjs.Polygon.raycastTest = function(poly, startX, startY, endX, endY)
var result = gdjs.Polygon.raycastTest._statics.result;
result.collision = false;
if ( poly.vertices.length < 2 )
return result;
var p = gdjs.Polygon.raycastTest._statics.p;
var q = gdjs.Polygon.raycastTest._statics.q;
var r = gdjs.Polygon.raycastTest._statics.r;
var s = gdjs.Polygon.raycastTest._statics.s;
var minSqDist = Number.MAX_VALUE;
// Ray segment: p + t*r, with p = start and r = end - start
p[0] = startX;
p[1] = startY;
r[0] = endX - startX;
r[1] = endY - startY;
for(var i=0; i<poly.edges.length; i++)
// Edge segment: q + u*s
q[0] = poly.vertices[i][0];
q[1] = poly.vertices[i][1];
s[0] = poly.edges[i][0];
s[1] = poly.edges[i][1];
var deltaQP = gdjs.Polygon.raycastTest._statics.deltaQP;
deltaQP[0] = q[0] - p[0];
deltaQP[1] = q[1] - p[1];
var crossRS = gdjs.Polygon.crossProduct(r, s);
var t = gdjs.Polygon.crossProduct(deltaQP, s) / crossRS;
var u = gdjs.Polygon.crossProduct(deltaQP, r) / crossRS;
// Collinear
if ( Math.abs(crossRS) <= 0.0001 && Math.abs(gdjs.Polygon.crossProduct(deltaQP, r)) <= 0.0001 )
// Project the ray and the edge to work on floats, keeping linearity through t
var axis = gdjs.Polygon.raycastTest._statics.axis;
axis[0] = r[0];
axis[1] = r[1];
var rayA = 0;
var rayB = gdjs.Polygon.dotProduct(axis, r);
var edgeA = gdjs.Polygon.dotProduct(axis, deltaQP);
var edgeB = gdjs.Polygon.dotProduct(axis, [deltaQP[0] + s[0], deltaQP[1] + s[1]]);
// Get overlapping range
var minOverlap = Math.max(Math.min(rayA, rayB), Math.min(edgeA, edgeB));
var maxOverlap = Math.min(Math.max(rayA, rayB), Math.max(edgeA, edgeB));
if( minOverlap > maxOverlap ){
return result;
result.collision = true;
// Zero distance ray
if( rayB === 0 ){
result.closeX = startX;
result.closeY = startY;
result.closeSqDist = 0;
result.farX = startX;
result.farY = startY;
result.farSqDist = 0;
var t1 = minOverlap / Math.abs(rayB);
var t2 = maxOverlap / Math.abs(rayB);
result.closeX = startX + t1*r[0];
result.closeY = startY + t1*r[1];
result.closeSqDist = t1*t1*(r[0]*r[0] + r[1]*r[1]);
result.farX = startX + t2*r[0];
result.farY = startY + t2*r[1];
result.farSqDist = t2*t2*(r[0]*r[0] + r[1]*r[1]);
return result;
// One point intersection
else if ( crossRS !== 0 && 0<=t && t<=1 && 0<=u && u<=1 )
var x = p[0] + t*r[0];
var y = p[1] + t*r[1];
var sqDist = (x-startX)*(x-startX) + (y-startY)*(y-startY);
if ( sqDist < minSqDist )
if ( !result.collision ){
result.farX = x;
result.farY = y;
result.farSqDist = sqDist;
minSqDist = sqDist;
result.closeX = x;
result.closeY = y;
result.closeSqDist = sqDist;
result.collision = true;
result.farX = x;
result.farY = y;
result.farSqDist = sqDist;
return result;
gdjs.Polygon.raycastTest._statics = {
p: [0,0],
q: [0,0],
r: [0,0],
s: [0,0],
deltaQP: [0,0],
axis: [0,0],
result: {
collision: false,
closeX: 0,
closeY: 0,
closeSqDist: 0,
farX: 0,
farY: 0,
farSqDist: 0
//Tools functions :
gdjs.Polygon.normalise = function(v)
var len = Math.sqrt(v[0]*v[0] + v[1]*v[1]);
if (len != 0) {
v[0] /= len;
v[1] /= len;
gdjs.Polygon.dotProduct = function(a, b)
var dp = a[0]*b[0] + a[1]*b[1];
return dp;
gdjs.Polygon.crossProduct = function(a, b)
var cp = a[0]*b[1] - a[1]*b[0];
return cp;
gdjs.Polygon.project = function(axis, p, result)
var dp = gdjs.Polygon.dotProduct(axis, p.vertices[0]);
result[0] = dp;
result[1] = dp;
for (var i = 1, len = p.vertices.length; i < len; ++i) {
dp = gdjs.Polygon.dotProduct(axis, p.vertices[i]);
if (dp < result[0])
result[0] = dp;
else if (dp > result[1])
result[1] = dp;
gdjs.Polygon.distance = function(minA, maxA, minB, maxB)
if (minA < minB) return minB - maxA;
else return minA - maxB;
* Check if a point is inside a polygon.
* Uses <a href="">PNPOLY</a> by W. Randolph Franklin.
* @param {gdjs.Polygon} poly The polygon to test
* @param {number} x The point x coordinate
* @param {number} y The point y coordinate
* @return {boolean} true if the point is inside the polygon
gdjs.Polygon.isPointInside = function(poly, x, y)
var inside = false;
var vi, vj;
for (var i = 0, j = poly.vertices.length-1; i < poly.vertices.length; j = i++) {
vi = poly.vertices[i];
vj = poly.vertices[j];
if ( ((vi[1]>y) != (vj[1]>y)) && (x < (vj[0]-vi[0]) * (y-vi[1]) / (vj[1]-vi[1]) + vi[0]) )
inside = !inside;
return inside;