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* GDevelop JS Platform
* Copyright 2013-2016 Florian Rival ( All rights reserved.
* This project is released under the MIT License.
* The runtimeScene object represents a scene being played and rendered in the browser in a canvas.
* @class RuntimeScene
* @memberof gdjs
* @param {gdjs.RuntimeGame} runtimeGame The game associated to this scene.
gdjs.RuntimeScene = function(runtimeGame)
this._eventsFunction = null;
this._instances = new Hashtable(); //Contains the instances living on the scene
this._instancesCache = new Hashtable(); //Used to recycle destroyed instance instead of creating new ones.
this._objects = new Hashtable(); //Contains the objects data stored in the project
this._objectsCtor = new Hashtable();
this._layers = new Hashtable();
this._initialBehaviorSharedData = new Hashtable();
this._renderer = new gdjs.RuntimeSceneRenderer(this,
runtimeGame ? runtimeGame.getRenderer() : null);
this._variables = new gdjs.VariablesContainer();
this._runtimeGame = runtimeGame;
this._lastId = 0;
this._name = "";
this._timeManager = new gdjs.TimeManager(;
this._gameStopRequested = false;
this._requestedScene = "";
this._isLoaded = false; // True if loadFromScene was called and the scene is being played.
this._isJustResumed = false; // True in the first frame after resuming the paused scene
/** @type gdjs.RuntimeObject[] */
this._allInstancesList = []; //An array used to create a list of all instance when necessary ( see _constructListOfAllInstances )
/** @type gdjs.RuntimeObject[] */
this._instancesRemoved = []; //The instances removed from the scene and waiting to be sent to the cache.
/** @type gdjs.Profiler */
this._profiler = null; // Set to `new gdjs.Profiler()` to have profiling done on the scene.
this._onProfilerStopped = null; // The callback function to call when the profiler is stopped.
* Should be called when the canvas where the scene is rendered has been resized.
* See gdjs.RuntimeGame.startGameLoop in particular.
* @memberof gdjs.RuntimeScene
gdjs.RuntimeScene.prototype.onGameResolutionResized = function() {
for(var name in this._layers.items) {
if (this._layers.items.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
/** @type gdjs.Layer */
var theLayer = this._layers.items[name];
* Load the runtime scene from the given scene.
* @param {Object} sceneData An object containing the scene data.
* @see gdjs.RuntimeGame#getSceneData
gdjs.RuntimeScene.prototype.loadFromScene = function(sceneData) {
if ( sceneData === undefined ) {
console.error("loadFromScene was called without a scene");
if ( this._isLoaded ) this.unloadScene();
//Setup main properties
if (this._runtimeGame) this._runtimeGame.getRenderer().setWindowTitle(sceneData.title);
this._name =;
this.setBackgroundColor(parseInt(sceneData.r, 10),
parseInt(sceneData.v, 10),
parseInt(sceneData.b, 10));
//Load layers
for(var i = 0, len = sceneData.layers.length;i<len;++i) {
var layerData = sceneData.layers[i];
this._layers.put(, new gdjs.Layer(layerData, this));
//console.log("Created layer : \""+name+"\".");
//Load variables
this._variables = new gdjs.VariablesContainer(sceneData.variables);
//Cache the initial shared data of the behaviors
for(var i = 0, len = sceneData.behaviorsSharedData.length;i<len;++i) {
var data = sceneData.behaviorsSharedData[i];
//console.log("Initializing shared data for ";
this._initialBehaviorSharedData.put(, data);
var that = this;
function loadObject(objData) {
var objectName =;
var objectType = objData.type;
that._objects.put(objectName, objData);
that._instances.put(objectName, []); //Also reserve an array for the instances
that._instancesCache.put(objectName, []); //and for cached instances
//And cache the constructor for the performance sake:
that._objectsCtor.put(objectName, gdjs.getObjectConstructor(objectType));
//Load objects: Global objects first...
var initialGlobalObjectsData = this.getGame().getInitialObjectsData();
for(var i = 0, len = initialGlobalObjectsData.length;i<len;++i) {
//...then the scene objects
this._initialObjectsData = sceneData.objects;
for(var i = 0, len = this._initialObjectsData.length;i<len;++i) {
//Create initial instances of objects
this.createObjectsFrom(sceneData.instances, 0, 0);
//Set up the function to be executed at each tick
var module = gdjs[sceneData.mangledName+"Code"];
if ( module && module.func )
this._eventsFunction = module.func;
else {
console.log("Warning: no function found for running logic of scene " + this._name);
this._eventsFunction = (function() {});
this._onceTriggers = new gdjs.OnceTriggers();
// Notify the global callbacks
if (this._runtimeGame && !this._runtimeGame.wasFirstSceneLoaded()) {
for(var i = 0;i<gdjs.callbacksFirstRuntimeSceneLoaded.length;++i) {
for(var i = 0;i<gdjs.callbacksRuntimeSceneLoaded.length;++i) {
if (sceneData.stopSoundsOnStartup && this._runtimeGame)
this._isLoaded = true;
* Called when a scene is "paused", i.e it will be not be rendered again
* for some time, until it's resumed or unloaded.
gdjs.RuntimeScene.prototype.onPause = function() {
for(var i = 0;i < gdjs.callbacksRuntimeScenePaused.length;++i) {
* Called when a scene is "resumed", i.e it will be rendered again
* on screen after having being paused.
gdjs.RuntimeScene.prototype.onResume = function() {
this._isJustResumed = true;
for(var i = 0;i < gdjs.callbacksRuntimeSceneResumed.length;++i) {
* Called before a scene is removed from the stack of scenes
* rendered on the screen.
gdjs.RuntimeScene.prototype.unloadScene = function() {
if ( !this._isLoaded ) return;
if (this._profiler) this.stopProfiler();
// Notify the global callbacks (which should not release resources yet,
// as other callbacks might still refer to the objects/scene).
for(var i = 0;i < gdjs.callbacksRuntimeSceneUnloading.length;++i) {
// Notify the objects they are being destroyed
for(var i = 0, len = this._allInstancesList.length;i<len;++i) {
var object = this._allInstancesList[i];
// Notify the renderer
if (this._renderer && this._renderer.onSceneUnloaded)
// Notify the global callbacks (after notifying objects and renderer, because
// callbacks from extensions might want to free resources - which can't be done
// safely before destroying objects and the renderer).
for(var i = 0;i < gdjs.callbacksRuntimeSceneUnloaded.length;++i) {
// It should not be necessary to reset these variables, but this help
// ensuring that all memory related to the RuntimeScene is released immediately.
this._layers = new Hashtable();
this._variables = new gdjs.VariablesContainer();
this._initialBehaviorSharedData = new Hashtable();
this._objects = new Hashtable();
this._instances = new Hashtable();
this._instancesCache = new Hashtable();
this._initialObjectsData = null;
this._eventsFunction = null;
this._objectsCtor = new Hashtable();
this._allInstancesList = [];
this._instancesRemoved = [];
this._lastId = 0;
this._onceTriggers = null;
this._isLoaded = false;
* Create objects from initial instances data ( for example, the initial instances
* of the scene or from an external layout ).
* @param {Object} data The instances data
* @param {number} xPos The offset on X axis
* @param {number} yPos The offset on Y axis
gdjs.RuntimeScene.prototype.createObjectsFrom = function(data, xPos, yPos) {
for(var i = 0, len = data.length;i<len;++i) {
var instanceData = data[i];
var objectName =;
var newObject = this.createObject(objectName);
if ( newObject !== null ) {
newObject.setPosition(parseFloat(instanceData.x) + xPos, parseFloat(instanceData.y) + yPos);
newObject.getVariables().initFrom(instanceData.initialVariables, true);
* Set the function called each time the scene is stepped.
* The function will be passed the `runtimeScene` as argument.
* Note that this is already set up by the gdjs.RuntimeScene constructor and that you should
* not need to use this method.
* @param {Function} func The function to be called.
gdjs.RuntimeScene.prototype.setEventsFunction = function(func) {
this._eventsFunction = func;
* Step and render the scene.
* @return {boolean} true if the game loop should continue, false if a scene change/push/pop
* or a game stop was requested.
gdjs.RuntimeScene.prototype.renderAndStep = function(elapsedTime) {
if (this._profiler) this._profiler.beginFrame();
this._requestedChange = gdjs.RuntimeScene.CONTINUE;
this._timeManager.update(elapsedTime, this._runtimeGame.getMinimalFramerate());
if (this._profiler) this._profiler.begin("objects (pre-events)");
if (this._profiler) this._profiler.end("objects (pre-events)");
if (this._profiler) this._profiler.begin("callbacks and extensions (pre-events)");
for(var i = 0;i < gdjs.callbacksRuntimeScenePreEvents.length;++i) {
if (this._profiler) this._profiler.end("callbacks and extensions (pre-events)");
if (this._profiler) this._profiler.begin("events");
if (this._profiler) this._profiler.end("events");
if (this._profiler) this._profiler.begin("objects (post-events)");
if (this._profiler) this._profiler.end("objects (post-events)");
if (this._profiler) this._profiler.begin("callbacks and extensions (post-events)");
for(var i = 0;i < gdjs.callbacksRuntimeScenePostEvents.length;++i) {
if (this._profiler) this._profiler.end("callbacks and extensions (post-events)");
if (this._profiler) this._profiler.begin("objects (visibility)");
if (this._profiler) this._profiler.end("objects (visibility)");
if (this._profiler) this._profiler.begin("layers (effects update)");
if (this._profiler) this._profiler.end("layers (effects update)");
if (this._profiler) this._profiler.begin("render");
// Uncomment to enable debug rendering (look for the implementation in the renderer
// to see what is rendered)
// if (this._layersCameraCoordinates) {
// this.getRenderer().renderDebugDraw(this._allInstancesList, this._layersCameraCoordinates); //TODO
// }
this._isJustResumed = false;
if (this._profiler) this._profiler.end("render");
if (this._profiler) this._profiler.endFrame();
return !!this.getRequestedChange();
* Render the PIXI container associated to the runtimeScene.
gdjs.RuntimeScene.prototype.render = function() {
gdjs.RuntimeScene.prototype._updateLayersCameraCoordinates = function() {
this._layersCameraCoordinates = this._layersCameraCoordinates || {};
for(var name in this._layers.items) {
if (this._layers.items.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
var theLayer = this._layers.items[name];
this._layersCameraCoordinates[name] = this._layersCameraCoordinates[name] ||
this._layersCameraCoordinates[name][0] = theLayer.getCameraX() - theLayer.getCameraWidth();
this._layersCameraCoordinates[name][1] = theLayer.getCameraY() - theLayer.getCameraHeight();
this._layersCameraCoordinates[name][2] = theLayer.getCameraX() + theLayer.getCameraWidth();
this._layersCameraCoordinates[name][3] = theLayer.getCameraY() + theLayer.getCameraHeight();
gdjs.RuntimeScene.prototype._updateLayers = function() {
for(var name in this._layers.items) {
if (this._layers.items.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
/** @type gdjs.Layer */
var theLayer = this._layers.items[name];
* Called to update visibility of PIXI.DisplayObject of objects
* rendered on the scene.
* Visibility is set to false if object is hidden, or if
* object is too far from the camera of its layer ("culling").
* @private
gdjs.RuntimeScene.prototype._updateObjectsVisibility = function() {
if (this._timeManager.isFirstFrame()) {
for( var i = 0, len = this._allInstancesList.length;i<len;++i) {
var object = this._allInstancesList[i];
var rendererObject = object.getRendererObject();
if (rendererObject)
object.getRendererObject().visible = !object.isHidden();
} else {
//After first frame, optimise rendering by setting only objects
//near camera as visible.
for( var i = 0, len = this._allInstancesList.length;i<len;++i) {
var object = this._allInstancesList[i];
var cameraCoords = this._layersCameraCoordinates[object.getLayer()];
var rendererObject = object.getRendererObject();
if (!cameraCoords || !rendererObject) continue;
if (object.isHidden()) {
rendererObject.visible = false;
} else {
var aabb = object.getVisibilityAABB();
if (aabb && // If no AABB is returned, the object should always be visible
(aabb.min[0] > cameraCoords[2] || aabb.min[1] > cameraCoords[3] ||
aabb.max[0] < cameraCoords[0] || aabb.max[1] < cameraCoords[1])) {
rendererObject.visible = false;
} else {
rendererObject.visible = true;
* Empty the list of the removed objects:<br>
* When an object is removed from the scene, it is still kept in the _instancesRemoved member
* of the RuntimeScene.<br>
* This method should be called regularly (after events or behaviors steps) so as to clear this list
* and allows the removed objects to be cached (or destroyed if the cache is full).<br>
* The removed objects could not be sent directly to the cache, as events may still be using them after
* removing them from the scene for example.
* @private
gdjs.RuntimeScene.prototype._cacheOrClearRemovedInstances = function() {
for(var k =0, lenk=this._instancesRemoved.length;k<lenk;++k) {
//Cache the instance to recycle it into a new instance later.
var cache = this._instancesCache.get(this._instancesRemoved[k].getName());
if ( cache.length < 128 ) cache.push(this._instancesRemoved[k]);
this._instancesRemoved.length = 0;
* Tool function filling _allInstancesList member with all the living object instances.
* @private
gdjs.RuntimeScene.prototype._constructListOfAllInstances = function() {
var currentListSize = 0;
for (var name in this._instances.items) {
if (this._instances.items.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
var list = this._instances.items[name];
var oldSize = currentListSize;
currentListSize += list.length;
for(var j = 0, lenj = list.length;j<lenj;++j) {
if (oldSize+j < this._allInstancesList.length)
this._allInstancesList[oldSize+j] = list[j];
this._allInstancesList.length = currentListSize;
* Update the objects before launching the events.
* @private
gdjs.RuntimeScene.prototype._updateObjectsPreEvents = function() {
//It is *mandatory* to create and iterate on a external list of all objects, as the behaviors
//may delete the objects.
for( var i = 0, len = this._allInstancesList.length;i<len;++i) {
var obj = this._allInstancesList[i];
var elapsedTime = obj.getElapsedTime(this);
if (!obj.hasNoForces()) {
var averageForce = obj.getAverageForce();
var elapsedTimeInSeconds = elapsedTime / 1000;
obj.setX(obj.getX() + averageForce.getX() * elapsedTimeInSeconds);
obj.setY(obj.getY() + averageForce.getY() * elapsedTimeInSeconds);
} else {
this._cacheOrClearRemovedInstances(); //Some behaviors may have request objects to be deleted.
* Update the objects (update positions, time management...)
* @private
gdjs.RuntimeScene.prototype._updateObjectsPostEvents = function() {
//It is *mandatory* to create and iterate on a external list of all objects, as the behaviors
//may delete the objects.
for( var i = 0, len = this._allInstancesList.length;i<len;++i) {
this._cacheOrClearRemovedInstances(); //Some behaviors may have request objects to be deleted.
* Change the background color
gdjs.RuntimeScene.prototype.setBackgroundColor = function(r,g,b) {
this._backgroundColor = parseInt(gdjs.rgbToHex(r,g,b),16);
gdjs.RuntimeScene.prototype.getBackgroundColor = function() {
return this._backgroundColor;
* Get the name of the scene.
gdjs.RuntimeScene.prototype.getName = function() {
return this._name;
* Update the objects positions according to their forces
gdjs.RuntimeScene.prototype.updateObjectsForces = function() {
for (var name in this._instances.items) {
if (this._instances.items.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
var list = this._instances.items[name];
for(var j = 0, listLen = list.length;j<listLen;++j) {
var obj = list[j];
if (!obj.hasNoForces()) {
var averageForce = obj.getAverageForce();
var elapsedTimeInSeconds = obj.getElapsedTime(this) / 1000;
obj.setX(obj.getX() + averageForce.getX() * elapsedTimeInSeconds);
obj.setY(obj.getY() + averageForce.getY() * elapsedTimeInSeconds);
* Add an object to the instances living on the scene.
* @param obj The object to be added.
gdjs.RuntimeScene.prototype.addObject = function(obj) {
if ( !this._instances.containsKey( ) {
console.log("RuntimeScene.addObject: No objects called \"""\"! Adding it.");
this._instances.put(, []);
* Get all the instances of the object called name.
* @param {string} name Name of the object for which the instances must be returned.
* @return {gdjs.RuntimeObject[]} The list of objects with the given name
gdjs.RuntimeScene.prototype.getObjects = function(name){
if ( !this._instances.containsKey(name) ) {
console.log("RuntimeScene.getObjects: No instances called \""+name+"\"! Adding it.");
this._instances.put(name, []);
return this._instances.get(name);
* Create a new object from its name. The object is also added to the instances
* living on the scene ( No need to call RuntimeScene.addObject )
* @param {string} objectName The name of the object to be created
* @return {gdjs.RuntimeObject} The created object
gdjs.RuntimeScene.prototype.createObject = function(objectName){
if ( !this._objectsCtor.containsKey(objectName) ||
!this._objects.containsKey(objectName) )
return null; //There is no such object in this scene.
//Create a new object using the object constructor ( cached during loading )
//and the stored object's data:
var cache = this._instancesCache.get(objectName);
var ctor = this._objectsCtor.get(objectName);
var obj = null;
if ( cache.length === 0 ) {
obj = new ctor(this, this._objects.get(objectName));
else {
//Reuse an objet destroyed before:
obj = cache.pop();, this, this._objects.get(objectName));
return obj;
* Must be called whenever an object must be removed from the scene.
* @param {gdjs.RuntimeObject} object The object to be removed.
gdjs.RuntimeScene.prototype.markObjectForDeletion = function(obj) {
//Add to the objects removed list.
//The objects will be sent to the instances cache or really deleted from memory later.
if ( this._instancesRemoved.indexOf(obj) === -1 ) this._instancesRemoved.push(obj);
//Delete from the living instances.
if ( this._instances.containsKey(obj.getName()) ) {
var objId =;
var allInstances = this._instances.get(obj.getName());
for(var i = 0, len = allInstances.length;i<len;++i) {
if (allInstances[i].id == objId) {
//Notify the object it was removed from the scene
// Notify the global callbacks
for(var j = 0;j<gdjs.callbacksObjectDeletedFromScene.length;++j) {
gdjs.callbacksObjectDeletedFromScene[j](this, obj);
* Create an identifier for a new object of the scene.
gdjs.RuntimeScene.prototype.createNewUniqueId = function() {
return this._lastId;
* Get the renderer associated to the RuntimeScene.
gdjs.RuntimeScene.prototype.getRenderer = function() {
return this._renderer;
* Get the runtimeGame associated to the RuntimeScene.
gdjs.RuntimeScene.prototype.getGame = function() {
return this._runtimeGame;
* Get the variables of the runtimeScene.
* @return The container holding the variables of the scene.
gdjs.RuntimeScene.prototype.getVariables = function() {
return this._variables;
* Get the data representing the initial shared data of the scene for the specified behavior.
* @param {string} name The name of the behavior
gdjs.RuntimeScene.prototype.getInitialSharedDataForBehavior = function(name) {
if ( this._initialBehaviorSharedData.containsKey(name) ) {
return this._initialBehaviorSharedData.get(name);
console.error("Can't find shared data for behavior with name:", name);
return null;
* Get the layer with the given name
* @param {string} name The name of the layer
* @returns {gdjs.Layer} The layer, or the base layer if not found
gdjs.RuntimeScene.prototype.getLayer = function(name) {
if ( this._layers.containsKey(name) )
return this._layers.get(name);
return this._layers.get("");
* Check if a layer exists
* @param {string} name The name of the layer
gdjs.RuntimeScene.prototype.hasLayer = function(name) {
return this._layers.containsKey(name);
gdjs.RuntimeScene.prototype.getAllLayerNames = function(result) {
* Get the TimeManager of the scene.
* @return {gdjs.TimeManager} The gdjs.TimeManager of the scene.
gdjs.RuntimeScene.prototype.getTimeManager = function() {
return this._timeManager;
* Shortcut to get the SoundManager of the game.
* @return {gdjs.SoundManager} The gdjs.SoundManager of the game.
gdjs.RuntimeScene.prototype.getSoundManager = function() {
return this._runtimeGame.getSoundManager();
//The flags to describe the change request by a scene:
gdjs.RuntimeScene.CONTINUE = 0;
gdjs.RuntimeScene.PUSH_SCENE = 1;
gdjs.RuntimeScene.POP_SCENE = 2;
gdjs.RuntimeScene.REPLACE_SCENE = 3;
gdjs.RuntimeScene.CLEAR_SCENES = 4;
gdjs.RuntimeScene.STOP_GAME = 5;
* Return the value of the scene change that is requested.
gdjs.RuntimeScene.prototype.getRequestedChange = function() {
return this._requestedChange;
* Return the name of the new scene to be launched.
* See requestChange.
gdjs.RuntimeScene.prototype.getRequestedScene = function() {
return this._requestedScene;
* Request a scene change to be made. The change is handled externally (see gdjs.SceneStack)
* thanks to getRequestedChange and getRequestedScene methods.
* @param {string} sceneName The name of the new scene to launch, if applicable.
gdjs.RuntimeScene.prototype.requestChange = function(change, sceneName) {
this._requestedChange = change;
this._requestedScene = sceneName;
* Get the profiler associated with the scene, or null if none.
gdjs.RuntimeScene.prototype.getProfiler = function() {
return this._profiler;
* Start a new profiler to measures the time passed in sections of the engine
* in the scene.
* @param {Function} onProfilerStopped Function to be called when the profiler is stopped. Will be passed the profiler as argument.
gdjs.RuntimeScene.prototype.startProfiler = function(onProfilerStopped) {
if (this._profiler) return;
this._profiler = new gdjs.Profiler();
this._onProfilerStopped = onProfilerStopped;
* Stop the profiler being run on the scene.
gdjs.RuntimeScene.prototype.stopProfiler = function() {
if (!this._profiler) return null;
var oldProfiler = this._profiler;
var onProfilerStopped = this._onProfilerStopped;
this._profiler = null;
this._onProfilerStopped = null;
if (onProfilerStopped) {
* Get the structure containing the triggers for "Trigger once" conditions.
gdjs.RuntimeScene.prototype.getOnceTriggers = function() {
return this._onceTriggers;
* Get a list of all gdjs.RuntimeObject living on the scene.
* You should not, normally, need this method at all. It's only to be used
* in exceptional use cases where you need to loop through all objects,
* and it won't be performant.
* @returns {gdjs.RuntimeObject[]} The list of all runtime objects on the scnee
gdjs.RuntimeScene.prototype.getAdhocListOfAllInstances = function() {
return this._allInstancesList;
* Check if the scene was just resumed.
* This is true during the first frame after the scene has been unpaused.
* @returns {boolean} true if the scene was just resumed
gdjs.RuntimeScene.prototype.sceneJustResumed = function() {
return this._isJustResumed;