2018-11-12 11:38:17 +01:00

277 lines
9.7 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
import re
import os
import fileinput
import math
import yaml
import pandas as pd
from pandas import *
from pylab import *
from datetime import *
from collections import OrderedDict
from IPython import embed
import matplotlib as mpl
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', 48)
pd.set_option('display.width', None)
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None)
networkFormationTime = None
parents = {}
def calculateHops(node):
hops = 0
while(parents[node] != None):
node = parents[node]
hops += 1
# safeguard, in case of scrambled logs
if hops > 50:
return hops
return hops
def calculateChildren(node):
children = 0
for n in parents.keys():
if(parents[n] == node):
children += 1
return children
def updateTopology(child, parent):
global parents
if not child in parents:
parents[child] = {}
if not parent in parents:
parents[parent] = None
parents[child] = parent
def parseRPL(log):
res = re.compile('.*? rank (\d*).*?dioint (\d*).*?nbr count (\d*)').match(log)
if res:
rank = int(
trickle = (2**int(*1000.)
nbrCount = int(
return {'event': 'rank', 'rank': rank, 'trickle': trickle }
res = re.compile('parent switch: .*? -> .*?-(\d*)$').match(log)
if res:
parent = int(
return {'event': 'switch', 'pswitch': parent }
res = re.compile('sending a (.+?) ').match(log)
if res:
message =
return {'event': 'sending', 'message': message }
res = re.compile('links: 6G-(\d+)\s*to 6G-(\d+)').match(log)
if res:
child = int(
parent = int(
updateTopology(child, parent)
return None
res = re.compile('links: end of list').match(log)
if res:
# This was the last line, commit full topology
return {'event': 'topology' }
res = re.compile('initialized DAG').match(log)
if res:
return {'event': 'DAGinit' }
return None
def parseEnergest(log):
res = re.compile('Radio Tx\s*:\s*(\d*)/\s*(\d+)').match(log)
if res:
tx = float(
total = float(
return {'channel-utilization': 100.*tx/total }
res = re.compile('Radio total\s*:\s*(\d*)/\s*(\d+)').match(log)
if res:
radio = float(
total = float(
return {'duty-cycle': 100.*radio/total }
return None
def parseApp(log):
res = re.compile('Sending (.+?) (\d+) to 6G-(\d+)').match(log)
if res:
type =
id = int(
dest = int(
return {'event': 'send', 'type': type, 'id': id, 'node': dest }
res = re.compile('Received (.+?) (\d+) from 6G-(\d+)').match(log)
if res:
type =
id = int(
src = int(
return {'event': 'recv', 'type': type, 'id': id, 'src': src }
return None
def parseLine(line):
res = re.compile('\s*([.\d]+)\\tID:(\d+)\\t\[(.*?):(.*?)\](.*)$').match(line)
if res:
time = float(
nodeid = int(
level =
module =
log =
return time, nodeid, level, module, log
return None, None, None, None, None
def doParse(file):
global networkFormationTime
time = None
lastPrintedTime = 0
arrays = {
"packets": [],
"energest": [],
"ranks": [],
"trickle": [],
"switches": [],
"DAGinits": [],
"topology": [],
# print("\nProcessing %s" %(file))
# Filter out non-printable chars from log file
os.system("cat %s | tr -dc '[:print:]\n\t' | sponge %s" %(file, file))
for line in open(file, 'r').readlines():
# match time, id, module, log; The common format for all log lines
time, nodeid, level, module, log = parseLine(line)
if time == None:
# malformed line
if time - lastPrintedTime >= 60:
# print("%u, "%(time / 60),end='', flush=True)
lastPrintedTime = time
entry = {
"timestamp": timedelta(seconds=time),
"node": nodeid,
if module == "App":
ret = parseApp(log)
if(ret != None):
if(ret['event'] == 'send' and ret['type'] == 'request'):
# populate series of sent requests
entry['pdr'] = 0.
if networkFormationTime == None:
networkFormationTime = time
elif(ret['event'] == 'recv' and ret['type'] == 'response'):
# update sent request series with latency and PDR
txElement = [x for x in arrays["packets"] if x['event']=='send' and x['id']==ret['id']][0]
txElement['latency'] = time - txElement['timestamp'].seconds
txElement['pdr'] = 100.
if module == "Energest":
ret = parseEnergest(log)
if(ret != None):
if module == "RPL":
ret = parseRPL(log)
if(ret != None):
if(ret['event'] == 'rank'):
elif(ret['event'] == 'switch'):
elif(ret['event'] == 'DAGinit'):
elif(ret['event'] == 'sending'):
if not ret['message'] in arrays:
arrays[ret['message']] = []
elif(ret['event'] == 'topology'):
for n in parents.keys():
nodeEntry = entry.copy()
nodeEntry["node"] = n
nodeEntry["hops"] = calculateHops(n)
nodeEntry["children"] = calculateChildren(n)
except: # typical exception: failed str conversion to int, due to lossy logs
print("Exception: %s" %(str(sys.exc_info()[0])))
# print("")
# Remove last few packets -- might be in-flight when test stopped
arrays["packets"] = arrays["packets"][0:-10]
dfs = {}
for key in arrays.keys():
if(len(arrays[key]) > 0):
df = DataFrame(arrays[key])
dfs[key] = df.set_index("timestamp")
return dfs
def outputStats(dfs, key, metric, agg, name, metricLabel = None):
if not key in dfs:
df = dfs[key]
perNode = getattr(df.groupby("node")[metric], agg)()
perTime = getattr(df.groupby([pd.Grouper(freq="2Min")])[metric], agg)()
print(" %s:" %(metricLabel if metricLabel != None else metric))
print(" name: %s" %(name))
print(" per-node:")
print(" x: [%s]" %(", ".join(["%u"%x for x in sort(df.node.unique())])))
print(" y: [%s]" %(', '.join(["%.4f"%(x) for x in perNode])))
print(" per-time:")
print(" x: [%s]" %(", ".join(["%u"%x for x in range(0, 2*len(df.groupby([pd.Grouper(freq="2Min")]).mean().index), 2)])))
print(" y: [%s]" %(', '.join(["%.4f"%(x) for x in perTime]).replace("nan", "null")))
def main():
if len(sys.argv) < 1:
file = sys.argv[1].rstrip('/')
# Parse the original log
dfs = doParse(file)
if len(dfs) == 0:
print(" pdr: %.4f" %(dfs["packets"]["pdr"].mean()))
print(" loss-rate: %.e" %(1-(dfs["packets"]["pdr"].mean()/100)))
print(" packets-sent: %u" %(dfs["packets"]["pdr"].count()))
print(" packets-received: %u" %(dfs["packets"]["pdr"].sum()/100))
print(" latency: %.4f" %(dfs["packets"]["latency"].mean()))
print(" duty-cycle: %.2f" %(dfs["energest"]["duty-cycle"].mean()))
print(" channel-utilization: %.2f" %(dfs["energest"]["channel-utilization"].mean()))
print(" network-formation-time: %.2f" %(networkFormationTime))
# Output relevant metrics
outputStats(dfs, "packets", "pdr", "mean", "Round-trip PDR (%)")
outputStats(dfs, "packets", "latency", "mean", "Round-trip latency (s)")
outputStats(dfs, "energest", "duty-cycle", "mean", "Radio duty cycle (%)")
outputStats(dfs, "energest", "channel-utilization", "mean", "Channel utilization (%)")
outputStats(dfs, "ranks", "rank", "mean", "RPL rank (ETX-128)")
outputStats(dfs, "switches", "pswitch", "count", "RPL parent switches (#)")
outputStats(dfs, "DAGinits", "event", "count", "RPL joining DAG (#)")
outputStats(dfs, "trickle", "trickle", "mean", "RPL Trickle period (min)")
outputStats(dfs, "DIS", "message", "count", "RPL DIS sent (#)", "rpl-dis")
outputStats(dfs, "unicast-DIO", "message", "count", "RPL uDIO sent (#)", "rpl-udio")
outputStats(dfs, "multicast-DIO", "message", "count", "RPL mDIO sent (#)", "rpl-mdio")
outputStats(dfs, "DAO", "message", "count", "RPL DAO sent (#)", "rpl-dao")
outputStats(dfs, "DAO-ACK", "message", "count", "RPL DAO-ACK sent (#)", "rpl-daoack")
outputStats(dfs, "topology", "hops", "mean", "RPL hop count (#)")
outputStats(dfs, "topology", "children", "mean", "RPL children count (#)")