
48 lines
1.4 KiB
Raw Normal View History

; Intro reset
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
jsr multicolorOff
2020-04-08 07:15:25 +00:00
jsr clearScreen
; Copy shade colors from costant table to color RAM for 2nd and 4th line of text
ldx #39
lda colorshade,x
sta $d828,x ; 2nd line
sta $d878,x ; 4th line
cpx #$ff
bne introresetColorShade
; Set screen colors
lda #0
sta $d020 ; overscan
sta $d021 ; center
; Print website
lda #<intro2string ; lsb of string address
2020-04-08 09:03:03 +00:00
sta srcStringPointer ; put into lsb of source pointer
lda #>intro2string ; do the same for msb of string address
2020-04-08 09:03:03 +00:00
sta srcStringPointer + 1 ; put into msb of source pointer
lda #$26 ; this is lsb of address of 20th line
2020-04-08 09:03:03 +00:00
sta dstScreenPointer ; put into lsb of dest pointer
lda #$07 ; do the same for msb of adress of 20th line
2020-04-08 09:03:03 +00:00
sta dstScreenPointer + 1 ; put into msb of dest pointer
jsr printString ; print
; Print Copyright
lda #<intro3string ; the assembly is the same as above,
2020-04-08 09:03:03 +00:00
sta srcStringPointer ; just change string to be printed
lda #>intro3string ; and line (21th line)
2020-04-08 09:03:03 +00:00
sta srcStringPointer + 1
lda #$58
2020-04-08 09:03:03 +00:00
sta dstScreenPointer
lda #$07
2020-04-08 09:03:03 +00:00
sta dstScreenPointer + 1
jsr printString